Source code for zfit.models.kde

#  Copyright (c) 2024 zfit

from __future__ import annotations

from import Callable
from typing import ClassVar, Literal, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import pydantic
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
from tensorflow_probability.python import distributions as tfd

import zfit.z.numpy as znp

from .. import z
from ..core.basepdf import BasePDF
from ..core.interfaces import ZfitData, ZfitParameter, ZfitSpace
from ..core.serialmixin import SerializableMixin
from ..serialization import Serializer, SpaceRepr
from ..serialization.pdfrepr import BasePDFRepr
from ..settings import run, ztypes
from ..util import (
    binning as binning_util,
from ..util import (
    convolution as convolution_util,
from ..util import (
    improved_sheather_jones as isj_util,
from ..util import (
from ..util.exception import OverdefinedError, ShapeIncompatibleError
from ..util.ztyping import ExtendedInputType, NormInputType
from ..z.math import weighted_quantile
from .dist_tfp import WrapDistribution

@z.function(wraps="tensor", keepalive=True)
def bandwidth_rule_of_thumb(
    data: znp.array,
    weights: znp.array | None,
    factor: float | int | znp.array = None,
) -> znp.array:
    r"""Calculate the bandwidth of *data* using a rule of thumb.

    This calculates a global, single bandwidth for all kernels using a rule of thumb.
    |@doc:pdf.kde.bandwidth.explain_global| A global bandwidth
             is a single parameter that is shared amongst all kernels.
             While this is a fast and robust method,
             it is a rule of thumb approximation. Due to its global nature,
             it cannot take into account the different varying
             local densities. It uses notably the least amount of memory
             of all methods. |@docend:pdf.kde.bandwidth.explain_global|

    .. math::
      h = factor * min\left(\hat{\sigma}, \frac{IQR}{1.34}\right)\,n^{-\frac{1}{5}}

        data: || Data points to determine the bandwidth
               from. ||
        weights: |@doc:pdf.kde.bandwidth.weights| Weights of each event
               in *data*, can be None or Tensor-like with shape compatible
               with *data*. This will change the count of the events, whereas
               weight :math:`w_i` of :math:`x_i`. |@docend:pdf.kde.bandwidth.weights|
        factor (default: 0.9): Factor that scales the rule of thumb. Ofter used are 0.9 for
        silvermans rule of thumb or 1.059 for scotts rule of thumb.

        Estimated bandwidth
    if factor is None:
        factor = tf.constant(0.9)
    return min_std_or_iqr(data, weights) * znp.asarray(tf.shape(data)[0], ztypes.float) ** (-1 / 5.0) * factor

@z.function(wraps="tensor", keepalive=True)
def bandwidth_silverman(data, weights):
    r"""Calculate the bandwidth of *data* using silvermans rule of thumb.

    |@doc:pdf.kde.bandwidth.explain_global| A global bandwidth
             is a single parameter that is shared amongst all kernels.
             While this is a fast and robust method,
             it is a rule of thumb approximation. Due to its global nature,
             it cannot take into account the different varying
             local densities. It uses notably the least amount of memory
             of all methods. |@docend:pdf.kde.bandwidth.explain_global|

    .. math::
      h = 0.9 * min\left(\hat{\sigma}, \frac{IQR}{1.34}\right)\,n^{-\frac{1}{5}}

        data: || Data points to determine the bandwidth
               from. ||
        weights: |@doc:pdf.kde.bandwidth.weights| Weights of each event
               in *data*, can be None or Tensor-like with shape compatible
               with *data*. This will change the count of the events, whereas
               weight :math:`w_i` of :math:`x_i`. |@docend:pdf.kde.bandwidth.weights|

        Estimated bandwidth
    return bandwidth_rule_of_thumb(data=data, weights=weights, factor=znp.array(0.9, dtype=ztypes.float))

@z.function(wraps="tensor", keepalive=True)
def bandwidth_scott(data, weights):
    r"""Calculate the bandwidth of *data* using silvermans rule of thumb.

    |@doc:pdf.kde.bandwidth.explain_global| A global bandwidth
             is a single parameter that is shared amongst all kernels.
             While this is a fast and robust method,
             it is a rule of thumb approximation. Due to its global nature,
             it cannot take into account the different varying
             local densities. It uses notably the least amount of memory
             of all methods. |@docend:pdf.kde.bandwidth.explain_global|

    .. math::
      h = 1.059 * min\left(\hat{\sigma}, \frac{IQR}{1.34}\right)\,n^{-\frac{1}{5}}

        data: || Data points to determine the bandwidth
               from. ||
        weights: |@doc:pdf.kde.bandwidth.weights| Weights of each event
               in *data*, can be None or Tensor-like with shape compatible
               with *data*. This will change the count of the events, whereas
               weight :math:`w_i` of :math:`x_i`. |@docend:pdf.kde.bandwidth.weights|

        Estimated bandwidth
    return bandwidth_rule_of_thumb(data=data, weights=weights, factor=znp.array(1.059, dtype=ztypes.float))

def bandwidth_isj(data, weights):
    r"""Calculate the bandwidth of *data* using the improved Sheather-Jones Algorithm.

    The ISJ is an adaptive kernel density estimator based on linear diffusion processes
     and an estimation for the optimal bandwidth :footcite:t:`Botev_2010`

    |@doc:pdf.kde.bandwidth.explain_global| A global bandwidth
             is a single parameter that is shared amongst all kernels.
             While this is a fast and robust method,
             it is a rule of thumb approximation. Due to its global nature,
             it cannot take into account the different varying
             local densities. It uses notably the least amount of memory
             of all methods. |@docend:pdf.kde.bandwidth.explain_global|

    .. footbibliography::

        data: || Data points to determine the bandwidth
               from. ||
        weights: |@doc:pdf.kde.bandwidth.weights| Weights of each event
               in *data*, can be None or Tensor-like with shape compatible
               with *data*. This will change the count of the events, whereas
               weight :math:`w_i` of :math:`x_i`. |@docend:pdf.kde.bandwidth.weights|

        Estimated bandwidth
    return isj_util.calculate_bandwidth(data, num_grid_points=1024, binning_method="linear", weights=weights)

def bandwidth_adaptive_geomV1(data, func, weights):
    r"""Local, adaptive bandwidth estimation scaling by the geometric mean.

    The implementation follows Eq. 2 and 3 of :footcite:t:`7761150`. However,
    experimental results hint towards a non-optimal performance, which can be caused
    by a mistake in the implementation.

    |@doc:pdf.kde.bandwidth.explain_adaptive| Adaptive bandwidths are
             a way to reduce the dependence on the bandwidth parameter
             and are usually local bandwidths that take into account
             the local densities.
             Adaptive bandwidths are constructed by using an initial estimate
             of the local density in order to calculate a sensible bandwidth
             for each kernel. The initial estimator can be a kernel density
             estimation using a global bandwidth with a rule of thumb.
             The adaptive bandwidth h is obtained using this estimate, where

             .. math::

               h_{i} \propto f( x_{i} ) ^ {-1/2}

             Estimates can still differ in the overall scaling of this
             bandwidth. |@docend:pdf.kde.bandwidth.explain_adaptive|

    |@doc:pdf.kde.bandwidth.explain_local| A local bandwidth
             means that each kernel :math:`i` has a different bandwidth.
             In other words, given some data points with size n,
             we will need n bandwidth parameters.
             This is often more accurate than a global bandwidth,
             as it allows to have larger bandwiths in areas of smaller density,
             where, due to the small local sample size, we have less certainty
             over the true density while having a smaller bandwidth in denser
             populated areas.

             The accuracy comes at the cost of a longer pre-calculation to obtain
             the local bandwidth (there are different methods available), an
             increased runtime and - most importantly - a peak memory usage.

             This can be especially costly for a large number (> few thousand) of
             kernels and/or evaluating on large datasets (> 10'000). |@docend:pdf.kde.bandwidth.explain_local|

    .. footbibliography::

        data: || Data points to determine the bandwidth
               from. ||
        weights: |@doc:pdf.kde.bandwidth.weights| Weights of each event
               in *data*, can be None or Tensor-like with shape compatible
               with *data*. This will change the count of the events, whereas
               weight :math:`w_i` of :math:`x_i`. |@docend:pdf.kde.bandwidth.weights|

        Estimated bandwidth of size data
    data = z.convert_to_tensor(data)
    n = znp.sum(weights) if weights is not None else znp.asarray(tf.shape(data)[0], ztypes.float)
    probs = func(data)
    lambda_i = 1 / znp.sqrt(probs / z.math.reduce_geometric_mean(probs, weights=weights))

    return lambda_i * n ** (-1.0 / 5.0) * min_std_or_iqr(data, weights)

def bandwidth_adaptive_zfitV1(data, func, weights) -> znp.array:
    r"""(Naive) Local, adaptive bandwidth estimation using a normalized scaling.

