Source code for zfit.minimizers.errors

#  Copyright (c) 2020 zfit

import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
from ..param import set_values
from ..util.container import convert_to_container

[docs]class NewMinimum(Exception): """Exception class for cases where a new minimum is found.""" pass
[docs]def pll(minimizer, loss, params, values) -> 'FitResult': """Compute minimum profile likelihood for given parameters and values.""" params = convert_to_container(params) values = convert_to_container(values) verbosity = minimizer.verbosity minimizer.verbosity = 0 with set_values(params, values): for param in params: param.floating = False minimum = minimizer.minimize(loss=loss) for param in params: param.floating = True minimizer.verbosity = verbosity return minimum
[docs]def get_crossing_value(result, params, direction, sigma, rootf, rtol): """Find the crossing point between the profiled loss function, for given parameters, and the value of `errordef` for a given direction (positive / negative). `errordef` = 1 for a chisquare fit, = 0.5 for a likelihood fit. """ all_params = list(result.params.keys()) loss = result.loss errordef = loss.errordef fmin = result.fmin minimizer = result.minimizer.copy() minimizer.tolerance = minimizer.tolerance * 0.5 rtol *= errordef set_values(all_params, result) covariance = result.covariance(as_dict=True) step_size_dict = {ap: ap.step_size for ap in all_params} for ap in all_params: ap.step_size = covariance[(ap, ap)] ** 0.5 to_return = {} for param in params: param_error = result.hesse(params=param)[param]["error"] param_value = result.params[param]["value"] exp_root = param_value + sigma * direction * param_error # expected root for ap in all_params: if ap == param: continue # shift parameters, other than param, using covariance matrix ap_value = result.params[ap]["value"] ap_value += sigma * direction * covariance[(param, ap)] * (2 * errordef / param_error**2)**0.5 ap.set_value(ap_value) cache = {} # TODO: round for better floating point comparison? def shifted_pll(v): """ Computes the pll, with the minimum substracted and shifted by minus the `errordef`, for a given parameter. `errordef` = 1 for a chisquare fit, = 0.5 for a likelihood fit. The function raises a `NewMinimum` exception if the value of the shifted `pll` is less than `- errordef`. """ if v not in cache: pll_result = pll(minimizer, loss, param, v) cache[v] = pll_result.fmin - fmin - errordef if cache[v] < -errordef - minimizer.tolerance: set_values(pll_result.params.keys(), pll_result) # set values to the new minimum raise NewMinimum("A new is minimum found.") return cache[v] exp_shifted_pll = shifted_pll(exp_root) if np.allclose(0., exp_shifted_pll, atol=0.0005): root = exp_root else: def linear_interp(y): """ Linear interpolation between the minimum of the `shifted_pll` curve and its expected root, assuming it is a parabolic curve. """ slope = (exp_root - param_value) / (exp_shifted_pll + errordef) return param_value + (y + errordef) * slope bound_interp = linear_interp(0) if exp_shifted_pll > 0.: lower_bound = exp_root upper_bound = bound_interp else: lower_bound = bound_interp upper_bound = exp_root if direction == 1: lower_bound, upper_bound = upper_bound, lower_bound # Check if the `shifted_pll` function has the same sign at the lower and upper bounds. # If they have the same sign, the window given to the root finding algorithm is increased. nsigma = 1.5 while np.sign(shifted_pll(lower_bound)) == np.sign(shifted_pll(upper_bound)): if direction == -1: if np.sign(shifted_pll(lower_bound)) == -1: lower_bound = param_value - nsigma * param_error else: upper_bound = param_value else: if np.sign(shifted_pll(lower_bound)) == -1: upper_bound = param_value + nsigma * param_error else: lower_bound = param_value nsigma += 0.5 root, results = rootf(f=shifted_pll, a=lower_bound, b=upper_bound, rtol=rtol, full_output=True) to_return[param] = root for ap in all_params: ap.step_size = step_size_dict[ap] return to_return
def _rootf(**kwargs): return optimize.toms748(k=1, **kwargs) # def _rootf(**kwargs): # return optimize.brentq(**kwargs)
[docs]def compute_errors(result, params, sigma=1, rootf=_rootf, rtol=0.01): """ Computes asymmetric errors of parameters by profiling the loss function in the fit result. Args: result (`FitResult`): fit result params (list(:py:class:`~zfit.Parameter`)): The parameters to calculate the errors error. If None, use all parameters. sigma (float): Errors are calculated with respect to `sigma` std deviations. rootf (callable): function used to find the roots of the loss function rtol (float, default=0.01): relative tolerance between the computed and the exact roots Returns: `OrderedDict`: A `OrderedDict` containing as keys the parameter and as value a `dict` which contains two keys 'lower' and 'upper', holding the calculated errors. Example: result[par1]['upper'] -> the asymmetric upper error of 'par1' `FitResult` or `None`: a fit result is returned when a new minimum is found during the loss scan """ params = convert_to_container(params) new_result = None try: upper_values = get_crossing_value(result=result, params=params, direction=1, sigma=sigma, rootf=rootf, rtol=rtol) lower_values = get_crossing_value(result=result, params=params, direction=-1, sigma=sigma, rootf=rootf, rtol=rtol) to_return = {} for param in params: fitted_value = result.params[param]["value"] to_return[param] = {"lower": lower_values[param] - fitted_value, "upper": upper_values[param] - fitted_value} except NewMinimum as e: from .. import settings if settings.get_verbosity() >= 5: print(e) minimizer = result.minimizer loss = result.loss new_result = minimizer.minimize(loss=loss) to_return, new_result_ = compute_errors(result=new_result, params=params, sigma=sigma, rootf=rootf, rtol=rtol) if new_result_ is not None: new_result = new_result_ return to_return, new_result