
class zfit.pdf.RecursivePolynomial(obs, coeffs, apply_scaling=True, coeff0=None, *, extended=None, norm=None, name='Polynomial', label=None)[source]#

Bases: BasePDF

1D polynomial generated via three-term recurrence.

Base class to create 1 dimensional recursive polynomials that can be rescaled. Overwrite _poly_func.

  • obs

    ​Observables of the model. This will be used as the default space of the PDF and, if not given explicitly, as the normalization range.

    The default space is used for example in the sample method: if no sampling limits are given, the default space is used.

    If the observables are binned and the model is unbinned, the model will be a binned model, by wrapping the model in a BinnedFromUnbinnedPDF, equivalent to calling to_binned().

    If the observables are binned and the model is unbinned, the model will be a binned model, by wrapping the model in a BinnedFromUnbinnedPDF, equivalent to calling to_binned().

    The observables are not equal to the domain as it does not restrict or truncate the model outside this range.​

  • coeffs (list) – ​Coefficients of the sum of the polynomial. The coefficients of the polynomial, starting with the first order term. To set the constant term, use coeff0.​

  • apply_scaling (bool) –

    ​Rescale the data so that the actual limits represent (-1, 1). This is usually wanted as the polynomial is defined in this range. Default is True.​

    \[x_{n+1} = recurrence(x_{n}, x_{n-1}, n)\]

  • extended (Union[bool, TypeVar(ParamTypeInput, zfit.core.interfaces.ZfitParameter, Union[int, float, complex, Tensor, zfit.core.interfaces.ZfitParameter]), None]) – ​The overall yield of the PDF. If this is parameter-like, it will be used as the yield, the expected number of events, and the PDF will be extended. An extended PDF has additional functionality, such as the ext_* methods and the counts (for binned PDFs).​

  • norm (Optional[Space]) – ​Normalization of the PDF. By default, this is the same as the default space of the PDF.​

  • name (str) – ​Name of the PDF. Maybe has implications on the serialization and deserialization of the PDF. For a human-readable name, use the label.​

  • label (str | None) – ​Human-readable name or label of the PDF for a better description, to be used with plots etc. Has no programmatical functional purpose as identification.​

property degree#

degree of the polynomial, starting from 0.



add_cache_deps(cache_deps, allow_non_cachable=True)#

Add dependencies that render the cache invalid if they change.

  • cache_deps (ztyping.CacherOrCachersType)

  • allow_non_cachable (bool) – If True, allow cache_dependents to be non-cachables. If False, any cache_dependents that is not a ZfitGraphCachable will raise an error.


TypeError – if one of the cache_dependents is not a ZfitGraphCachable _and_ allow_non_cachable if False.

analytic_integrate(limits, norm=None, *, params=None)#

Analytical integration over function and raise Error if not possible.

  • limits (ztyping.LimitsType) – ​Limits of the integration.​

  • norm (ztyping.LimitsType) – ​Normalization of the integration. By default, this is the same as the default space of the PDF. False means no normalization and returns the unnormed integral.​

  • params (ztyping.ParamsTypeInput | None) – ​Mapping of the parameter names to the actual values. The parameter names refer to the names of the parameters, typically Parameter, that the model was _initialized_ with, not the name of the models parametrization.​

Return type:



The integral value

  • AnalyticIntegralNotImplementedError – If no analytical integral is available (for this limits).

  • NormRangeNotImplementedError – if the norm argument is not supported. This means that no analytical normalization is available, explicitly: the analytical integral over the limits = norm is not available.


Return a Function with the function model(x, norm=norm).


norm (ztyping.LimitsType) – If not False or a ZfitSpace, this will be used to call the pdf function.


Creates a copy of the model.

Note: the copy model may continue to depend on the original initialization arguments.


**override_parameters – String/value dictionary of initialization arguments to override with new value.

Return type:



A new instance of type(self) initialized from the union

of self.parameters and override_parameters, i.e., dict(self.parameters, **override_parameters).

create_extended(yield_, name=None, *, name_addition=None)#

Return an extended version of this pdf with yield yield_. The parameters are shared.

