Source code for zfit.core.parameter

"""Define Parameter which holds the value."""

#  Copyright (c) 2024 zfit

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import collections
import copy
import functools
import typing
import warnings
import weakref
from import Callable, Iterable
from contextlib import suppress
from inspect import signature
from typing import Literal, Mapping, Optional, Union
from weakref import WeakSet

import dill
import numpy as np
import pydantic
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp

# TF backwards compatibility
from ordered_set import OrderedSet
from pydantic import Field, validator
from tensorflow.python.ops import tensor_getitem_override
from tensorflow.python.ops.resource_variable_ops import (
    ResourceVariable as TFVariable,
from tensorflow.python.ops.resource_variable_ops import (
from tensorflow.python.ops.variables import Variable
from tensorflow.python.types.core import Tensor as TensorType

import zfit.z.numpy as znp

from .. import z
from ..core.baseobject import BaseNumeric, extract_filter_params
from ..minimizers.interface import ZfitResult
from ..serialization.paramrepr import make_param_constructor
from ..serialization.serializer import BaseRepr, Serializer
from ..settings import run, ztypes
from ..util import ztyping
from ..util.checks import NotSpecified
from ..util.container import convert_to_container
from ..util.deprecation import deprecated, deprecated_args
from ..util.exception import (
from ..util.temporary import TemporarilySet
from . import interfaces as zinterfaces
from .dependents import _extract_dependencies
from .interfaces import ZfitIndependentParameter, ZfitModel, ZfitParameter
from .serialmixin import SerializableMixin

# todo add type hints in this module for api

class MetaBaseParameter(type(tf.Variable), type(zinterfaces.ZfitParameter)):  # resolve metaclasses

def register_tensor_conversion(
    convertable, name=None, overload_operators=True, priority=10
):  # higher than any tf conversion
    def _dense_var_to_tensor(var, dtype=None, name=None, as_ref=False):
        return var._dense_var_to_tensor(dtype=dtype, name=name, as_ref=as_ref)

    tf.register_tensor_conversion_function(convertable, _dense_var_to_tensor, priority=priority)
    if name:
        # _pywrap_utils.RegisterType(name, convertable)

    if overload_operators:

class OverloadableMixin(ZfitParameter):
    # Conversion to tensor.
    def _TensorConversionFunction(v, dtype=None, name=None, as_ref=False):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        """Utility function for converting a Variable to a Tensor."""
        _ = name
        if dtype and not dtype.is_compatible_with(v.dtype):
            msg = (
                f"Incompatible type conversion requested to type '{}' for variable "
                f"of type '{}'"
            raise ValueError(msg)
        if as_ref:
            return v._ref()  # pylint: disable=protected-access
            return v.value()

    def _dense_var_to_tensor(self, dtype=None, name=None, as_ref=False):
        del name
        if dtype and not dtype.is_compatible_with(self.dtype):
            msg = (
                f"Incompatible type conversion requested to type '{}' for variable "
                f"of type '{}'"
            raise ValueError(msg)
        if as_ref:
            if hasattr(self, "_ref"):
                return self._ref()
                msg = "Why is this needed?"
                raise RuntimeError(msg)
            return self.value()

    def _AsTensor(self):
        return self.value()

    def _OverloadAllOperators(cls):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        """Register overloads for all operators."""
        for operator in tf.Tensor.OVERLOADABLE_OPERATORS:
        # For slicing, bind getitem differently than a tensor (use SliceHelperVar
        # instead)
        # pylint: disable=protected-access
        cls.__getitem__ = tensor_getitem_override._slice_helper_var

    def _OverloadOperator(cls, operator):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        """Defer an operator overload to ``ops.Tensor``.

