Loss ---- The loss, or also called "cost", describes the disagreement between the data and the model. Most commonly, the likelihood (or, to be precise, the *negative log* likelihood) is used, as the maximum likelihood estimation provides many beneficial characteristics. Binned losses require the PDF and data to be binned as well. Extended losses take the expected count ("yield") of a PDF into account and require the PDF to be extended in the first place. .. autosummary:: :toctree: _generated/loss zfit.loss.UnbinnedNLL zfit.loss.ExtendedUnbinnedNLL zfit.loss.BinnedNLL zfit.loss.ExtendedBinnedNLL zfit.loss.BinnedChi2 zfit.loss.ExtendedBinnedChi2 zfit.loss.BaseLoss zfit.loss.SimpleLoss