    This approach is an ad-hoc scaling. It works well but is not found in any paper.

    |@doc:pdf.kde.bandwidth.explain_adaptive| Adaptive bandwidths are
             a way to reduce the dependence on the bandwidth parameter
             and are usually local bandwidths that take into account
             the local densities.
             Adaptive bandwidths are constructed by using an initial estimate
             of the local density in order to calculate a sensible bandwidth
             for each kernel. The initial estimator can be a kernel density
             estimation using a global bandwidth with a rule of thumb.
             The adaptive bandwidth h is obtained using this estimate, where

             .. math::

               h_{i} \propto f( x_{i} ) ^ {-1/2}

             Estimates can still differ in the overall scaling of this
             bandwidth. |@docend:pdf.kde.bandwidth.explain_adaptive|

    |@doc:pdf.kde.bandwidth.explain_local| A local bandwidth
             means that each kernel :math:`i` has a different bandwidth.
             In other words, given some data points with size n,
             we will need n bandwidth parameters.
             This is often more accurate than a global bandwidth,
             as it allows to have larger bandwiths in areas of smaller density,
             where, due to the small local sample size, we have less certainty
             over the true density while having a smaller bandwidth in denser
             populated areas.

             The accuracy comes at the cost of a longer pre-calculation to obtain
             the local bandwidth (there are different methods available), an
             increased runtime and - most importantly - a peak memory usage.

             This can be especially costly for a large number (> few thousand) of
             kernels and/or evaluating on large datasets (> 10'000). |@docend:pdf.kde.bandwidth.explain_local|

    .. footbibliography::

        data: || Data points to determine the bandwidth
               from. ||
        weights: |@doc:pdf.kde.bandwidth.weights| Weights of each event
               in *data*, can be None or Tensor-like with shape compatible
               with *data*. This will change the count of the events, whereas
               weight :math:`w_i` of :math:`x_i`. |@docend:pdf.kde.bandwidth.weights|

        Estimated bandwidth array of same size as data
    data = z.convert_to_tensor(data)
    probs = func(data)
    estimate = bandwidth_scott(data, weights=weights)
    factor = znp.sqrt(probs) / znp.mean(znp.sqrt(probs))
    return estimate / factor

def bandwidth_adaptive_stdV1(data, func, weights):
    r"""Local, adaptive bandwidth estimation scaling by the std of the data.

    The implementation follows Eq. 2 and 3 of :footcite:t:`Cranmer_2001`. However,
    experimental results hint towards a non-optimal performance, which can be caused
    by a mistake in the implementation.

    |@doc:pdf.kde.bandwidth.explain_adaptive| Adaptive bandwidths are
             a way to reduce the dependence on the bandwidth parameter
             and are usually local bandwidths that take into account
             the local densities.
             Adaptive bandwidths are constructed by using an initial estimate
             of the local density in order to calculate a sensible bandwidth
             for each kernel. The initial estimator can be a kernel density
             estimation using a global bandwidth with a rule of thumb.
             The adaptive bandwidth h is obtained using this estimate, where

             .. math::

               h_{i} \propto f( x_{i} ) ^ {-1/2}

             Estimates can still differ in the overall scaling of this
             bandwidth. |@docend:pdf.kde.bandwidth.explain_adaptive|

    |@doc:pdf.kde.bandwidth.explain_local| A local bandwidth
             means that each kernel :math:`i` has a different bandwidth.
             In other words, given some data points with size n,
             we will need n bandwidth parameters.
             This is often more accurate than a global bandwidth,
             as it allows to have larger bandwiths in areas of smaller density,
             where, due to the small local sample size, we have less certainty
             over the true density while having a smaller bandwidth in denser
             populated areas.

             The accuracy comes at the cost of a longer pre-calculation to obtain
             the local bandwidth (there are different methods available), an
             increased runtime and - most importantly - a peak memory usage.

             This can be especially costly for a large number (> few thousand) of
             kernels and/or evaluating on large datasets (> 10'000). |@docend:pdf.kde.bandwidth.explain_local|

    .. footbibliography::

        data: || Data points to determine the bandwidth
               from. ||
        weights: |@doc:pdf.kde.bandwidth.weights| Weights of each event
               in *data*, can be None or Tensor-like with shape compatible
               with *data*. This will change the count of the events, whereas
               weight :math:`w_i` of :math:`x_i`. |@docend:pdf.kde.bandwidth.weights|

        Estimated bandwidth array of same size as data
    data = z.convert_to_tensor(data)
    n = znp.sum(weights) if weights is not None else znp.asarray(tf.shape(data)[0], ztypes.float)
    probs = func(data)
    divisor = min_std_or_iqr(data, weights)
    bandwidth = z.sqrt(divisor / probs)
    bandwidth *= znp.asarray(n, ztypes.float) ** (-1.0 / 5.0) * 1.059
    return bandwidth

def adaptive_factory(func, grid):
    if grid:

        def adaptive(constructor, data, **kwargs):
            kwargs.pop("name", None)
            kde_silverman = constructor(
            grid = kde_silverman._grid
            weights = kde_silverman._grid_data
            return func(
                weights=weights * znp.asarray(tf.shape(data)[0], ztypes.float),


        def adaptive(constructor, data, weights, **kwargs):
            kwargs.pop("name", None)
            kde_silverman = constructor(
            return func(data=data, func=kde_silverman.pdf, weights=weights)

    return adaptive

_adaptive_geom_bandwidth_grid_KDEV1 = adaptive_factory(bandwidth_adaptive_geomV1, grid=True)
_adaptive_geom_bandwidth_KDEV1 = adaptive_factory(bandwidth_adaptive_geomV1, grid=False)

_adaptive_std_bandwidth_grid_KDEV1 = adaptive_factory(bandwidth_adaptive_stdV1, grid=True)
_adaptive_std_bandwidth_KDEV1 = adaptive_factory(bandwidth_adaptive_stdV1, grid=False)

_adaptive_zfit_bandwidth_grid_KDEV1 = adaptive_factory(bandwidth_adaptive_zfitV1, grid=True)
_adaptive_zfit_bandwidth_KDEV1 = adaptive_factory(bandwidth_adaptive_zfitV1, grid=False)

def _bandwidth_scott_KDEV1(data, weights, *_, **__):
    return bandwidth_scott(

def _bandwidth_silverman_KDEV1(data, weights, *_, **__):
    return bandwidth_silverman(

def _bandwidth_isj_KDEV1(data, weights, *_, **__):
    return bandwidth_isj(data, weights=weights)

def check_bw_grid_shapes(bandwidth, grid=None, n_grid=None):
    if run.executing_eagerly() and bw_is_arraylike(bandwidth, allow1d=False):
        n_grid = grid.shape[0] if grid is not None else n_grid
        if n_grid is None:
            msg = "Either the grid or n_grid must be given."
            raise ValueError(msg)
        if bandwidth.shape[0] != n_grid:
            msg = "The bandwidth array must have the same length as the grid"
            raise ShapeIncompatibleError(msg)

@z.function(wraps="tensor", keepalive=True)
def min_std_or_iqr(x, weights):
    if weights is not None:
        return znp.minimum(
            znp.sqrt(tf.nn.weighted_moments(x, axes=[0], frequency_weights=weights)[1]),
            weighted_quantile(x, 0.75, weights=weights)[0] - weighted_quantile(x, 0.25, weights=weights)[0],
        return znp.minimum(znp.std(x), (tfp.stats.percentile(x, 75) - tfp.stats.percentile(x, 25)))