        We pull the operator out of ops.Tensor dynamically to avoid ordering issues.
          operator: string. The operator name.
        # We can't use the overload mechanism on __eq__ & __ne__ since __eq__ is
        # called when adding a variable to sets. As a result we call a.value() which
        # causes infinite recursion when operating within a GradientTape
        # TODO(gjn): Consider removing this
        if operator in ("__eq__", "__ne__"):

        tensor_oper = getattr(tf.Tensor, operator)

        def _run_op(a, *args, **kwargs):
            # pylint: disable=protected-access
            return tensor_oper(a.value(), *args, **kwargs)

        functools.update_wrapper(_run_op, tensor_oper)
        setattr(cls, operator, _run_op)

register_tensor_conversion(OverloadableMixin, overload_operators=True)

class WrappedVariable(metaclass=MetaBaseParameter):
    def __init__(self, initial_value, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.variable = tf.Variable(

    def name(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def constraint(self):
        return self.variable.constraint

    def dtype(self):
        return self.variable.dtype

    def value(self):
        return self.variable.value()

    def read_value(self):
        return self.variable.read_value()

    def shape(self):
        return self.variable.shape

    def numpy(self):
        return self.variable.numpy()

    def assign(self, value, use_locking=False, name=None, read_value=True):
        return self.variable.assign(value=value, use_locking=use_locking, name=name, read_value=read_value)

    def _dense_var_to_tensor(self, dtype=None, name=None, as_ref=False):
        del name
        if dtype is not None and dtype != self.dtype:
            return NotImplemented
        if as_ref:
            return self.variable.read_value().op.inputs[0]
            return self.variable.value()

    def _AsTensor(self):
        return self.variable.value()

    def _OverloadAllOperators():  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        """Register overloads for all operators."""
        for operator in tf.Tensor.OVERLOADABLE_OPERATORS:
        # For slicing, bind getitem differently than a tensor (use SliceHelperVar
        # instead)
        # pylint: disable=protected-access
        WrappedVariable.__getitem__ = tensor_getitem_override._slice_helper_var

    def _OverloadOperator(operator):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        """Defer an operator overload to ``ops.Tensor``.

        We pull the operator out of ops.Tensor dynamically to avoid ordering issues.
          operator: string. The operator name.
        tensor_oper = getattr(tf.Tensor, operator)

        def _run_op(a, *args):
            # pylint: disable=protected-access
            value = a._AsTensor()
            return tensor_oper(value, *args)

        # Propagate __doc__ to wrapper
        with suppress(AttributeError):
            _run_op.__doc__ = tensor_oper.__doc__

        setattr(WrappedVariable, operator, _run_op)

register_tensor_conversion(WrappedVariable, "WrappedVariable", overload_operators=True)

class BaseParameter(Variable, ZfitParameter, TensorType, metaclass=MetaBaseParameter):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        except NotImplementedError as error:
            tmp_val = kwargs.pop("name", None)  # remove if name is in there, needs to be passed through
            if args or kwargs:
                kwargs["name"] = tmp_val
                msg = (
                    f"The following arguments reached the top of the inheritance tree, the super "
                    f"init is not implemented (most probably abstract tf.Variable): {args, kwargs}. "
                    f"If you see this error, please post it as an bug at: "
                raise RuntimeError(msg) from error

    def __len__(self):
        return 1

class ZfitParameterMixin(BaseNumeric):
    _existing_params: typing.ClassVar = {}

    def __init__(self, name, label=None, **kwargs):
        if name not in self._existing_params:
            self._existing_params[name] = WeakSet()
            # Is an alternative arg for pop needed in case it fails? Why would it fail?
                lambda name: name in self._existing_params and self._existing_params.pop,
        self._name = name
        self._label = label

        super().__init__(name=name, **kwargs)

    # property needed here to overwrite the name of tf.Variable
    def name(self) -> str:
        return self._name

    def label(self) -> str:
        if (label := self._label) is None:
            label =
        return label

    def __del__(self):
        with suppress(AttributeError, NotImplementedError):  # if super does not have a __del__

    def __add__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, (ZfitModel, ZfitParameter)):
            from . import operations

            with suppress(FunctionNotImplemented):
                return operations.add(self, other)
        return super().__add__(other)

    def __radd__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, (ZfitModel, ZfitParameter)):
            from . import operations

            with suppress(FunctionNotImplemented):
                return operations.add(other, self)
        return super().__radd__(other)

    def __mul__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, (ZfitModel, ZfitParameter)):
            from . import operations

            with suppress(FunctionNotImplemented):
                return operations.multiply(self, other)
        return super().__mul__(other)

    def __rmul__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, (ZfitModel, ZfitParameter)):
            from . import operations

            with suppress(FunctionNotImplemented):
                return operations.multiply(other, self)
        return super().__rmul__(other)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self is other

    def __hash__(self):
        if not hasattr(self, "_cached_hash"):
            self._cached_hash = hash(id(self))
        return self._cached_hash

class TFBaseVariable(TFVariable, metaclass=MetaBaseParameter):
    # class TFBaseVariable(WrappedVariable, metaclass=MetaBaseParameter):