  • yield – ​Yield (expected number of events) of the PDF. This is the expected number of events. If this is parameter-like, it will be used as the yield, the expected number of events, and the PDF will be extended. An extended PDF has additional functionality, such as the ext_* methods and the counts (for binned PDFs).​

  • name (str | None) – New name of the PDF. If None, the name of the PDF with a trailing “_ext” is used.


a new PDF that is extended

Return type:


create_projection_pdf(*, limits=None, obs=None, options=None, name=None, label=None, extended=None, norm=None)#

Create a PDF projection by integrating out some dimensions.

The new projection pdf is still fully dependent on the pdf it was created with.

  • limits (ztyping.LimitsTypeInput) – Limits of the integration to project out. If not given, all observables that are not in obs are projected on using the default limits of the observables.

  • obs (ztyping.LimitsTypeInput) – Observables to project on. If not given, all observables that are not in limits are projected on.

  • options

    ​Options for the integration. Additional options for the integration. Currently supported options are: - type: one of (bins)

    This hints that bins are integrated. A method that is vectorizable, non-dynamic and therefore less suitable for complicated functions is chosen.​

  • name (str | None) – Name of the new PDF. If not given, it is created from the original name.

  • label (str | None) – Label of the new PDF. If not given, it is created from the original label.

  • extended (ExtendedInputType) – If the new PDF should be extended. If not given, it is the same as the original PDF.

  • norm (NormInputType) – If the new PDF should be normalized. If not given, it is the same as the original PDF.

Return type:



A pdf without the dimensions from limits.

create_sampler(n=None, limits=None, *, fixed_params=None, params=None)#

Create a SamplerData that acts as Data but can be resampled, also with changed parameters and (deprecated arguments)

Deprecated: SOME ARGUMENTS ARE DEPRECATED: (fixed_params). They will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use params instead.

  1. If limits is not specified, space is used (if the space contains limits). If n is None and the model is an extended pdf, ‘extended’ is used by default.

  • n (ztyping.nSamplingTypeIn) –

    The number of samples to be generated. Can be a Tensor that will be or a valid string. Currently implemented:

    • ’extended’: samples poisson(yield) from each pdf that is extended.

  • limits (ztyping.LimitsType) – From which space to sample.

  • fixed_params (Optional[bool | list[ZfitParameter] | tuple[ZfitParameter]]) – A list of Parameters that will be fixed during several resample calls. If True, all are fixed, if False, all are floating. If a Parameter is not fixed and its value gets updated (e.g. by a Parameter.set_value() call), this will be reflected in resample. If fixed, the Parameter will still have the same value as the SamplerData has been created with when it resamples.

  • params (ztyping.ParamTypeInput) – ​Mapping of the parameter names to the actual values. The parameter names refer to the names of the parameters, typically Parameter, that the model was _initialized_ with, not the name of the models parametrization.​

Return type:




  • NotExtendedPDFError – if ‘extended’ is chosen (implicitly by default or explicitly) as an option for n but the pdf itself is not extended.

  • ValueError – if n is an invalid string option.

  • InvalidArgumentError – if n is not specified and pdf is not extended.

property dtype: DType#

The dtype of the object.

ext_integrate(limits, norm=None, *, options=None, params=None)#

Integrate the function over limits (normalized over norm if not False).

  • limits (ztyping.LimitsType) – ​Limits of the integration.​

  • norm (ztyping.LimitsType) – ​Normalization of the integration. By default, this is the same as the default space of the PDF. False means no normalization and returns the unnormed integral.​

  • options

    ​Options for the integration. Additional options for the integration. Currently supported options are: - type: one of (bins)

    This hints that bins are integrated. A method that is vectorizable, non-dynamic and therefore less suitable for complicated functions is chosen.​

  • params (ztyping.ParamsTypeOpt) – ​Mapping of the parameter names to the actual values. The parameter names refer to the names of the parameters, typically Parameter, that the model was _initialized_ with, not the name of the models parametrization.​

Return type:



The integral value as a scalar with shape ()

ext_log_pdf(x, norm=None, *, params=None)#

Log of probability density function scaled by yield, normalized over norm.

  • x (ztyping.XTypeInput) – ​Data to evaluate the method on. Should be ZfitData or a mapping of obs to numpy-like arrays. If an array is given, the first dimension is interpreted as the events while the second is meant to be the dimensionality of a single event.​

  • norm (ztyping.LimitsTypeInput) – ​Normalization of the function. By default, this is the norm of the PDF (which by default is the same as the space of the PDF). Should be ZfitSpace to define the space to normalize over.​

  • params (ztyping.ParamsTypeOpt) – ​Mapping of the parameter names to the actual values. The parameter names refer to the names of the parameters, typically Parameter, that the model was _initialized_ with, not the name of the models parametrization.​

Return type:



tf.Tensor of type self.dtype.

property extended: Parameter | None#

Return the yield (only for extended models).