@z.function(wraps="tensor", keepalive=True)
def calc_kernel_probs(size, weights):
    if weights is not None:
        return weights / znp.sum(weights)
        return tf.broadcast_to(1 / size, shape=(znp.asarray(size, tf.int32),))

class KDEHelper:
    _bandwidth_methods: ClassVar = {
        "scott": _bandwidth_scott_KDEV1,
        "silverman": _bandwidth_silverman_KDEV1,
    _default_padding = False
    _default_num_grid_points = 1024

    def _convert_init_data_weights_size(self, data, weights, padding, limits=None, bandwidth=None):
        self._original_data = data  # for copying
        if isinstance(data, ZfitData):
            if data.weights is not None:
                if weights is not None:
                    msg = "Cannot specify weights and use a `ZfitData` with weights."
                    raise OverdefinedError(msg)
                weights = data.weights

            if data.n_obs > 1:
                msg = f"KDE is 1 dimensional, but data {data} has {data.n_obs} observables."
                raise ShapeIncompatibleError(msg)
            data = z.unstack_x(data)

        if callable(padding):
            data, weights, bandwidth = padding(data=data, weights=weights, limits=limits, bandwidth=bandwidth)
        elif padding is not False:
            data, weights, bandwidth = padreflect_data_weights_1dim(
                data, weights=weights, mode=padding, limits=limits, bandwidth=bandwidth
        shape_data = tf.shape(data)
        size = znp.asarray(shape_data[0], ztypes.float)
        data = znp.asarray(data, dtype=ztypes.float)
        return data, size, weights, bandwidth

    def _convert_input_bandwidth(self, bandwidth, data, **kwargs):
        if bandwidth is None:
            bandwidth = "silverman"
        # estimate bandwidth
        bandwidth_param = bandwidth
        if isinstance(bandwidth, str):
            bandwidth = self._bandwidth_methods.get(bandwidth)
            if bandwidth is None:
                msg = (
                    f"Cannot use {bandwidth} as a bandwidth method. Use a numerical value or one of"
                    f" the defined methods: {list(self._bandwidth_methods.keys())}"
                raise ValueError(msg)
        if (not isinstance(bandwidth, ZfitParameter)) and callable(bandwidth):
            bandwidth = bandwidth(constructor=type(self), data=data, **kwargs)
        is_arraylike = bw_is_arraylike(bandwidth_param, allow1d=True)
        if (
            bandwidth_param is None
            or is_arraylike
            or bandwidth_param
            in (
            bandwidth_param = -999999  # dummy value, not needed. Better solution?
            bandwidth_param = bandwidth
        if is_arraylike:
            bandwidth = znp.asarray(bandwidth)
        return bandwidth, bandwidth_param

def padreflect_data_weights_1dim(data, mode, weights=None, limits=None, bandwidth=None):
    if mode is False:
        return data, weights
    if mode is True:
        mode = znp.array(0.1)
    if not isinstance(mode, dict):
        mode = {"lowermirror": mode, "uppermirror": mode}
    for key in mode:
        if key not in ("lowermirror", "uppermirror"):
            msg = (
                f"Key '{key}' is not a valid padding specification, use 'lowermirror' or 'uppermirror'"
                f" in order to mirror the data."
            raise ValueError(msg)
    if limits is None:
        minimum = znp.min(data)
        maximum = znp.max(data)
    else:  # todo: debug: check if limits are correct?
        minimum = znp.array(limits[0])
        maximum = znp.array(limits[1])

    diff = maximum - minimum
    new_data = []
    new_weights = []
    bw_is_array = bw_is_arraylike(bandwidth, allow1d=False)
    if bw_is_array:
        new_bw = []

    if (lower := mode.get("lowermirror")) is not None:
        dx_lower = diff * lower
        lower_area = data < minimum + dx_lower
        lower_index = znp.where(lower_area)[0]
        lower_data = tf.gather(data, indices=lower_index)
        lower_data_mirrored = -lower_data + 2 * minimum
        if weights is not None:
            lower_weights = tf.gather(weights, indices=lower_index)
        if bw_is_array:
            new_bw.append(tf.gather(bandwidth, indices=lower_index))
    if bw_is_array:
    if (upper := mode.get("uppermirror")) is not None:
        dx_upper = diff * upper
        upper_area = data > maximum - dx_upper
        upper_index = znp.where(upper_area)[0]
        upper_data = tf.gather(data, indices=upper_index)
        upper_data_mirrored = -upper_data + 2 * maximum
        if weights is not None:
            upper_weights = tf.gather(weights, indices=upper_index)
        if bw_is_array:
            new_bw.append(tf.gather(bandwidth, indices=upper_index))
    data = tf.concat(new_data, axis=0)

    if weights is not None:
        weights = tf.concat(new_weights, axis=0)
    if bw_is_array:
        bandwidth = tf.concat(new_bw, axis=0)
    return data, weights, bandwidth