    # Needed, otherwise tf variable complains about the name not having a ':' in there
    def _shared_name(self):

[docs] class Parameter( ZfitParameterMixin, TFBaseVariable, BaseParameter, SerializableMixin, ZfitIndependentParameter, ): """Class for fit parameters that has a default state.""" _independent = True _independent_params = WeakSet() DEFAULT_STEP_SIZE = 0.01 def __init__( self, name: str, value: ztyping.NumericalScalarType, lower: ztyping.NumericalScalarType | None = None, upper: ztyping.NumericalScalarType | None = None, step_size: ztyping.NumericalScalarType | None = None, floating: bool = True, *, dtype: tf.DType = None, label: str | None = None, # legacy lower_limit: ztyping.NumericalScalarType | None = None, upper_limit: ztyping.NumericalScalarType | None = None, ): """Fit Parameter that has a default state (value) and limits (lower, upper). The name identifies the parameter. Multiple parameters with the same name can exist, however, they cannot be in the same PDF/func/loss as the value would not be uniquely defined. Args: name : Name of the parameter. Should be unique within a model/likelihood. value : Default value of the parameter. Also used as the starting value in minimization. lower : lower limit of the parameter. If the parameter is set to a value below the lower limit, it will raise an error. upper : upper limit of the parameter. If the parameter is set to a value above the upper limit, it will raise an error. floating : If the parameter is floating (can change value) or fixed (constant) in the minimization. label: |@doc:param.init.label||@docend:param.init.label| step_size : Initial step size for minimization. If not set, a default value is used. """ self._independent_params.add(self) # legacy start if lower_limit is not None: msg = "The argument `lower_limit` has been renamed to `lower`." raise BreakingAPIChangeError(msg) if upper_limit is not None: msg = "The argument `upper_limit` has been renamed to `upper`." raise BreakingAPIChangeError(msg) if dtype is None: dtype = ztypes.float else: warnings.warn( "The argument `dtype` is deprecated and will be removed in the future.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) # legacy end # TODO: sanitize input for TF2 self._lower_limit_neg_inf = None self._upper_limit_neg_inf = None if lower is None: self._lower_limit_neg_inf = znp.asarray(-np.inf, dtype) if upper is None: self._upper_limit_neg_inf = znp.asarray(np.inf, dtype) value = znp.asarray(value, dtype=ztypes.float) super().__init__( initial_value=value, dtype=dtype, name=name, params={}, label=label, ) self.lower = lower self.upper = upper self.floating = floating self.step_size = step_size self.set_value(value) # to check that it is in the limits def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) cls._independent = True # overwriting independent only for subclass/instance @classmethod def _from_name(cls, name): for param in cls._independent_params: if name == return param msg = f"Parameter {name} does not exist, please create it first." raise ValueError(msg) @property def lower(self): limit = self._lower if limit is None: limit = self._lower_limit_neg_inf return limit @lower.setter # @invalidate_graph def lower(self, value): if value is None and self._lower_limit_neg_inf is None: self._lower_limit_neg_inf = znp.asarray(-np.inf, dtype=ztypes.float) elif value is not None: value = znp.asarray(value, dtype=ztypes.float) self._lower = value @property def upper(self): limit = self._upper if limit is None: limit = self._upper_limit_neg_inf return limit @upper.setter # @invalidate_graph def upper(self, value): if value is None and self._upper_limit_neg_inf is None: self._upper_limit_neg_inf = znp.asarray(np.inf, dtype=ztypes.float) elif value is not None: value = znp.asarray(value, dtype=ztypes.float) self._upper = value @property def has_limits(self) -> bool: """If the parameter has limits set or not.""" no_limits = self._lower is None and self._upper is None return not no_limits @property def at_limit(self) -> tf.Tensor: """If the value is at the limit (or over it). Returns: Boolean ``tf.Tensor`` that tells whether the value is at the limits. """ return self._check_at_limit(self.value()) def _check_at_limit(self, value, exact=False): """The precision