The yield of the current model or None

get_params(floating=True, is_yield=None, extract_independent=True, *, autograd=None)#

Recursively collect parameters that this object depends on according to the filter criteria.

Which parameters should be included can be steered using the arguments as a filter.
  • None: do not filter on this. E.g. floating=None will return parameters that are floating as well as

    parameters that are fixed.

  • True: only return parameters that fulfil this criterion

  • False: only return parameters that do not fulfil this criterion. E.g. floating=False will return

    only parameters that are not floating.

  • floating (bool | None) – if a parameter is floating, e.g. if floating() returns True

  • is_yield (bool | None) – if a parameter is a yield of the _current_ model. This won’t be applied recursively, but may include yields if they do also represent a parameter parametrizing the shape. So if the yield of the current model depends on other yields (or also non-yields), this will be included. If, however, just submodels depend on a yield (as their yield) and it is not correlated to the output of our model, they won’t be included.

  • extract_independent (bool | None) – If the parameter is an independent parameter, i.e. if it is a ZfitIndependentParameter.

Return type:



Return the yield (only for extended models).

Return type:

Parameter | None


The yield of the current model or None

property has_analytic_integral#

Return whether the PDF has an analytic integral over its full dimension.

This does not imply that all different integrals, i.e. over different ranges or just partial variable are available.


integrate(limits, norm=None, *, options=None, params=None, var=None)#

Integrate the function over limits (normalized over norm_range if not False).

If an analytic integration function is available, it is used, otherwise numerical methods will be invoked. If the integration is in more than one dimension and no analytical integration method is provided, this can be unstable and the PDF will warn that the accuracy target was not reached.

  • limits (ztyping.LimitsType) – ​Limits of the integration.​

  • norm (ztyping.LimitsType) – ​Normalization of the integration. By default, this is the same as the default space of the PDF. False means no normalization and returns the unnormed integral.​

  • options

    ​Options for the integration. Additional options for the integration. Currently supported options are: - type: one of (bins)

    This hints that bins are integrated. A method that is vectorizable, non-dynamic and therefore less suitable for complicated functions is chosen.​

  • params (ztyping.ParamTypeInput) – ​Mapping of the parameter names to the actual values. The parameter names refer to the names of the parameters, typically Parameter, that the model was _initialized_ with, not the name of the models parametrization.​

Return type:



The integral value as a scalar with shape ()

property is_extended: bool#

Flag to tell whether the model is extended or not.


A boolean.

log_normalization(norm, *, options=None, params=None)#

Return the normalization of the function (usually the integral over norm).

  • norm (ztyping.LimitsType) – ​Normalization of the function. By default, this is the norm of the PDF (which by default is the same as the space of the PDF). Should be ZfitSpace to define the space to normalize over.​

  • options|@doc:pdf.param.options||@docend:pdf.param.options|

  • params (ztyping.ParamsTypeOpt) – ​Mapping of the parameter names to the actual values. The parameter names refer to the names of the parameters, typically Parameter, that the model was _initialized_ with, not the name of the models parametrization.​

Return type:



The normalization value

log_pdf(x, norm=None, *, params=None)#

Log probability density function normalized over norm.

  • x (ztyping.XType) – ​Data to evaluate the method on. Should be ZfitData or a mapping of obs to numpy-like arrays. If an array is given, the first dimension is interpreted as the events while the second is meant to be the dimensionality of a single event.​

  • norm (ztyping.LimitsType) – ​Normalization of the function. By default, this is the norm of the PDF (which by default is the same as the space of the PDF). Should be ZfitSpace to define the space to normalize over.​

  • params (ztyping.ParamsTypeOpt) – ​Mapping of the parameter names to the actual values. The parameter names refer to the names of the parameters, typically Parameter, that the model was _initialized_ with, not the name of the models parametrization.​

Return type:



A Tensor of type self.dtype.

property name: str#

The name of the object.

property norm: Space | None | bool#

Return the current normalization range. If None and the obs have limits, they are returned.