[docs] class GaussianKDE1DimV1(KDEHelper, WrapDistribution): _N_OBS = 1 _bandwidth_methods = KDEHelper._bandwidth_methods.copy() _bandwidth_methods.update({"adaptive": _adaptive_std_bandwidth_KDEV1, "isj": _bandwidth_isj_KDEV1}) def __init__( self, obs: ztyping.ObsTypeInput, data: ztyping.ParamTypeInput, bandwidth: ztyping.ParamTypeInput | str = None, weights: None | np.ndarray | tf.Tensor = None, truncate: bool = False, *, extended: ExtendedInputType = None, norm: NormInputType = None, name: str = "GaussianKDE1DimV1", label: str | None = None, ): r"""EXPERIMENTAL, `FEEDBACK WELCOME. <>`_ Exact, one dimensional, (truncated) Kernel Density Estimation with a Gaussian Kernel. This implementation features an exact implementation as is preferably used for smaller (max. ~ a few thousand points) data sets. For larger data sets, methods such as :py:class:`~zfit.pdf.KDE1DimGrid` that bin the dataset may be more efficient Kernel Density Estimation is a non-parametric method to approximate the density of given points. .. math:: f_h(x) = \frac{1}{nh} \sum_{i=1}^n K\Big(\frac{x-x_i}{h}\Big) where the kernel in this case is a (truncated) Gaussian .. math:: K = \exp \Big(\frac{(x - x_i)^2}{\sigma^2}\Big) The bandwidth of the kernel can be estimated in different ways. It can either be a global bandwidth, corresponding to a single value, or a local bandwidth, each corresponding to one data point. **Usage** The KDE can be instantiated by using a numpy-like data sample, preferably a `zfit.Data` object. This will be used as the mean of the kernels. The bandwidth can either be given as a parameter (with length 1 for a global one or length equal to the data size) - a rather advanced concept for methods such as cross validation - or determined from the data automatically, either through a simple method like scott or silverman rule of thumbs or through an iterative, adaptive method. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python # generate some example kernels size = 150 data = np.random.normal(size=size, loc=2, scale=3) limits = (-15, 5) obs = zfit.Space("obs1", limits=limits) kde_silverman = zfit.pdf.GaussianKDE1DimV1(data=data, obs=obs, bandwidth='silverman') # for a better smoothing of the kernels, use an adaptive approach kde = zfit.pdf.GaussianKDE1DimV1(data=data, obs=obs, bandwidth='adaptive') Args: data: || Data sample to approximate the density from. The points represent positions of the *kernel*, the :math:`x_i`. This is preferrably a ``ZfitData``, but can also be an array-like object. If the data has weights, they will be taken into account. This will change the count of the events, whereas weight :math:`w_i` of :math:`x_i` will scale the value of :math:`K_i( x_i)`, resulting in a factor of :math:`\frac{w_i}{\sum w_i} `. If no weights are given, each kernel will be scaled by the same constant :math:`\frac{1}{n_{data}}`. || obs: |@doc:pdf.kde.init.obs| Observable space of the KDE. As with any other PDF, this will be used as the default *norm*, but does not define the domain of the PDF. Namely, this can be a smaller space than *data*, as long as the name of the observable match. Using a larger dataset is actually good practice avoiding bountary biases, see also :ref:`sec-boundary-bias-and-padding`. |@docend:pdf.kde.init.obs| bandwidth: Valid pre-defined options are {'silverman', 'scott', 'adaptive'}. |@doc:pdf.kde.init.bandwidth| Bandwidth of the kernel, often also denoted as :math:`h`. For a Gaussian kernel, this corresponds to *sigma*. This can be calculated using pre-defined options or by specifying a numerical value that is broadcastable to *data* -- a scalar or an array-like object with the same size as *data*. A scalar value is usually referred to as a global bandwidth while an array holds local bandwidths |@docend:pdf.kde.init.bandwidth| The bandwidth can also be a parameter, which should be used with caution. However, it allows to use it in cross-valitadion with a likelihood method. weights: |@doc:pdf.kde.init.weights| Weights of each event in *data*, can be None or Tensor-like with shape compatible with *data*. Instead of using this parameter, it is preferred to use a ``ZfitData`` as *data* that contains weights. This will change the count of the events, whereas weight :math:`w_i` of :math:`x_i` will scale the value of :math:`K_i( x_i)`, resulting in a factor of :math:`\frac{w_i}{\sum w_i} `. If no weights are given, each kernel will be scaled by the same constant :math:`\frac{1}{n_{data}}`. |@docend:pdf.kde.init.weights| truncate: If a truncated Gaussian kernel should be used with the limits given by the `obs` lower and upper limits. This can cause NaNs in case datapoints are outside the limits. extended: |@doc:pdf.init.extended| The overall yield of the PDF. If this is parameter-like, it will be used as the yield, the expected number of events, and the PDF will be extended. An extended PDF has additional functionality, such as the ``ext_*`` methods and the ``counts`` (for binned PDFs). |@docend:pdf.init.extended| norm: |@doc:pdf.init.norm| Normalization of the PDF. By default, this is the same as the default space of the PDF. |@docend:pdf.init.norm| extended: |@doc:pdf.init.extended| The overall yield of the PDF. If this is parameter-like, it will be used as the yield, the expected number of events, and the PDF will be extended. An extended PDF has additional functionality, such as the ``ext_*`` methods and the ``counts`` (for binned PDFs). |@docend:pdf.init.extended| name: || Name of the PDF. Maybe has implications on the serialization and deserialization of the PDF. For a human-readable name, use the label. || label: |@doc:pdf.init.label| Human-readable name or label of the PDF for a better description, to be used with plots etc. Has no programmatical functional purpose as identification. |@docend:pdf.init.label| """ original_data = data data, size, weights, _ = self._convert_init_data_weights_size( data, weights, padding=False, limits=None, bandwidth=bandwidth, ) bandwidth, bandwidth_param = self._convert_input_bandwidth( bandwidth=bandwidth, data=data, truncate=truncate, name=name, obs=obs, weights=weights, ) params = {"bandwidth": bandwidth_param} probs = calc_kernel_probs(size, weights) categorical = tfd.Categorical(probs=probs) # no grad -> no need to recreate # create distribution factory if truncate: if not isinstance(obs, ZfitSpace): msg = "`obs` has to be a `ZfitSpace` if `truncated` is True." raise ValueError(msg) inside = obs.inside(data) all_inside = znp.all(inside) tf.debugging.assert_equal( all_inside, True, message="Not all data points are inside the limits but" " a truncate kernel was chosen.", ) def kernel_factory(): return tfp.distributions.TruncatedNormal( loc=self._data, scale=self._bandwidth,,, ) else: def kernel_factory(): return tfp.distributions.Normal(loc=self._data, scale=self._bandwidth) def dist_kwargs(): return { "mixture_distribution": categorical, "components_distribution": kernel_factory(), } distribution = tfd.MixtureSameFamily super().__init__( obs=obs, params=params, dist_params={}, dist_kwargs=dist_kwargs, distribution=distribution, extended=extended, norm=norm, name=name, label=label, ) self._data_weights = weights self._bandwidth = bandwidth self._data = data self._original_data = original_data # for copying self._truncate = truncate
[docs] class KDE1DimExact(KDEHelper, WrapDistribution, SerializableMixin): _bandwidth_methods = KDEHelper._bandwidth_methods.copy() _bandwidth_methods.update( { "adaptive_geom": _adaptive_geom_bandwidth_KDEV1, "adaptive_std": _adaptive_std_bandwidth_KDEV1, "adaptive_zfit": _adaptive_zfit_bandwidth_KDEV1, "isj": _bandwidth_isj_KDEV1, } ) def __init__( self, data: ztyping.XTypeInput, *, obs: ztyping.ObsTypeInput | None = None, bandwidth: ztyping.ParamTypeInput | str | Callable | None = None, kernel: tfd.Distribution = None, padding: callable | str | bool | None = None, weights: np.ndarray | tf.Tensor | None = None, extended: ExtendedInputType = None, norm: NormInputType = None, name: str | None = "ExactKDE1DimV1", label: str | None = None, ): r"""Kernel Density Estimation is a non-parametric method to approximate the density of given points. For a more in-depth explanation, see also in the section about Kernel Density Estimation :ref:`section-exact-kdes` Given a sample *data* we want to estimate the .. math:: f_h(x) = \frac{1}{nh} \sum_{i=1}^n K\Big(\frac{x-x_i}{h}\Big) This PDF features an exact implementation as is preferable for smaller (max. ~ a few thousand points) data sets. For larger data sets, methods such as :py:class:`~zfit.pdf.KDE1DimGrid` that bin the dataset may be more efficient Kernel Density Estimation is a non-parametric method to approximate the density of given points. .. math:: f_h(x) = \frac{1}{nh} \sum_{i=1}^n K\Big(\frac{x-x_i}{h}\Big) where the kernel in this case is a (truncated) Gaussian .. math:: K = \exp \Big(\frac{(x - x_i)^2}{\sigma^2}\Big) The bandwidth of the kernel can be estimated in different ways. It can either be a global bandwidth, corresponding to a single value, or a local bandwidth, each corresponding to one data point. Args: data: || Data sample to approximate the density from. The points represent positions of the *kernel*, the :math:`x_i`. This is preferrably a ``ZfitData``, but can also be an array-like object. If the data has weights, they will be taken into account. This will change the count of the events, whereas weight :math:`w_i` of :math:`x_i` will scale the value of :math:`K_i( x_i)`, resulting in a factor of :math:`\frac{w_i}{\sum w_i} `. If no weights are given, each kernel will be scaled by the same constant :math:`\frac{1}{n_{data}}`. || obs: |@doc:pdf.kde.init.obs| Observable space of the KDE. As with any other PDF, this