is up to 1e-5 relative or 1e-8 absolute if exact is None. Args: value (): exact (): Returns: """ if not self.has_limits: return tf.constant(False) # Adding a slight tolerance to make sure we're not tricked by numerics due to floating point comparison diff = znp.abs(self.upper - self.lower) # catch if it is minus inf if not exact: reltol = 0.005 abstol = 1e-5 else: reltol = 1e-5 abstol = 1e-7 tol = znp.minimum(diff * reltol, abstol) # if one limit is inf we would get inf if not exact: # if exact, we wanna allow to set it slightly over the limit. tol = -tol # If not, we wanna make sure it's inside at_lower = z.unstable.less_equal(value, self.lower - tol) at_upper = z.unstable.greater_equal(value, self.upper + tol) return z.unstable.logical_or(at_lower, at_upper) def value(self): value = super().value() if self.has_limits: value = tfp.math.clip_by_value_preserve_gradient( value, clip_value_min=self.lower, clip_value_max=self.upper ) return value
[docs] @deprecated(None, "Use `value` instead.") def read_value(self): return self.value()
@property def floating(self): if self._floating and (hasattr(self, "trainable") and not self.trainable): msg = "Floating is set to true but tf Variable is not trainable." raise RuntimeError(msg) return self._floating @floating.setter def floating(self, value): if not isinstance(value, bool): msg = "floating has to be a boolean." raise TypeError(msg) self._floating = value def _get_dependencies(self): return {self} @property def independent(self): return self._independent @property def has_step_size(self): return self._step_size is not None @property def step_size(self) -> tf.Tensor: # TODO: improve default step_size? """Step size of the parameter, the estimated order of magnitude of the uncertainty. This can be crucial to tune for the minimization. A too large ``step_size`` can produce NaNs, a too small won't converge. If the step size is not set, the ``DEFAULT_STEP_SIZE`` is used. Returns: The step size """ step_size = self._step_size if step_size is None: # # auto-infer from limits # step_splits = 1e5 # if self.has_limits: # step_size = (self.upper_limit - self.lower_limit) / step_splits # TODO improve? can be tensor? # else: # step_size = self.DEFAULT_STEP_SIZE # if np.isnan(step_size): # if self.lower_limit == -np.infty or self.upper_limit == np.infty: # step_size = self.DEFAULT_STEP_SIZE # else: # raise ValueError("Could not set step size. Is NaN.") # # step_size = z.to_real(step_size) # self.step_size = step_size step_size = self.DEFAULT_STEP_SIZE # step_size = z.convert_to_tensor(step_size) return step_size @step_size.setter def step_size(self, value): if value is not None: value = float(value) # value = z.convert_to_tensor(value, preferred_dtype=ztypes.float) # value = znp.asarray(value, dtype=ztypes.float) self._step_size = value
[docs] def set_value(self, value: ztyping.NumericalScalarType): """Set the :py:class:`~zfit.Parameter` to `value` (temporarily if used in a context manager). This operation won't, compared to the assign, return the read value but an object that *can* act as a context manager. Args: value: The value the parameter will take on. Raises: ValueError: If the value is not inside the limits (in normal Python/eager mode) InvalidArgumentError: If the value is not inside the limits (in JIT/traced/graph mode) """ def getter(): return self.value() def setter(value): if self.has_limits: message = ( f"Setting value {value} invalid for parameter {} with limits " f"{self.lower} - {self.upper}. This is changed." f" In order to silence this and clip the value, you can use (with caution," f" advanced) `Parameter.assign`" ) if run.executing_eagerly(): if self._check_at_limit(value, exact=True): raise ValueError(message) else: tf.debugging.assert_greater( znp.asarray(value, tf.float64), znp.asarray(self.lower, tf.float64), message=message, ) tf.debugging.assert_less( znp.asarray(value, tf.float64), znp.asarray(self.upper, tf.float64), message=message, ) # tf.debugging.Assert(self._check_at_limit(value), [value]) self.assign(value=value, read_value=False) return TemporarilySet(value=value, setter=setter, getter=getter)