The current normalization range.

property norm_range: Space | None | bool#

Return the current normalization range. If None and the obs have limits, they are returned. (deprecated)

Deprecated: THIS FUNCTION IS DEPRECATED. It will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use the norm attribute instead.


The current normalization range.

normalization(norm=None, *, options=None, limits=None, params=None)#

Return the normalization of the function (usually the integral over norm).

  • norm (ztyping.LimitsType) – ​Normalization of the function. By default, this is the norm of the PDF (which by default is the same as the space of the PDF). Should be ZfitSpace to define the space to normalize over.​

  • options|@doc:pdf.param.options||@docend:pdf.param.options|

  • params (ztyping.ParamsTypeOpt) – ​Mapping of the parameter names to the actual values. The parameter names refer to the names of the parameters, typically Parameter, that the model was _initialized_ with, not the name of the models parametrization.​

Return type:



The normalization value

numeric_integrate(limits, norm=None, *, options=None, params=None)#

Numerical integration over the model.

  • limits (ztyping.LimitsType) – ​Limits of the integration.​

  • norm (ztyping.LimitsType) – ​Normalization of the integration. By default, this is the same as the default space of the PDF. False means no normalization and returns the unnormed integral.​

  • options

    ​Options for the integration. Additional options for the integration. Currently supported options are: - type: one of (bins)

    This hints that bins are integrated. A method that is vectorizable, non-dynamic and therefore less suitable for complicated functions is chosen.​

  • params (ztyping.ParamsTypeInput) – ​Mapping of the parameter names to the actual values. The parameter names refer to the names of the parameters, typically Parameter, that the model was _initialized_ with, not the name of the models parametrization.​

Return type:



The integral value

partial_analytic_integrate(x, limits, norm=None, *, params=None)#

Do analytical partial integration of the function over the limits and evaluate it at x.

Dimension of limits and x have to add up to the full dimension and be therefore equal to the dimensions of norm (if not False)

  • x (ztyping.XTypeInput) – The value at which the partially integrated function will be evaluated

  • limits (ztyping.LimitsType) – ​Limits of the integration that will be integrated out. Has to be a subset of the PDFs observables.​

  • norm (ztyping.LimitsType) – ​Normalization of the integration. By default, this is the same as the default space of the PDF. False means no normalization and returns the unnormed integral.​

  • params (ztyping.ParamTypeInput) – ​Mapping of the parameter names to the actual values. The parameter names refer to the names of the parameters, typically Parameter, that the model was _initialized_ with, not the name of the models parametrization.​

Return type:



The value of the partially integrated function evaluated at x.

  • AnalyticIntegralNotImplementedError – if the analytic integral (over these limits) is not implemented

  • NormRangeNotImplementedError – if the norm argument is not supported. This means that no analytical normalization is available, explicitly: the analytical integral over the limits = norm is not available.

partial_integrate(x, limits, *, norm=None, options=None, params=None)#

Partially integrate the function over the limits and evaluate it at x.

Dimension of limits and x have to add up to the full dimension and be therefore equal to the dimensions of norm (if not False)

  • x (ztyping.XTypeInput) – The value at which the partially integrated function will be evaluated

  • limits (ztyping.LimitsType) – ​Limits of the integration that will be integrated out. Has to be a subset of the PDFs observables.​

  • norm – ​Normalization of the integration. By default, this is the same as the default space of the PDF. False means no normalization and returns the unnormed integral.​

  • options

    ​Options for the integration. Additional options for the integration. Currently supported options are: - type: one of (bins)

    This hints that bins are integrated. A method that is vectorizable, non-dynamic and therefore less suitable for complicated functions is chosen.​

  • params (ztyping.ParamsTypeInput) – ​Mapping of the parameter names to the actual values. The parameter names refer to the names of the parameters, typically Parameter, that the model was _initialized_ with, not the name of the models parametrization.​

Return type:



The value of the partially integrated function evaluated at x.

partial_numeric_integrate(x, limits, norm=None, *, params=None)#

Force numerical partial integration of the function over the limits and evaluate it at x.