will be used as the default *norm*, but does not define the domain of the PDF. Namely, this can be a smaller space than *data*, as long as the name of the observable match. Using a larger dataset is actually good practice avoiding bountary biases, see also :ref:`sec-boundary-bias-and-padding`. |@docend:pdf.kde.init.obs| bandwidth: Valid pre-defined options are {'silverman', 'scott', 'adaptive_zfit', 'adaptive_geom', 'adaptive_std', 'isj'}. |@doc:pdf.kde.init.bandwidth| Bandwidth of the kernel, often also denoted as :math:`h`. For a Gaussian kernel, this corresponds to *sigma*. This can be calculated using pre-defined options or by specifying a numerical value that is broadcastable to *data* -- a scalar or an array-like object with the same size as *data*. A scalar value is usually referred to as a global bandwidth while an array holds local bandwidths |@docend:pdf.kde.init.bandwidth| The bandwidth can also be a parameter, which should be used with caution. However, it allows to use it in cross-valitadion with a likelihood method. kernel: |@doc:pdf.kde.init.kernel| The kernel is the heart of the Kernel Density Estimation, which consists of the sum of kernels around each sample point. Therefore, a kernel should represent the distribution probability of a single data point as close as possible. The most widespread kernel is a Gaussian, or Normal, distribution. Due to the law of large numbers, the sum of many (arbitrary) random variables -- this is the case for most real world observable as they are the result of multiple consecutive random effects -- results in a Gaussian distribution. However, there are many cases where this assumption is not per-se true. In this cases an alternative kernel may offer a better choice. Valid choices are callables that return a :py:class:`~tensorflow_probability.distribution.Distribution`, such as all distributions that belong to the loc-scale family. |@docend:pdf.kde.init.kernel| padding: |@doc:pdf.kde.init.padding| KDEs have a peculiar weakness: the boundaries, as the outside has a zero density. This makes the KDE go down at the bountary as well, as the density approaches zero, no matter what the density inside the boundary was. There are two ways to circumvent this problem: - the best solution: providing a larger dataset than the default space the PDF is used in - mirroring the existing data at the boundaries, which is equivalent to a boundary condition with a zero derivative. This is a padding technique and can improve the boundaries. However, one important drawback of this method is to keep in mind that this will actually alter the PDF *to look mirrored*. If the PDF is plotted in a larger range, this becomes clear. Possible options are a number (default 0.1) that depicts the fraction of the overall space that defines the data mirrored on both sides. For example, for a space from 0 to 5, a value of 0.3 means that all data in the region of 0 to 1.5 is taken, mirrored around 0 as well as all data from 3.5 to 5 and mirrored at 5. The new data will go from -1.5 to 6.5, so the KDE is also having a shape outside the desired range. Using it only for the range 0 to 5 hides this. Using a dict, each side separately (or only a single one) can be mirrored, like ``{'lowermirror: 0.1}`` or ``{'lowermirror: 0.2, 'uppermirror': 0.1}``. For more control, a callable that takes data and weights can also be used. |@docend:pdf.kde.init.padding| weights: |@doc:pdf.kde.init.weights| Weights of each event in *data*, can be None or Tensor-like with shape compatible with *data*. Instead of using this parameter, it is preferred to use a ``ZfitData`` as *data* that contains weights. This will change the count of the events, whereas weight :math:`w_i` of :math:`x_i` will scale the value of :math:`K_i( x_i)`, resulting in a factor of :math:`\frac{w_i}{\sum w_i} `. If no weights are given, each kernel will be scaled by the same constant :math:`\frac{1}{n_{data}}`. |@docend:pdf.kde.init.weights| extended: |@doc:pdf.init.extended| The overall yield of the PDF. If this is parameter-like, it will be used as the yield, the expected number of events, and the PDF will be extended. An extended PDF has additional functionality, such as the ``ext_*`` methods and the ``counts`` (for binned PDFs). |@docend:pdf.init.extended| norm: |@doc:pdf.init.norm| Normalization of the PDF. By default, this is the same as the default space of the PDF. |@docend:pdf.init.norm| extended: |@doc:pdf.init.extended| The overall yield of the PDF. If this is parameter-like, it will be used as the yield, the expected number of events, and the PDF will be extended. An extended PDF has additional functionality, such as the ``ext_*`` methods and the ``counts`` (for binned PDFs). |@docend:pdf.init.extended| name: || Name of the PDF. Maybe has implications on the serialization and deserialization of the PDF. For a human-readable name, use the label. || label: |@doc:pdf.init.label| Human-readable name or label of the PDF for a better description, to be used with plots etc. Has no programmatical functional purpose as identification. |@docend:pdf.init.label| """ original_init = { "data": data, "obs": obs, "bandwidth": bandwidth, "kernel": kernel, "padding": padding, "weights": weights, "extended": extended, "name": name, } if kernel is None: kernel = tfd.Normal if padding is None: padding = self._default_padding if obs is None: if not isinstance(data, ZfitData) or not msg = "obs can only be None if data is ZfitData with limits." raise ValueError(msg) obs = data, size, weights, bandwidth = self._convert_init_data_weights_size( data, weights, padding=padding, limits=obs.v1.limits, bandwidth=bandwidth ) self._padding = padding bandwidth, bandwidth_param = self._convert_input_bandwidth( bandwidth=bandwidth, data=data, name=name, obs=obs, weights=weights, padding=False, kernel=kernel, label=label, ) self._original_data = data # for copying def components_distribution_generator(loc, scale): return tfd.Independent(kernel(loc=loc, scale=scale)) self._data = data self._bandwidth = bandwidth self._kernel = kernel self._weights = weights probs = calc_kernel_probs(size, weights) mixture_distribution = tfd.Categorical(probs=probs) components_distribution = components_distribution_generator(loc=self._data, scale=self._bandwidth) def dist_kwargs(): return { "mixture_distribution": mixture_distribution, "components_distribution": components_distribution, } distribution = tfd.MixtureSameFamily params = {"bandwidth": bandwidth_param} super().__init__( obs=obs, params=params, dist_params={}, dist_kwargs=dist_kwargs, distribution=distribution, extended=extended, norm=norm, name=name, ) self.hs3.original_init.update(original_init)
class KDE1DimExactRepr(BasePDFRepr): _implementation = KDE1DimExact hs3_type: Literal["KDE1DimExact"] = pydantic.Field("KDE1DimExact", alias="type") data: Union[np.ndarray, Serializer.types.DataTypeDiscriminated] obs: Optional[SpaceRepr] = None bandwidth: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None kernel: None = None padding: Optional[Union[bool, str]] = None weights: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, tf.Tensor]] = None name: Optional[str] = "KDE1DimExact" @pydantic.validator("kernel", pre=True) def validate_kernel(cls, v): if v is not None: if v != tfd.Normal: msg = "Kernel must be None for KDE1DimExact to be serialized." raise ValueError(msg) v = None return v @pydantic.root_validator(pre=True) def validate_all(cls, values): values = dict(values) if cls.orm_mode(values): for k, v in values["hs3"].original_init.items(): values[k] = v return values
[docs] class KDE1DimGrid(KDEHelper, WrapDistribution, SerializableMixin): _N_OBS = 1 _bandwidth_methods = KDEHelper._bandwidth_methods.copy() _bandwidth_methods.update( { "adaptive_geom": _adaptive_geom_bandwidth_grid_KDEV1, "adaptive_zfit": _adaptive_zfit_bandwidth_grid_KDEV1, # 'adaptive_std': _adaptive_std_bandwidth_grid_KDEV1, } ) def __init__( self, data: ztyping.XTypeInput, *, bandwidth: ztyping.ParamTypeInput | str | Callable | None = None, kernel: tfd.Distribution = None, padding: callable | str | bool | None = None, num_grid_points: int | None = None, binning_method: str | None = None, obs: ztyping.ObsTypeInput | None = None, weights: np.ndarray | tf.Tensor | None = None, extended: ExtendedInputType = None, norm: NormInputType = None, name: str = "GridKDE1DimV1", label: str | None = None, ): r"""Kernel Density Estimation is a non-parametric method to approximate the density of given points. For a more in-depth explanation, see also in the section about Kernel Density Estimation :ref:`sec-grid-kdes` .. math:: f_h(x) = \frac{1}{nh} \sum_{i=1}^n K\Big(\frac{x-x_i}{h}\Big) Args: data: || Data sample to approximate the density from. The points represent positions of the *kernel*, the :math:`x_i`. This is preferrably a ``ZfitData``, but can also be an array-like object. If the data has weights, they will be taken into account. This will change the count of the events, whereas weight :math:`w_i` of :math:`x_i` will scale the value of :math:`K_i( x_i)`, resulting in a factor of :math:`\frac{w_i}{\sum w_i} `. If no weights are given, each kernel will be scaled by the same constant :math:`\frac{1}{n_{data}}`. || bandwidth: Valid pre-defined options are {'silverman', 'scott', 'adaptive_zfit', 'adaptive_geom'}. |@doc:pdf.kde.init.bandwidth| Bandwidth of the kernel, often also denoted as :math:`h`. For a Gaussian kernel, this corresponds to *sigma*. This can be calculated using pre-defined options or by specifying a numerical value that is broadcastable to *data* -- a scalar or an array-like object with the same size as *data*. A scalar value is usually referred to as a global bandwidth while an array holds