
class zfit.core.dimension.BaseDimensional[source]

Bases: zfit.core.interfaces.ZfitDimensional


Return the axes, integer based identifier(indices) for the coordinate system.


Return the number of observables, the dimensionality. Corresponds to the last dimension.


Return the observables, string identifier for the coordinate system.

zfit.core.dimension.common_axes(spaces: Union[zfit.Space, Iterable[zfit.Space]]) → Union[List[str], bool][source]

Extract the union of axes from spaces in the order of spaces.

For example:
space1.axes: [1, 3]
space2.axes: [2, 3, 1]
space3.axes: [2]

returns [1, 3, 2]

Parameters:() (spaces) – :py:class:`~zfit.Space`s to extract the axes from
Returns:The axes as int or False if not every space has axes
Return type:List[int] or False
zfit.core.dimension.common_obs(spaces: Union[zfit.Space, Iterable[zfit.Space]]) → Union[List[str], bool][source]

Extract the union of obs from spaces in the order of spaces.

For example:
space1.obs: [‘obs1’, ‘obs3’]
space2.obs: [‘obs2’, ‘obs3’, ‘obs1’]
space3.obs: [‘obs2’]

returns [‘obs1’, ‘obs3’, ‘obs2’]

Parameters:() (spaces) – :py:class:`~zfit.Space`s to extract the obs from
Returns:The observables as str or False if not every space has observables
Return type:List[str]
zfit.core.dimension.limits_overlap(spaces: Union[zfit.Space, Iterable[zfit.Space]], allow_exact_match: bool = False) → bool[source]

Check if _any_ of the limits of spaces overlaps with _any_ other of spaces.

This also checks multiple limits within one space. If allow_exact_match is set to true, then an exact overlap of limits is allowed.

  • spaces (Iterable[zfit.Space]) –
  • allow_exact_match (bool) – An exact overlap of two limits is counted as “not overlapping”. Example: limits from -1 to 3 and 4 to 5 to NOT overlap with the limits 4 to 5 iff allow_exact_match is True.

if there are overlapping limits.

Return type:


zfit.core.dimension.obs_subsets(dimensionals: Iterable[zfit.core.interfaces.ZfitDimensional]) → Dict[Set[str], zfit.core.interfaces.ZfitDimensional][source]

Split dimensionals into the smallest subgroup of obs and return a dict.

Parameters:dimensionals – An Iterable containing two or more ZfitDimensional that should be split into the smallest subset.
Returns:dict with the keys being sets of observables and the values, an iterable, containing the ZfitDimensional
Return type:dict