[docs] def assign(self, value, use_locking: bool | None = None, read_value=False): """Set the :py:class:`~zfit.Parameter` to `value` without any checks. Compared to ``set_value``, this method cannot be used with a context manager and won't raise an error Args: value: The value the parameter will take on. """ return super().assign(value=value, use_locking=use_locking, read_value=read_value)
[docs] def randomize( self, minval: ztyping.NumericalScalarType | None = None, maxval: ztyping.NumericalScalarType | None = None, sampler: Callable = np.random.uniform, ) -> tf.Tensor: """Update the parameter with a randomised value between minval and maxval and return it. Args: minval: The lower bound of the sampler. If not given, ``lower_limit`` is used. maxval: The upper bound of the sampler. If not given, ``upper_limit`` is used. sampler: A sampler with the same interface as ``np.random.uniform`` Returns: The sampled value """ if not tf.executing_eagerly(): msg = "Randomizing values in a parameter within Graph mode is most probably not" " what is " raise IllegalInGraphModeError(msg) minval = self.lower if minval is None else znp.asarray(minval, dtype=self.dtype) maxval = self.upper if maxval is None else znp.asarray(maxval, dtype=self.dtype) if maxval is None or minval is None: msg = "Cannot randomize a parameter without limits or limits given." raise RuntimeError(msg) value = sampler(size=self.shape, low=minval, high=maxval) self.set_value(value=value) return value
def get_params( self, floating: bool | None = True, is_yield: bool | None = None, extract_independent: bool | None = True, only_floating=NotSpecified, ) -> set[ZfitParameter]: del is_yield, only_floating, extract_independent # doesnot make sense for a single parameter return extract_filter_params(self, floating=floating, extract_independent=False) def __repr__(self): # many try and except in case it's not fully initialized yet if tf.executing_eagerly(): # more explicit: we check for exactly this attribute, nothing inside numpy try: value = f"{self.numpy():.4g}" except Exception as err: value = f"errored {err}" else: value = "graph-node" try: floating = self.floating except Exception as err: floating = f"errored {err}" try: name = except Exception as err: name = f"errored {err}" return f"<zfit.{self.__class__.__name__} '{name}' floating={floating} value={value}>" # LEGACY, deprecate? @property @deprecated(None, "Use `lower` instead.") def lower_limit(self): return self.lower @lower_limit.setter @deprecated(None, "Use `lower` instead.") def lower_limit(self, value): self.lower = value @property @deprecated(None, "Use `upper` instead.") def upper_limit(self): return self.upper @upper_limit.setter @deprecated(None, "Use `upper` instead.") def upper_limit(self, value): self.upper = value def __tf_tracing_type__(self, signature_context): return ParameterSpec(parameter=self) # below needed? # CompositeTensor method # @property # def _type_spec(self): # return ParameterSpec(parameter=self) # # # CompositeTensor method # def _shape_invariant_to_type_spec(self, shape): # return ParameterSpec(shape, self.dtype, self.trainable) def __reduce__(self): # for pickling return functools.partial( Parameter,, value=self.value(), lower=self.lower, upper=self.upper, floating=self.floating, label=self.label, step_size=self.step_size, ), ()
# delattr(Parameter, "__tf_tracing_type__") class ParameterSpec(VariableSpec): value_type = property(lambda _: Parameter) def __init__(self, shape=None, dtype=None, trainable=True, alias_id=None, *, parameter=None): if parameter is None: msg = "Unknown error, please report, parameter should not be none" raise RuntimeError(msg) if parameter is not None: # initialize from parameter shape = parameter.shape dtype = parameter.dtype trainable = True alias_id = None self.parameter_value = parameter self._name = self.parameter_type = type(parameter) if dtype is None: dtype = tf.float64 super().