
zfit.dill.dumps(obj, protocol=None, byref=None, fmode=None, recurse=None, **kwds)[source]#

Pickle an object to a string.

protocol is the pickler protocol, as defined for Python pickle.

If byref=True, then dill behaves a lot more like pickle as certain objects (like modules) are pickled by reference as opposed to attempting to pickle the object itself.

If recurse=True, then objects referred to in the global dictionary are recursively traced and pickled, instead of the default behavior of attempting to store the entire global dictionary. This is needed for functions defined via exec().

fmode (HANDLE_FMODE, CONTENTS_FMODE, or FILE_FMODE) indicates how file handles will be pickled. For example, when pickling a data file handle for transfer to a remote compute service, FILE_FMODE will include the file contents in the pickle and cursor position so that a remote method can operate transparently on an object with an open file handle.

Default values for keyword arguments can be set in dill.settings.