
As seen before, the result object contains all the information about the minimization result:

>>> print("Function minimum:", result.fmin)
Function minimum: 14170.396450111948
>>> print("Converged:", result.converged)
Converged: True
>>> print("Valid:", result.valid)
Valid: True
>>> print("Full minimizer information:", result)
>>> # Information on all the parameters in the fit
>>> params = result.params

>>> # Printing information on specific parameters, e.g. mu
>>> print("mu={}".format(params[mu]['value']))

Estimating uncertainties#

In order to get an estimate for the uncertainty of the parameters after the minimization, the FitResult can be used.

>>> param_hesse = result.hesse()
>>> print(param_hesse)

This will print out the uncertainties of the parameter using a Hessian approximation at the minimum of the loss. While the approximation is fast and often good enough, it is symmetric and does maybe not describe the uncertainty well.

The errors() method can be used to perform the CPU-intensive error calculation. It returns two objects, the first are the parameter errors and the second is a new FitResult in case a new minimum was found during the profiling; this will also render the original result invalid as can be checked with result.valid.

>>> param_errors, _ = result.errors()
>>> print(param_errors)

This will print out the uncertainties of the parameter using a profiling method (like minos() does)