__init__(shape=shape, dtype=dtype, trainable=trainable, alias_id=alias_id) self.hash = hash(id(parameter)) @classmethod def from_value(cls, value): return cls(parameter=value) def _to_components(self, value): return super()._to_components(value) def _from_components(self, components): _ = super()._from_components(components) # checking that there is no error return Parameter._from_name( def _to_tensors(self, value): return [value] def is_subtype_of(self, other): return ( type(other) is ParameterSpec and self.parameter_type is other.parameter_type and self.parameter_value is other.parameter_value ) def most_specific_common_supertype(self, others): return self if all(self == other for other in others) else None def placeholder_value(self, placeholder_context=None): del placeholder_context # unused return self.parameter_value def is_compatible_with(self, spec_or_value): return isinstance(spec_or_value, ParameterSpec) and self.parameter_value is spec_or_value.parameter_value def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, ParameterSpec): return False return self.parameter_value is other.parameter_value def __hash__(self): return self.hash class ParameterRepr(BaseRepr): # add label? _implementation = Parameter _constructor = pydantic.PrivateAttr(make_param_constructor(Parameter)) hs3_type: Literal["Parameter"] = Field("Parameter", alias="type") name: str value: float lower: Optional[float] = Field(None, alias="min") upper: typing.Optional[float] = Field(None, alias="max") step_size: Optional[float] = None floating: Optional[bool] = None @validator("value", pre=True) def _validate_value(cls, v): if cls.orm_mode(v): v = v() return v def __hash__(self): return hash( + hash(type(self)) class BaseComposedParameter(ZfitParameterMixin, OverloadableMixin, BaseParameter): def __init__(self, params, func, dtype=None, name="BaseComposedParameter", **kwargs): # 0.4 breaking if "value" in kwargs: msg = "'value' cannot be provided any longer, `func` is needed." raise BreakingAPIChangeError(msg) super().__init__(name=name, params=params, **kwargs) if not callable(func): msg = "`func` is not callable." raise TypeError(msg) self._func = func self._dtype = dtype if dtype is not None else ztypes.float def _get_dependencies(self): return _extract_dependencies(list(self.params.values())) @property def floating(self): msg = "Cannot be floating or not. Look at the dependencies." raise LogicalUndefinedOperationError(msg) @floating.setter def floating(self, value): # noqa: ARG002 msg = "Cannot set floating or not. Set in the dependencies (`get_params`)." raise LogicalUndefinedOperationError(msg) @property def params(self): return self._params def value(self): params = self.params return znp.asarray(self._func(params), dtype=self.dtype) # return tf.convert_to_tensor(value, dtype=self.dtype) def read_value(self): return tf.identity(self.value()) @property def shape(self): return self.value().shape def numpy(self): return self.value().numpy() @property def independent(self): return False def set_value(self, value): # noqa: ARG002 """Set the value of the parameter. Cannot be used for composed parameters! Args: value: """ msg = "Cannot set value of a composed parameter." " Set the value on its components." raise LogicalUndefinedOperationError(msg) def randomize(self, minval=None, maxval=None, sampler=np.random.uniform): # noqa: ARG002 """Randomize the value of the parameter. Cannot be used for composed parameters! """ msg = "Cannot randomize a composed parameter." raise LogicalUndefinedOperationError(msg) def assign(self, value, use_locking=False, name=None, read_value=True): # noqa: ARG002 """Assign the value of the parameter. Cannot be used for composed parameters! """ msg = "Cannot assign a composed parameter." raise LogicalUndefinedOperationError(msg)
[docs] class ConstantParameter(OverloadableMixin, ZfitParameterMixin, BaseParameter, SerializableMixin): """Constant parameter. Value cannot change. """ def __init__( self, name, value, *, label: str | None = None, ): """Constant parameter that cannot change its value. Args: name: Unique identifier of the parameter. value: Constant value. label: |@doc:param.init.label||@docend:param.init.label| """ super().__init__(name=name, params={}, dtype=ztypes.float, label=label) self._value_np = tf.get_static_value(value, partial=True) self._value = tf.guarantee_const(tf.convert_to_tensor(value, dtype=self.dtype)) @property def shape(self): return self.value().shape def value(self) -> tf.Tensor: return self._value def read_value(self) -> tf.Tensor: return self.value() @property def floating(self): return False @floating.setter def floating(self, value): # noqa: ARG002 msg = "Cannot set a ConstantParameter to floating. Use a `Parameter` instead." raise LogicalUndefinedOperationError(msg) @property def independent(self) -> bool: return False def _get_dependencies(self) -> ztyping.DependentsType: return OrderedSet() @property def static_value(self): return self._value_np def numpy(self): return self._value_np def __repr__(self): value_str = f"{value: .4g}" if (value := self._value_np) is not None else "symbolic" return f"<zfit.param.{self.__class__.__name__} '{}' dtype={} value={value_str}>"