local bandwidths |@docend:pdf.kde.init.bandwidth| kernel: |@doc:pdf.kde.init.kernel| The kernel is the heart of the Kernel Density Estimation, which consists of the sum of kernels around each sample point. Therefore, a kernel should represent the distribution probability of a single data point as close as possible. The most widespread kernel is a Gaussian, or Normal, distribution. Due to the law of large numbers, the sum of many (arbitrary) random variables -- this is the case for most real world observable as they are the result of multiple consecutive random effects -- results in a Gaussian distribution. However, there are many cases where this assumption is not per-se true. In this cases an alternative kernel may offer a better choice. Valid choices are callables that return a :py:class:`~tensorflow_probability.distribution.Distribution`, such as all distributions that belong to the loc-scale family. |@docend:pdf.kde.init.kernel| padding: |@doc:pdf.kde.init.padding| KDEs have a peculiar weakness: the boundaries, as the outside has a zero density. This makes the KDE go down at the bountary as well, as the density approaches zero, no matter what the density inside the boundary was. There are two ways to circumvent this problem: - the best solution: providing a larger dataset than the default space the PDF is used in - mirroring the existing data at the boundaries, which is equivalent to a boundary condition with a zero derivative. This is a padding technique and can improve the boundaries. However, one important drawback of this method is to keep in mind that this will actually alter the PDF *to look mirrored*. If the PDF is plotted in a larger range, this becomes clear. Possible options are a number (default 0.1) that depicts the fraction of the overall space that defines the data mirrored on both sides. For example, for a space from 0 to 5, a value of 0.3 means that all data in the region of 0 to 1.5 is taken, mirrored around 0 as well as all data from 3.5 to 5 and mirrored at 5. The new data will go from -1.5 to 6.5, so the KDE is also having a shape outside the desired range. Using it only for the range 0 to 5 hides this. Using a dict, each side separately (or only a single one) can be mirrored, like ``{'lowermirror: 0.1}`` or ``{'lowermirror: 0.2, 'uppermirror': 0.1}``. For more control, a callable that takes data and weights can also be used. |@docend:pdf.kde.init.padding| num_grid_points: |@doc:pdf.kde.init.num_grid_points| Number of points in the binning grid. The data will be binned using the *binning_method* in *num_grid_points* and this histogram grid will then be used as kernel points. This has the advantage to have a constant computational complexity independent of the data size. A number from 32 on can already yield good results, while the default is set to 1024, creating a fine grid. Lowering the number increases the performance at the cost of accuracy. |@docend:pdf.kde.init.num_grid_points| binning_method: |@doc:pdf.kde.init.binning_method| Method to be used for binning the data. Options are 'linear', 'simple'. The data can be binned in the usual way ('simple'), but this is less precise for KDEs, where we are interested in the shape of the histogram and smoothing it. Therefore, a better suited method, 'linear', is available. In normal binnig, each event (or weight) falls into the bin within the bin edges, while the neighbouring bins get zero counts from this event. In linear binning, the event is split between two bins, proportional to its closeness to each bin. The 'linear' method provides superior performance, most notably in small (~32) grids. |@docend:pdf.kde.init.binning_method| obs: |@doc:pdf.kde.init.obs| Observable space of the KDE. As with any other PDF, this will be used as the default *norm*, but does not define the domain of the PDF. Namely, this can be a smaller space than *data*, as long as the name of the observable match. Using a larger dataset is actually good practice avoiding bountary biases, see also :ref:`sec-boundary-bias-and-padding`. |@docend:pdf.kde.init.obs| weights: |@doc:pdf.kde.init.weights| Weights of each event in *data*, can be None or Tensor-like with shape compatible with *data*. Instead of using this parameter, it is preferred to use a ``ZfitData`` as *data* that contains weights. This will change the count of the events, whereas weight :math:`w_i` of :math:`x_i` will scale the value of :math:`K_i( x_i)`, resulting in a factor of :math:`\frac{w_i}{\sum w_i} `. If no weights are given, each kernel will be scaled by the same constant :math:`\frac{1}{n_{data}}`. |@docend:pdf.kde.init.weights| extended: |@doc:pdf.init.extended| The overall yield of the PDF. If this is parameter-like, it will be used as the yield, the expected number of events, and the PDF will be extended. An extended PDF has additional functionality, such as the ``ext_*`` methods and the ``counts`` (for binned PDFs). |@docend:pdf.init.extended| norm: |@doc:pdf.init.norm| Normalization of the PDF. By default, this is the same as the default space of the PDF. |@docend:pdf.init.norm| extended: |@doc:pdf.init.extended| The overall yield of the PDF. If this is parameter-like, it will be used as the yield, the expected number of events, and the PDF will be extended. An extended PDF has additional functionality, such as the ``ext_*`` methods and the ``counts`` (for binned PDFs). |@docend:pdf.init.extended| name: || Name of the PDF. Maybe has implications on the serialization and deserialization of the PDF. For a human-readable name, use the label. || label: |@doc:pdf.init.label| Human-readable name or label of the PDF for a better description, to be used with plots etc. Has no programmatical functional purpose as identification. |@docend:pdf.init.label| """ original_init = { "data": data, "bandwidth": bandwidth, "kernel": kernel, "binning_method": binning_method, "num_grid_points": num_grid_points, "obs": obs, "weights": weights, "padding": padding, "name": name, "extended": extended, "norm": norm, } if kernel is None: kernel = tfd.Normal if binning_method is None: binning_method = "linear" if num_grid_points is None: num_grid_points = self._default_num_grid_points if isinstance(bandwidth, str): # numpy arrays cannot be compared with equal-> "use any, all" if bandwidth == "isj": msg = "isj not supported in GridKDE, use directly 'KDE1DimISJ'" raise ValueError(msg) if bandwidth == "adaptive_std": msg = ( "adaptive_std not supported in GridKDE due to very bad results. This is maybe caused" " by an issue regarding weights of the underlaying implementation." ) raise ValueError(msg) if padding is None: padding = self._default_padding if obs is None: if not isinstance(data, ZfitData) or not msg = "obs can only be None if data is ZfitData with limits." raise ValueError(msg) obs = data, size, weights, _ = self._convert_init_data_weights_size( data, weights, padding=padding, limits=obs.v1.limits, bandwidth=bandwidth ) self._padding = padding self._original_data = data # for copying def components_distribution_generator(loc, scale): return tfd.Independent(kernel(loc=loc, scale=scale)) if num_grid_points is not None: num_grid_points = tf.minimum(znp.asarray(size,, znp.asarray(num_grid_points, self._num_grid_points = num_grid_points self._binning_method = binning_method self._data = data self._grid = binning_util.generate_1d_grid(self._data, num_grid_points=self._num_grid_points) bandwidth, bandwidth_param = self._convert_input_bandwidth( bandwidth=bandwidth, data=data, binning_method=binning_method, num_grid_points=num_grid_points, padding=False, kernel=kernel, name=name, obs=obs, weights=weights, ) self._bandwidth = bandwidth self._kernel = kernel self._weights = weights self._grid_data = binning_util.bin_1d(self._binning_method, self._data, self._grid, self._weights) mixture_distribution = tfd.Categorical(probs=self._grid_data) check_bw_grid_shapes(self._bandwidth, self._grid) components_distribution = components_distribution_generator(loc=self._grid, scale=self._bandwidth) def dist_kwargs(): return { "mixture_distribution": mixture_distribution, "components_distribution": components_distribution, } distribution = tfd.MixtureSameFamily params = {"bandwidth": bandwidth_param} super().__init__( obs=obs, params=params, dist_params={}, dist_kwargs=dist_kwargs, distribution=distribution, extended=extended, norm=norm, name=name, label=label, ) self.hs3.original_init.update(original_init)
def bw_is_arraylike(bw, allow1d): return ( hasattr(bw, "shape") and bw.shape and len(bw.shape) > 0 and (bw.shape[0] is None or (bw.shape[0] > 1 or allow1d)) ) class KDE1DimGridRepr(BasePDFRepr): _implementation = KDE1DimGrid hs3_type: Literal["KDE1DimGrid"] = pydantic.Field("KDE1DimGrid", alias="type") data: Union[np.ndarray, Serializer.types.DataTypeDiscriminated] obs: Optional[SpaceRepr] = None bandwidth: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None num_grid_points: Optional[int] = None binning_method: Optional[str] = None kernel: None = None padding: Optional[Union[bool, str]] = None weights: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, tf.Tensor]] = None name: Optional[str] = "GridKDE1DimV1" @pydantic.validator("kernel", pre=True) def validate_kernel(cls, v): if v is not None: if v != tfd.Normal: msg = "Kernel must be None for GridKDE1DimV1 to be serialized." raise ValueError(msg) v = None return v @pydantic.root_validator(pre=True) def validate_all(cls, values): values = dict(values) if cls.orm_mode(values): for k, v in values["hs3"].original_init.items(): values[k] = v return values
