Source code for zfit.models.basefunctor

#  Copyright (c) 2020 zfit

import abc
from typing import List, Union, Tuple, Iterable, Optional, Set

from ordered_set import OrderedSet

from ..core.basemodel import BaseModel
from ..core.dependents import _extract_dependencies
from ..core.dimension import get_same_obs
from ..core.interfaces import ZfitFunctorMixin, ZfitModel, ZfitSpace
from import Space
from import combine_spaces
from ..util import ztyping
from ..util.container import convert_to_container
from ..util.exception import NormRangeNotSpecifiedError, LimitsIncompatibleError, SpaceIncompatibleError

[docs]def extract_daughter_input_obs(obs: ztyping.ObsTypeInput, spaces: Iterable[ZfitSpace]) -> ZfitSpace: """Extract the common space from `spaces` by combining them, test against obs. The `obs` are assumed to be the obs given to a functor while the `spaces` are the spaces of the daughters. First, the combined space from the daughters is extracted. If no `obs` are given, this is returned. If `obs` are given, it is checked whether they agree. If they agree, and no limit is set on `obs` (i.e. they are pure strings), the inferred limits are used, sorted by obs. Otherwise, obs is directly used. Args: obs: spaces: Returns: """ spaces = convert_to_container(spaces) # combine spaces and limits try: models_space = combine_spaces(*spaces) except LimitsIncompatibleError: # then only add obs extracted_obs = _extract_common_obs(obs=tuple(space.obs for space in spaces)) models_space = Space(obs=extracted_obs) if obs is None: obs = models_space else: if isinstance(obs, Space): obs = obs else: obs = Space(obs=obs) # if not frozenset(obs.obs) == frozenset(models_space.obs): # not needed, example projection # raise SpaceIncompatibleError("The given obs do not coincide with the obs from the daughter models.") if not obs.obs == models_space.obs and not obs.limits_are_set: obs = models_space.with_obs(obs.obs) return obs
[docs]class FunctorMixin(ZfitFunctorMixin, BaseModel): def __init__(self, models, obs, **kwargs): models = convert_to_container(models, container=list) obs = extract_daughter_input_obs(obs=obs, spaces=[ for model in models]) super().__init__(obs=obs, **kwargs) # TODO: needed? remove below self._model_obs = tuple(model.obs for model in models) def _get_params(self, floating: Optional[bool] = True, is_yield: Optional[bool] = None, extract_independent: Optional[bool] = True) -> Set["ZfitParameter"]: params = super()._get_params(floating, is_yield, extract_independent) if is_yield is not True: params = params.union(*(model.get_params(floating=floating, is_yield=False, extract_independent=extract_independent) for model in self.models)) return params # def _infer_space_from_daughters(self): # space = set( for model in self.models) # obs = set(norm_range.obs for norm_range in space) # if len(space) == 1: # return space.pop() # elif len(obs) > 1: # TODO(Mayou36, #77): different obs? # return None # else: # return False def _get_dependencies(self): dependents = super()._get_dependencies() # get the own parameter dependents model_dependents = _extract_dependencies(self.get_models()) return dependents.union(model_dependents) @property def models(self) -> List[ZfitModel]: """Return the models of this `Functor`. Can be `pdfs` or `funcs`.""" return self._models @property def _model_same_obs(self): return get_same_obs(self._model_obs) @property @abc.abstractmethod def _models(self) -> List[ZfitModel]: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_models(self, names=None) -> List[ZfitModel]: if names is None: models = list(self.models) else: raise ValueError("name not supported currently.") # models = [self.models[name] for name in names] return models
def _check_input_norm_range_default(self, norm_range, caller_name="", none_is_error=True): if norm_range is None: try: norm_range = self.norm_range except AttributeError: raise NormRangeNotSpecifiedError("The normalization range is `None`, no default norm_range is set") return self._check_input_norm_range(norm_range=norm_range, none_is_error=none_is_error)
def _extract_common_obs(obs: Tuple[Union[Tuple[str], Space]]) -> Tuple[str]: obs_iter = [space.obs if isinstance(space, Space) else space for space in obs] unique_obs = [] for obs in obs_iter: for o in obs: if o not in unique_obs: unique_obs.append(o) return tuple(unique_obs)