register_tensor_conversion(ConstantParameter, "ConstantParameter", overload_operators=True) register_tensor_conversion(BaseComposedParameter, "BaseComposedParameter", overload_operators=True) class ConstantParamRepr(BaseRepr): _implementation = ConstantParameter _constructor = pydantic.PrivateAttr(make_param_constructor(ConstantParameter)) hs3_type: Literal["ConstantParameter"] = pydantic.Field("ConstantParameter", alias="type") name: str value: float floating: bool = False # lower: Optional[float] = Field(None, alias="min") # upper: Optional[float] = Field(None, alias="max") @validator("value", pre=True) def _validate_value(cls, value): if cls.orm_mode(value): value = value() return value def _to_orm(self, init): init = copy.copy(init) init.pop("floating") return super()._to_orm(init)
[docs] class ComposedParameter(SerializableMixin, BaseComposedParameter): @deprecated_args(None, "Use `params` instead.", "dependents") @deprecated_args(None, "Use `func` instead.", "value_fn") def __init__( self, name: str, value_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, *, func: Optional[Callable] = None, params: (dict[str, ZfitParameter] | Iterable[ZfitParameter] | ZfitParameter) = NotSpecified, dtype: tf.dtypes.DType = ztypes.float, label: str | None = None, unpack_params: bool | None = None, dependents: (dict[str, ZfitParameter] | Iterable[ZfitParameter] | ZfitParameter) = NotSpecified, ): """Arbitrary composition of parameters. A `ComposedParameter` allows for arbitrary combinations of parameters and correlations using an arbitrary function. Examples: .. jupyter-execute:: import zfit param1 = zfit.Parameter('param1', 1.0, 0.1, 1.8) param2 = zfit.Parameter('param2', 42.0, 0, 100) # using a dict for the params def mult_dict(params): return params["a"] * params["b"] mult_param_dict = zfit.ComposedParameter('mult_dict', mult_dict, params={"a": param1, "b": param2}) # using a list for the params def mult_list(params): return params[0] * params[1] mult_param_list = zfit.ComposedParameter('mult_list', mult_list, params=[param1, param2]) Args: name: Unique name of the Parameter. func: Function that returns the value of the composed parameter and takes as arguments `params` as arguments. The function must be able to be called with the same arguments as `params`. params: If it is a `dict`, this will directly be used as the `params` attribute, otherwise the parameters will be automatically named with f"param_{i}". The values act as arguments to `func`. dtype: Output of `func` dtype label: |@doc:param.init.label||@docend:param.init.label| unpack_params: If True, the parameters will be unpacked and passed as arguments to `func`. If False, the parameters will be passed as a dict/tuple. If None, it will be automatically determined and raise an error if it cannot be determined. dependents: .. deprecated:: unknown use `params` instead. """ # legacy if value_fn is not None: if func is not None: msg = "Cannot specify both `value_fn` and `func`." raise ValueError(msg) func = value_fn del value_fn # end legacy if not isinstance(params, Mapping): params = convert_to_container(params) original_init = {"name": name, "internal_params": params, "func": func, "unpack_params": unpack_params} # legacy if dependents is not NotSpecified: params = dependents elif params is NotSpecified: raise ValueError # end legacy if params is None: msg = "Params needs to be specified." raise BreakingAPIChangeError(msg) takes_no_params = False if unpack_params is None: parameters = signature(func).parameters if isinstance(params, ZfitParameter): params = [params] unpack_params = True elif len(parameters) == 1 and (len(params) > 1) or "params" in parameters: unpack_params = False elif len(parameters) - len(params) >= 0: unpack_params = True elif len(parameters) == 0: