Source code for zfit.minimizers.minimizer_minuit

#  Copyright (c) 2024 zfit

from __future__ import annotations

from import Mapping

import iminuit
import numpy as np

from .. import z
from ..core.interfaces import ZfitLoss
from ..core.parameter import Parameter, assign_values
from ..util.cache import GraphCachable
from ..util.deprecation import deprecated_args
from ..util.exception import MaximumIterationReached
from .baseminimizer import BaseMinimizer, minimize_supports, print_minimization_status
from .fitresult import FitResult
from .strategy import ZfitStrategy
from .termination import EDM, ConvergenceCriterion

[docs] class Minuit(BaseMinimizer, GraphCachable): _DEFAULT_name = "Minuit" @deprecated_args(None, "Use `options` instead.", "minimizer_options") @deprecated_args(None, "Use `maxiter` instead.", "ncall") @deprecated_args(None, "Use `mode` instead.", "minimize_strategy") @deprecated_args(None, "Use `gradient` instead.", "minuit_grad") @deprecated_args(None, "Use `gradient` instead.", "use_minuit_grad") def __init__( self, tol: float | None = None, mode: int | None = None, gradient: bool | str | None = None, verbosity: int | None = None, options: Mapping[str, object] | None = None, maxiter: int | None = None, criterion: ConvergenceCriterion | None = None, strategy: ZfitStrategy | None = None, name: str | None = None, # legacy arguments use_minuit_grad: bool | None = None, minuit_grad=None, minimize_strategy=None, ncall=None, minimizer_options=None, ): """Minuit is a longstanding and well proven algorithm of the L-BFGS-B class implemented in `iminuit`_. The package iminuit is the fast, interactive minimizer based on the Minuit2 C++ library; the latter is maintained by CERN's ROOT team. It is an especially robust minimizer that finds the global minimum quiet reliably. It is however, like all local minimizers, still rather dependent on close enough initial values. .. _iminuit: Args: tol: |@doc:minimizer.tol| Termination value for the convergence/stopping criterion of the algorithm in order to determine if the minimum has been found. Defaults to 1e-3. |@docend:minimizer.tol| mode: A number used by minuit to define the internal minimization strategy, either 0, 1 or 2. As `explained in the iminuit docs <>`_ , they mean: - 0 The fastest and the number of function calls required to minimise scales linearly with the number of fitted parameters. The Hesse matrix is not computed during the minimisation (only an approximation that is continuously updated). When the number of fitted parameters > 10, you should prefer this strategy. - 1 (default with Minuit gradient) medium in speed. The number of function calls required scales quadratically with the number of fitted parameters. The different scales comes from the fact that the Hesse matrix is explicitly computed in a Newton step, if Minuit detects significant correlations between parameters. - 2 same quadratic scaling as strategy 1 but is even slower. The Hesse matrix is always explicitly computed in each Newton step. gradient: If True, iminuit uses its internal numerical gradient calculation instead of the (analytic/numerical) gradient provided by TensorFlow/zfit. If False or ``'zfit'``, the latter is used. For smaller datasets with less stable losses, the internal Minuit gradient often performs better while the zfit provided gradient improves the convergence rate for larger (10'000+) datasets. verbosity: |@doc:minimizer.verbosity| Verbosity of the minimizer. Has to be between 0 and 10. The verbosity has the meaning: - a value of 0 means quiet and no output - above 0 up to 5, information that is good to know but without flooding the user, corresponding to a "INFO" level. - A value above 5 starts printing out considerably more and is used more for debugging purposes. - Setting the verbosity to 10 will print out every evaluation of the loss function and gradient. Some minimizers offer additional output which is also distributed as above but may duplicate certain printed values. |@docend:minimizer.verbosity| This also changes the iminuit internal verbosity at around 7. options: Additional options that will be directly passsed into :meth:`~iminuitMinuit.migrad` maxiter: |@doc:minimizer.maxiter| Approximate number of iterations. This corresponds to roughly the maximum number of evaluations of the ``value``, 'gradient`` or ``hessian``. |@docend:minimizer.maxiter| criterion: |@doc:minimizer.criterion| Criterion of the minimum. This is an estimated measure for the distance to the minimum and can include the relative or absolute changes of the parameters, function value, gradients and more. If the value of the criterion is smaller than ``loss.errordef * tol``, the algorithm stopps and it is assumed that the minimum has been found. |@docend:minimizer.criterion| strategy: |@doc:minimizer.strategy| A class of type ``ZfitStrategy`` that takes no input arguments in the init. Determines the behavior of the minimizer in certain situations, most notably when encountering NaNs. It can also implement a callback function. |@docend:minimizer.strategy| name: || Human-readable name of the minimizer. || use_minuit_grad: deprecated, legacy. minuit_grad: deprecated, legacy. minimize_strategy: deprecated, legacy. ncall: deprecated, legacy. minimizer_options: deprecated, legacy. """ # legacy if isinstance(mode, float) or isinstance(tol, int): msg = "mode has to be int, tol a float. The API changed, make sure you use the" " right parameters." raise TypeError(msg) if minimizer_options is not None: options = minimizer_options if ncall is not None: maxiter = ncall if minimize_strategy is not None: mode = minimize_strategy use_grad_legacy = use_minuit_grad if use_minuit_grad is not None else minuit_grad if use_grad_legacy is not None: gradient = use_grad_legacy # end legacy if gradient == "zfit": gradient = False gradient = True if gradient is None else gradient self._internal_maxiter = 20 options = {} if options is None else options options["ncall"] = 0 if maxiter is None else maxiter if mode is None: mode = 1 if mode not in range(3): msg = f"mode has to be 0, 1 or 2, not {mode}." raise ValueError(msg) options["strategy"] = mode super().