[docs] class KDE1DimFFT(KDEHelper, BasePDF, SerializableMixin): _N_OBS = 1 def __init__( self, data: ztyping.XTypeInput, *, obs: ztyping.ObsTypeInput | None = None, bandwidth: ztyping.ParamTypeInput | str | Callable | None = None, kernel: tfd.Distribution = None, num_grid_points: int | None = None, binning_method: str | None = None, support=None, fft_method: str | None = None, padding: callable | str | bool | None = None, weights: np.ndarray | tf.Tensor | None = None, extended: ExtendedInputType = None, norm: NormInputType = None, name: str = "KDE1DimFFT", label: str | None = None, ): r"""Kernel Density Estimation is a non-parametric method to approximate the density of given points. For a more in-depth explanation, see also in the section about Kernel Density Estimation :ref:`sec-fft-kdes` .. math:: f_h(x) = \frac{1}{nh} \sum_{i=1}^n K\Big(\frac{x-x_i}{h}\Big) It is computed by using a convolution of the data with the kernels evaluated at fixed grid points and then interpolating between this points to get an estimate for x. Args: data: || Data sample to approximate the density from. The points represent positions of the *kernel*, the :math:`x_i`. This is preferrably a ``ZfitData``, but can also be an array-like object. If the data has weights, they will be taken into account. This will change the count of the events, whereas weight :math:`w_i` of :math:`x_i` will scale the value of :math:`K_i( x_i)`, resulting in a factor of :math:`\frac{w_i}{\sum w_i} `. If no weights are given, each kernel will be scaled by the same constant :math:`\frac{1}{n_{data}}`. || bandwidth: |@doc:pdf.kde.init.bandwidth| Bandwidth of the kernel, often also denoted as :math:`h`. For a Gaussian kernel, this corresponds to *sigma*. This can be calculated using pre-defined options or by specifying a numerical value that is broadcastable to *data* -- a scalar or an array-like object with the same size as *data*. A scalar value is usually referred to as a global bandwidth while an array holds local bandwidths |@docend:pdf.kde.init.bandwidth| kernel: |@doc:pdf.kde.init.kernel| The kernel is the heart of the Kernel Density Estimation, which consists of the sum of kernels around each sample point. Therefore, a kernel should represent the distribution probability of a single data point as close as possible. The most widespread kernel is a Gaussian, or Normal, distribution. Due to the law of large numbers, the sum of many (arbitrary) random variables -- this is the case for most real world observable as they are the result of multiple consecutive random effects -- results in a Gaussian distribution. However, there are many cases where this assumption is not per-se true. In this cases an alternative kernel may offer a better choice. Valid choices are callables that return a :py:class:`~tensorflow_probability.distribution.Distribution`, such as all distributions that belong to the loc-scale family. |@docend:pdf.kde.init.kernel| padding: |@doc:pdf.kde.init.padding| KDEs have a peculiar weakness: the boundaries, as the outside has a zero density. This makes the KDE go down at the bountary as well, as the density approaches zero, no matter what the density inside the boundary was. There are two ways to circumvent this problem: - the best solution: providing a larger dataset than the default space the PDF is used in - mirroring the existing data at the boundaries, which is equivalent to a boundary condition with a zero derivative. This is a padding technique and can improve the boundaries. However, one important drawback of this method is to keep in mind that this will actually alter the PDF *to look mirrored*. If the PDF is plotted in a larger range, this becomes clear. Possible options are a number (default 0.1) that depicts the fraction of the overall space that defines the data mirrored on both sides. For example, for a space from 0 to 5, a value of 0.3 means that all data in the region of 0 to 1.5 is taken, mirrored around 0 as well as all data from 3.5 to 5 and mirrored at 5. The new data will go from -1.5 to 6.5, so the KDE is also having a shape outside the desired range. Using it only for the range 0 to 5 hides this. Using a dict, each side separately (or only a single one) can be mirrored, like ``{'lowermirror: 0.1}`` or ``{'lowermirror: 0.2, 'uppermirror': 0.1}``. For more control, a callable that takes data and weights can also be used. |@docend:pdf.kde.init.padding| num_grid_points: |@doc:pdf.kde.init.num_grid_points| Number of points in the binning grid. The data will be binned using the *binning_method* in *num_grid_points* and this histogram grid will then be used as kernel points. This has the advantage to have a constant computational complexity independent of the data size. A number from 32 on can already yield good results, while the default is set to 1024, creating a fine grid. Lowering the number increases the performance at the cost of accuracy. |@docend:pdf.kde.init.num_grid_points| binning_method: |@doc:pdf.kde.init.binning_method| Method to be used for binning the data. Options are 'linear', 'simple'. The data can be binned in the usual way ('simple'), but this is less precise for KDEs, where we are interested in the shape of the histogram and smoothing it. Therefore, a better suited method, 'linear', is available. In normal binnig, each event (or weight) falls into the bin within the bin edges, while the neighbouring bins get zero counts from this event. In linear binning, the event is split between two bins, proportional to its closeness to each bin. The 'linear' method provides superior performance, most notably in small (~32) grids. |@docend:pdf.kde.init.binning_method| support: fft_method: obs: |@doc:pdf.kde.init.obs| Observable space of the KDE. As with any other PDF, this will be used as the default *norm*, but does not define the domain of the PDF. Namely, this can be a smaller space than *data*, as long as the name of the observable match. Using a larger dataset is actually good practice avoiding bountary biases, see also :ref:`sec-boundary-bias-and-padding`. |@docend:pdf.kde.init.obs| weights: |@doc:pdf.kde.init.weights| Weights of each event in *data*, can be None or Tensor-like with shape compatible with *data*. Instead of using this parameter, it is preferred to use a ``ZfitData`` as *data* that contains weights. This will change the count of the events, whereas weight :math:`w_i` of :math:`x_i` will scale the value of :math:`K_i( x_i)`, resulting in a factor of :math:`\frac{w_i}{\sum w_i} `. If no weights are given, each kernel will be scaled by the same constant :math:`\frac{1}{n_{data}}`. |@docend:pdf.kde.init.weights| extended: |@doc:pdf.init.extended| The overall yield of the PDF. If this is parameter-like, it will be used as the yield, the expected number of events, and the PDF will be extended. An extended PDF has additional functionality, such as the ``ext_*`` methods and the ``counts`` (for binned PDFs). |@docend:pdf.init.extended| norm: |@doc:pdf.init.norm| Normalization of the PDF. By default, this is the same as the default space of the PDF. |@docend:pdf.init.norm| extended: |@doc:pdf.init.extended| The overall yield of the PDF. If this is parameter-like, it will be used as the yield, the expected number of events, and the PDF will be extended. An extended PDF has additional functionality, such as the ``ext_*`` methods and the ``counts`` (for binned PDFs). |@docend:pdf.init.extended| name: || Name of the PDF. Maybe has implications on the serialization and deserialization of the PDF. For a human-readable name, use the label. || label: |@doc:pdf.init.label| Human-readable name or label of the PDF for a better description, to be used with plots etc. Has no programmatical functional purpose as identification. |@docend:pdf.init.label| """ original_init = { "data": data, "bandwidth": bandwidth, "num_grid_points": num_grid_points, "binning_method": binning_method, "support": support, "fft_method": fft_method, "obs": obs, "weights": weights, "extended": extended, "norm": norm, "name": name, } if isinstance(bandwidth, ZfitParameter): msg = "bandwidth cannot be a Parameter for the FFT KDE." raise TypeError(msg) if num_grid_points is None: num_grid_points = self._default_num_grid_points if binning_method is None: binning_method = "linear" if fft_method is None: fft_method = "conv1d" if kernel is None: kernel = tfd.Normal if padding is None: padding = self._default_padding if obs is None: if not isinstance(data, ZfitData) or not msg = "obs can only be None if data is ZfitData with limits." raise ValueError(msg) obs = data, size, weights, _ = self._convert_init_data_weights_size( data, weights, padding=padding, limits=obs.v1.limits, bandwidth=bandwidth ) self._padding = padding bandwidth, bandwidth_param = self._convert_input_bandwidth( bandwidth=bandwidth, data=data, padding=False, kernel=kernel, support=support, fft_method=fft_method, name=name, obs=obs, weights=weights, ) num_grid_points = tf.minimum(znp.asarray(size,, tf.constant(num_grid_points, check_bw_grid_shapes(bandwidth, n_grid=num_grid_points) self._num_grid_points = num_grid_points self._binning_method = binning_method self._fft_method = fft_method self._data = data self._bandwidth = bandwidth params = {"bandwidth": self._bandwidth} super().__init__(obs=obs, name=name, params=params, extended=extended, norm=norm, label=label) self._kernel = kernel self._weights = weights if support is None: area = znp.reshape(, ()) if area is not None: support = area * 1.2 self._support = support self._grid = None self._grid_data = None self._grid = binning_util.generate_1d_grid(self._data, num_grid_points=self._num_grid_points) self._grid_data = binning_util.bin_1d(self._binning_method, self._data, self._grid, self._weights) self._grid_estimations = convolution_util.convolve_1d_data_with_kernel( self._kernel, self._bandwidth, self._grid_data, self._grid, self._support, self._fft_method, ) self.hs3.original_init.update(original_init) def _unnormalized_pdf(self, x): x = z.unstack_x(x) x_min = self._grid[0] x_max = self._grid[-1] value = tfp.math.interp_regular_1d_grid(x, x_min, x_max, self._grid_estimations) value.set_shape(x.shape) return value