Dimension of limits and x have to add up to the full dimension and be therefore equal to the dimensions of norm (if not False)

  • x (ztyping.XType) – The value at which the partially integrated function will be evaluated

  • limits (ztyping.LimitsType) – ​Limits of the integration that will be integrated out. Has to be a subset of the PDFs observables.​

  • norm (ztyping.LimitsType) – ​Normalization of the integration. By default, this is the same as the default space of the PDF. False means no normalization and returns the unnormed integral.​

  • params (ztyping.ParamTypeInput) – ​Mapping of the parameter names to the actual values. The parameter names refer to the names of the parameters, typically Parameter, that the model was _initialized_ with, not the name of the models parametrization.​

Return type:



The value of the partially integrated function evaluated at x.

pdf(x, norm=None, *, params=None)#

Probability density function of x, normalized over norm.

  • x (ztyping.XTypeInput) – ​Data to evaluate the method on. Should be ZfitData or a mapping of obs to numpy-like arrays. If an array is given, the first dimension is interpreted as the events while the second is meant to be the dimensionality of a single event.​

  • norm (ztyping.LimitsTypeInput) – ​Normalization of the function. By default, this is the norm of the PDF (which by default is the same as the space of the PDF). Should be ZfitSpace to define the space to normalize over.​

  • params (ztyping.ParamsTypeOpt) – ​Mapping of the parameter names to the actual values. The parameter names refer to the names of the parameters, typically Parameter, that the model was _initialized_ with, not the name of the models parametrization.​

Return type:



tf.Tensor of type self.dtype.

classmethod register_analytic_integral(func, limits=None, priority=50, *, supports_norm=None, supports_norm_range=None, supports_multiple_limits=None)#

Register an analytic integral with the class.

  • func (Callable) –

    A function that calculates the (partial) integral over the axes limits. The signature has to be the following:

    • x (ZfitData, None): the data for the remaining axes in a partial

      integral. If it is not a partial integral, this will be None.

    • limits (ZfitSpace): the limits to integrate over.

    • norm_range (ZfitSpace, None): Normalization range of the integral.

      If not supports_supports_norm_range, this will be None.

    • params (Dict[param_name, zfit.Parameters]): The parameters of the model.

    • model (ZfitModel):The model that is being integrated.

  • limits (ztyping.LimitsType) – If a Space is given, it is used as limits. Otherwise arguments to instantiate a Range class can be given as follows.|limits_init|

  • priority (int | float) – Priority of the function. If multiple functions cover the same space, the one with the highest priority will be used.

  • supports_multiple_limits (bool | None) – If True, the ``limits` given to the integration function can have multiple limits. If False, only simple limits will pass through and multiple limits will be auto-handled.

  • supports_norm (bool | None) – If True, norm argument to the function may not be None. If False, norm will always be None and care is taken of the normalization automatically.

Return type:



Register a cacher that caches values produces by this instance; a dependent.


cacher (ztyping.CacherOrCachersType)

classmethod register_inverse_analytic_integral(func)#

Register an inverse analytical integral, the inverse (unnormalized) cdf.


func (Callable) – A function with the signature func(x, params), where x is a Data object and params is a dict.

Return type:



Clear the cache of self and all dependent cachers.

sample(n=None, limits=None, *, x=None, params=None)#

Sample n points within limits from the model.

If limits is not specified, space is used (if the space contains limits). If n is None and the model is an extended pdf, ‘extended’ is used by default.

  • n (ztyping.nSamplingTypeIn) –

    The number of samples to be generated. Can be a Tensor that will be or a valid string. Currently implemented:

    • ’extended’: samples poisson(yield) from each pdf that is extended.

  • limits (ztyping.LimitsType) – In which region to sample in

  • params (ztyping.ParamTypeInput) – ​Mapping of the parameter names to the actual values. The parameter names refer to the names of the parameters, typically Parameter, that the model was _initialized_ with, not the name of the models parametrization.​


The observables are the limits

Return type:

Data(n_obs, n_samples)

  • NotExtendedPDFError – if ‘extended’ is (implicitly by default or explicitly) chosen as an option for n but the pdf itself is not extended.

  • ValueError – if n is an invalid string option.

  • InvalidArgumentError – if n is not specified and pdf is not extended.


Set the normalization range (temporarily if used with contextmanager).




Make the model extended inplace by setting a yield. If possible, prefer to use create_extended. (deprecated)

Deprecated: THIS FUNCTION IS DEPRECATED. It will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use create_extended instead or extended=yield when creating the PDF.