__init__( name=name, strategy=strategy, tol=tol, verbosity=verbosity, criterion=criterion, maxiter=1e20, minimizer_options=options, ) self._minuit_minimizer = None self._use_tfgrad_internal = not gradient self.minuit_grad = gradient # TODO 0.7: legacy, remove `_use_tfgrad` @property def _use_tfgrad(self): from zfit.exception import BreakingAPIChangeError msg = "This property is not available anymore. Use `gradient` instead." raise BreakingAPIChangeError(msg) @minimize_supports() def _minimize(self, loss: ZfitLoss, params: list[Parameter], init): if init: assign_values(params=params, values=init) criterion = self.create_criterion(loss, params) minimizer, minimize_options, evaluator = self._make_minuit(loss, params, init) self._minuit_minimizer = minimizer valid = False message = "" maxiter_reached = False for i in range(self._internal_maxiter): # perform minimization try: minimizer = minimizer.migrad(**minimize_options) except MaximumIterationReached as error: if minimizer is None: # it didn't even run once msg = ( "Maximum iteration reached on first wrapped minimizer call. This" "is likely to a too low number of maximum iterations (currently" f" {evaluator.maxiter}) or wrong internal tolerances, in which" f" case: please fill an issue on github." ) raise MaximumIterationReached(msg) from error maxiter_reached = True message = "Maxiter reached" else: if evaluator.maxiter is not None: maxiter_reached = evaluator.niter > evaluator.maxiter if type(criterion) == EDM: # use iminuits edm criterion.last_value = minimizer.fmin.edm converged = not minimizer.fmin.is_above_max_edm else: fitresult = FitResult.from_minuit( loss=loss, params=params, minuit=minimizer, minimizer=self, valid=valid, message=message, ) converged = criterion.converged(fitresult) if self.verbosity > 5: internal_tol = {"edm_minuit": minimizer.fmin.edm} print_minimization_status( converged=converged, criterion=criterion, evaluator=evaluator, i=i, fminopt=minimizer.fval, internal_tol=internal_tol, ) if converged or maxiter_reached: assign_values(params, z.convert_to_tensor(minimizer.values)) # make sure it's at the right value if not maxiter_reached: valid = True break return FitResult.from_minuit( loss=loss, params=params, criterion=criterion, minuit=minimizer, minimizer=self.copy(), valid=valid, message=message, ) def _make_minuit(self, loss, params, init): evaluator = self.create_evaluator(loss, params) # create options minimizer_options = self.minimizer_options.copy() minimize_options = {} precision = minimizer_options.pop("precision", None) minimize_options["ncall"] = minimizer_options.pop("ncall") minimizer_init = {} if "errordef" in minimizer_options: msg = "errordef cannot be specified for Minuit as this is already defined in the Loss." raise ValueError(msg) loss_errordef = loss.errordef if not isinstance(loss_errordef, (float, int)): msg = "errordef has to be a float" raise ValueError(msg) minimizer_init["errordef"] = loss_errordef minimizer_init["pedantic"] = minimizer_options.pop("pedantic", False) minimizer_setter = {} minimizer_setter["strategy"] = minimizer_options.pop("strategy") if self.verbosity > 8: minuit_verbosity = 3 elif self.verbosity > 6: minuit_verbosity = 2 elif self.verbosity > 1: minuit_verbosity = 1 else: minuit_verbosity = 0 if minimizer_options: msg = f"The following options are not (yet) supported: {minimizer_options}" raise ValueError(msg) init_values = np.array(params) # create Minuit compatible names params_name = [ for param in params] # TODO 0.7: legacy, remove `_use_tfgrad` grad_func = evaluator.gradient if self._use_tfgrad_internal or not self.minuit_grad else None minimizer = iminuit.Minuit( evaluator.value, init_values, grad=grad_func, name=params_name, ) minimizer.precision = precision approx_step_sizes = {} # get possible initial step size from previous minimizer if init: approx_step_sizes = init.hesse(params=params, method="approx", name="approx") empty_dict = {} for param in params: step_size = approx_step_sizes.get(param, empty_dict).get("error") if step_size is None and param.has_step_size: step_size = param.step_size if step_size is not None: minimizer.errors[] = step_size # set limits for param in params: if param.has_limits: minimizer.limits[] = (param.lower, param.upper) # set options minimizer.errordef = loss.errordef minimizer.print_level = minuit_verbosity strategy = minimizer_setter.pop("strategy") minimizer.strategy = strategy minimizer.tol = ( self.tol / 0.002 / loss.errordef # iminuit multiplies by default with 0.002 ) # to account for the loss assert ( not minimizer_setter ), f"minimizer_setter is not empty, bug. Please report. minimizer_setter: {minimizer_setter}" return minimizer, minimize_options, evaluator def copy(self): tmp_minimizer = self._minuit_minimizer new_minimizer = super().copy() new_minimizer._minuit_minimizer = tmp_minimizer return new_minimizer