class KDE1DimFFTRepr(BasePDFRepr): _implementation = KDE1DimFFT hs3_type: Literal["KDE1DimFFT"] = pydantic.Field("KDE1DimFFT", alias="type") data: Union[np.ndarray, Serializer.types.DataTypeDiscriminated] obs: Optional[SpaceRepr] = None bandwidth: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None num_grid_points: Optional[int] = None binning_method: Optional[str] = None kernel: None = None support: Optional[float] = None fft_method: Optional[str] = None padding: Optional[Union[bool, str]] = None weights: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, tf.Tensor]] = None name: Optional[str] = "KDE1DimFFT" @pydantic.validator("kernel", pre=True) def validate_kernel(cls, v): if v is not None: if v != tfd.Normal: msg = "Kernel must be None for GridKDE1DimV1 to be serialized." raise ValueError(msg) v = None return v @pydantic.root_validator(pre=True) def validate_all(cls, values): values = dict(values) if cls.orm_mode(values): for k, v in values["hs3"].original_init.items(): values[k] = v return values
[docs] class KDE1DimISJ(KDEHelper, BasePDF, SerializableMixin): _N_OBS = 1 def __init__( self, data: ztyping.XTypeInput, *, obs: ztyping.ObsTypeInput | None = None, padding: callable | str | bool | None = None, num_grid_points: int | None = None, binning_method: str | None = None, weights: np.ndarray | tf.Tensor | None = None, extended: ExtendedInputType = None, norm: NormInputType = None, name: str = "KDE1DimISJ", label: str | None = None, ): r"""Kernel Density Estimation is a non-parametric method to approximate the density of given points. For a more in-depth explanation, see also in the section about Kernel Density Estimation :ref:`sec-isj-kde` .. math:: f_h(x) = \frac{1}{nh} \sum_{i=1}^n K\Big(\frac{x-x_i}{h}\Big) The bandwidth is computed by using a trick described in a paper by Botev et al. that uses the fact, that the Kernel Density Estimation with a Gaussian Kernel is a solution to the Heat Equation. Args: data: || Data sample to approximate the density from. The points represent positions of the *kernel*, the :math:`x_i`. This is preferrably a ``ZfitData``, but can also be an array-like object. If the data has weights, they will be taken into account. This will change the count of the events, whereas weight :math:`w_i` of :math:`x_i` will scale the value of :math:`K_i( x_i)`, resulting in a factor of :math:`\frac{w_i}{\sum w_i} `. If no weights are given, each kernel will be scaled by the same constant :math:`\frac{1}{n_{data}}`. || padding: |@doc:pdf.kde.init.padding| KDEs have a peculiar weakness: the boundaries, as the outside has a zero density. This makes the KDE go down at the bountary as well, as the density approaches zero, no matter what the density inside the boundary was. There are two ways to circumvent this problem: - the best solution: providing a larger dataset than the default space the PDF is used in - mirroring the existing data at the boundaries, which is equivalent to a boundary condition with a zero derivative. This is a padding technique and can improve the boundaries. However, one important drawback of this method is to keep in mind that this will actually alter the PDF *to look mirrored*. If the PDF is plotted in a larger range, this becomes clear. Possible options are a number (default 0.1) that depicts the fraction of the overall space that defines the data mirrored on both sides. For example, for a space from 0 to 5, a value of 0.3 means that all data in the region of 0 to 1.5 is taken, mirrored around 0 as well as all data from 3.5 to 5 and mirrored at 5. The new data will go from -1.5 to 6.5, so the KDE is also having a shape outside the desired range. Using it only for the range 0 to 5 hides this. Using a dict, each side separately (or only a single one) can be mirrored, like ``{'lowermirror: 0.1}`` or ``{'lowermirror: 0.2, 'uppermirror': 0.1}``. For more control, a callable that takes data and weights can also be used. |@docend:pdf.kde.init.padding| num_grid_points: |@doc:pdf.kde.init.num_grid_points| Number of points in the binning grid. The data will be binned using the *binning_method* in *num_grid_points* and this histogram grid will then be used as kernel points. This has the advantage to have a constant computational complexity independent of the data size. A number from 32 on can already yield good results, while the default is set to 1024, creating a fine grid. Lowering the number increases the performance at the cost of accuracy. |@docend:pdf.kde.init.num_grid_points| binning_method: |@doc:pdf.kde.init.binning_method| Method to be used for binning the data. Options are 'linear', 'simple'. The data can be binned in the usual way ('simple'), but this is less precise for KDEs, where we are interested in the shape of the histogram and smoothing it. Therefore, a better suited method, 'linear', is available. In normal binnig, each event (or weight) falls into the bin within the bin edges, while the neighbouring bins get zero counts from this event. In linear binning, the event is split between two bins, proportional to its closeness to each bin. The 'linear' method provides superior performance, most notably in small (~32) grids. |@docend:pdf.kde.init.binning_method| obs: |@doc:pdf.kde.init.obs| Observable space of the KDE. As with any other PDF, this will be used as the default *norm*, but does not define the domain of the PDF. Namely, this can be a smaller space than *data*, as long as the name of the observable match. Using a larger dataset is actually good practice avoiding bountary biases, see also :ref:`sec-boundary-bias-and-padding`. |@docend:pdf.kde.init.obs| weights: |@doc:pdf.kde.init.weights| Weights of each event in *data*, can be None or Tensor-like with shape compatible with *data*. Instead of using this parameter, it is preferred to use a ``ZfitData`` as *data* that contains weights. This will change the count of the events, whereas weight :math:`w_i` of :math:`x_i` will scale the value of :math:`K_i( x_i)`, resulting in a factor of :math:`\frac{w_i}{\sum w_i} `. If no weights are given, each kernel will be scaled by the same constant :math:`\frac{1}{n_{data}}`. |@docend:pdf.kde.init.weights| norm: |@doc:pdf.init.norm| Normalization of the PDF. By default, this is the same as the default space of the PDF. |@docend:pdf.init.norm| extended: |@doc:pdf.init.extended| The overall yield of the PDF. If this is parameter-like, it will be used as the yield, the expected number of events, and the PDF will be extended. An extended PDF has additional functionality, such as the ``ext_*`` methods and the ``counts`` (for binned PDFs). |@docend:pdf.init.extended| name: || Name of the PDF. Maybe has implications on the serialization and deserialization of the PDF. For a human-readable name, use the label. || label: |@doc:pdf.init.label| Human-readable name or label of the PDF for a better description, to be used with plots etc. Has no programmatical functional purpose as identification. |@docend:pdf.init.label| """ original_init = { "data": data, "weights": weights, "num_grid_points": num_grid_points, "binning_method": binning_method, "obs": obs, "padding": padding, "name": name, "norm": norm, "extended": extended, } if num_grid_points is None: num_grid_points = self._default_num_grid_points if binning_method is None: binning_method = "linear" if padding is None: padding = self._default_padding if obs is None: if not isinstance(data, ZfitData) or not msg = "obs can only be None if data is ZfitData with limits." raise ValueError(msg) obs = data, size, weights, _ = self._convert_init_data_weights_size( data, weights, padding=padding, limits=obs.v1.limits, bandwidth=None ) self._padding = padding num_grid_points = tf.minimum(znp.asarray(size,, tf.constant(num_grid_points, self._num_grid_points = num_grid_points self._binning_method = binning_method self._data = tf.convert_to_tensor(data, ztypes.float) self._weights = weights self._grid = None self._grid_data = None ( self._bandwidth, self._grid_estimations, self._grid, ) = isj_util.calculate_bandwidth_and_density( self._data, self._num_grid_points, self._binning_method, self._weights ) params = {} super().__init__(obs=obs, name=name, params=params, extended=extended, norm=norm, label=label) self.hs3.original_init.update(original_init) def _unnormalized_pdf(self, x): x = z.unstack_x(x) x_min = self._grid[0] x_max = self._grid[-1] value = tfp.math.interp_regular_1d_grid(x, x_min, x_max, self._grid_estimations) value.set_shape(x.shape) return value
class KDE1DimISJRepr(BasePDFRepr): _implementation = KDE1DimISJ hs3_type: Literal["KDE1DimISJ"] = pydantic.Field("KDE1DimISJ", alias="type") data: Union[np.ndarray, Serializer.types.DataTypeDiscriminated] obs: Optional[SpaceRepr] = None bandwidth: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None num_grid_points: Optional[int] = None binning_method: Optional[str] = None kernel: None = None padding: Optional[Union[bool, str]] = None weights: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, tf.Tensor]] = None name: Optional[str] = "KDE1DimISJ" @pydantic.validator("kernel", pre=True) def validate_kernel(cls, v): if v is not None: if v != tfd.Normal: msg = "Kernel must be None for GridKDE1DimV1 to be serialized." raise ValueError(msg) v = None return v @pydantic.root_validator(pre=True) def validate_all(cls, values): values = dict(values) if cls.orm_mode(values): for k, v in values["hs3"].original_init.items(): values[k] = v return values