This does not alter the general behavior of the PDF. The pdf and integrate and similar methods will continue to return the same - normalized to 1 - values. However, not only can this parameter be accessed via get_yield, the methods ext_pdf and ext_integral provide a version of pdf and integrate respecetively that is multiplied by the yield.

These can be useful for plotting and for binned likelihoods.


value – ​Yield (expected number of events) of the PDF. This is the expected number of events. If this is parameter-like, it will be used as the yield, the expected number of events, and the PDF will be extended. An extended PDF has additional functionality, such as the ext_* methods and the counts (for binned PDFs).​

to_binned(space, extended=None, norm=None, name=None, label=None)#

Convert to binned pdf, returns self if already binned.

  • space (ztyping.SpaceType) – The space to bin the pdf in.

  • extended (ExtendedInputType) – If the new PDF should be extended. If not given, it is the same as the original PDF.

  • norm (NormInputType) – If the new PDF should be normalized. If not given, it is the same as the original PDF.

  • name (Optional[str]) – Name of the new PDF. If not given, it is created from the original name.

  • label (Optional[str]) – Label of the new PDF. If not given, it is created from the original label.

to_truncated(limits=None, *, obs=None, extended=None, norm=None, name=None, label=None)#

Convert the PDF to a truncated version with possibly different and multiple limits.

The arguments are the same as for TruncatedPDF, the only difference being that if no limits are given, the limit of the PDF is used, thereby truncating the PDF to its original limits.

  • pdf – The PDF to be truncated.

  • limits (ZfitSpace | Iterable[ZfitSpace] | None) – The limits to truncate the PDF. Can be a single limit or multiple limits.

  • obs

    ​Observables of the model. This will be used as the default space of the PDF and, if not given explicitly, as the normalization range.

    The default space is used for example in the sample method: if no sampling limits are given, the default space is used.

    If the observables are binned and the model is unbinned, the model will be a binned model, by wrapping the model in a BinnedFromUnbinnedPDF, equivalent to calling to_binned().

    If the observables are binned and the model is unbinned, the model will be a binned model, by wrapping the model in a BinnedFromUnbinnedPDF, equivalent to calling to_binned().

    The observables are not equal to the domain as it does not restrict or truncate the model outside this range.​

  • extended – ​The overall yield of the PDF. If this is parameter-like, it will be used as the yield, the expected number of events, and the PDF will be extended. An extended PDF has additional functionality, such as the ext_* methods and the counts (for binned PDFs).​If None, the PDF will be extended if the original PDF is extended. If True and the original PDF is extended, the yield will be scaled to the fraction of the total integral that is within the limits. Therefore, the overall yield is comparable, i.e. the pdfs can be plotted “on top of each other”.

  • norm – ​Normalization of the PDF. By default, this is the same as the default space of the PDF.​

  • name (str | None) – ​Name of the PDF. Maybe has implications on the serialization and deserialization of the PDF. For a human-readable name, use the label.​

  • label (str | None) – ​Human-readable name or label of the PDF for a better description, to be used with plots etc. Has no programmatical functional purpose as identification.​


Convert to unbinned pdf, returns self if already unbinned.

unnormalized_pdf(x: ztyping.XType) ztyping.XType#

PDF “unnormalized”. Use functions for unnormalized pdfs. this is only for performance in special cases. (deprecated)

Deprecated: THIS FUNCTION IS DEPRECATED. It will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use pdf(norm=False) instead


x (Union[float, Tensor]) – ​Data to evaluate the method on. Should be ZfitData or a mapping of obs to numpy-like arrays. If an array is given, the first dimension is interpreted as the events while the second is meant to be the dimensionality of a single event.​

Return type:

Union[float, Tensor]


1-dimensional tf.Tensor containing the unnormalized pdf.

update_integration_options(draws_per_dim=None, mc_sampler=None, tol=None, max_draws=None, draws_simpson=None)#

Set the integration options.

  • max_draws (default ~1'000'000) – Maximum number of draws when integrating . Typically 500’000 - 5’000’000.

  • tol – Tolerance on the error of the integral. typically 1e-4 to 1e-8

  • draws_per_dim – The draws for MC integration to do per iteration. Can be set to 'auto’.

  • draws_simpson – Number of points in one dimensional Simpson integration. Can be set to 'auto'.