takes_no_params = True unpack_params = False else: msg = ( "Cannot determine if parameter should be unpacked or not. Please specify explicitly `unpack_params`" ) raise ValueError(msg) dictlike = isinstance(params, if dictlike: params_dict = params if takes_no_params: def stratified_fn(params): del params return func() elif unpack_params: def stratified_fn(params): return func(**params) else: stratified_fn = func else: params = convert_to_container(params) if params is None or takes_no_params: params_dict = {} def stratified_fn(params): del params return func() else: params_dict = {f"param_{i}": p for i, p in enumerate(params)} if unpack_params: def stratified_fn(params): return func(*tuple(params.values())) else: def stratified_fn(params): return func(tuple(params.values())) original_init["params"] = params_dict # needs to be here, we need the params to be a dict for the serialization super().__init__(params=params_dict, func=stratified_fn, name=name, dtype=dtype, label=label) self.hs3.original_init.update(original_init) def __repr__(self): try: value = f"{self.numpy():.4g}" if tf.executing_eagerly() else "graph-node" except Exception: value = "ERROR OCCURRED" return f"<zfit.{self.__class__.__name__} '{}' params={[(k, for k, p in self.params.items()]} value={value}>"
class ComposedParameterRepr(BaseRepr): _implementation = ComposedParameter _constructor = pydantic.PrivateAttr(make_param_constructor(ComposedParameter)) hs3_type: Literal["ComposedParameter"] = pydantic.Field("ComposedParameter", alias="type") name: str func: str params: dict[str, Serializer.types.ParamTypeDiscriminated] unpack_params: Optional[bool] internal_params: Optional[ Union[ Serializer.types.ParamTypeDiscriminated, list[Serializer.types.ParamTypeDiscriminated], dict[str, Serializer.types.ParamTypeDiscriminated], ] ] @validator("func", pre=True) def _validate_value_pre(cls, value): if cls.orm_mode(value): value = dill.dumps(value).hex() return value @pydantic.root_validator(pre=True) def validate_all_functor(cls, values): if cls.orm_mode(values): values = values["hs3"].original_init return values def _to_orm(self, init): init = copy.copy(init) func = init.pop("func") params = init.pop("internal_params") init["params"] = params init["func"] = dill.loads(bytes.fromhex(func)) return super()._to_orm(init)
[docs] class ComplexParameter(ComposedParameter): # TODO: change to real, imag as input? @deprecated_args(None, "Use `func` instead.", "value_fn") def __init__( self, name: str, value_fn: Callable | None = None, *, func: Callable | None = None, params, dtype=ztypes.complex, label: str | None = None, ): """Create a complex parameter. .. note:: Use the constructor class methods instead of the __init__() constructor: - :py:meth:`ComplexParameter.from_cartesian` - :py:meth:`ComplexParameter.from_polar` Args: name: Name of the parameter. func: Function that returns the value of the complex parameter and takes as arguments the real and imaginary part. params: List of the real and imaginary part of the complex parameter. dtype: Data type of the complex parameter. label: |@doc:param.init.label||@docend:param.init.label| """ # legacy if value_fn is not None: if func is not None: msg = "Cannot specify both `value_fn` and `func`." raise ValueError(msg) func = value_fn del value_fn super().__init__(name, func=func, params=params, dtype=dtype, label=label) self._conj = None self._mod = None self._arg = None self._imag = None self._real = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_cartesian( cls, name: str, real: ztyping.NumericalScalarType, imag: ztyping.NumericalScalarType, floating: bool = True, *, dtype=ztypes.complex, label: str | None = None, ) -> ComplexParameter: # TODO: correct dtype handling, also below """Create a complex parameter from cartesian coordinates. Args: name: Name of the parameter. real: Real part of the complex number. imag: Imaginary part of the complex number. floating: If True, the parameter is floating. If False, the parameter is constant. dtype: Data type of the complex parameter. label: |@doc:param.init.label||@docend:param.init.label| """ real = convert_to_parameter(real, name=name + "_real", prefer_constant=not floating) imag = convert_to_parameter(imag, name=name + "_imag", prefer_constant=not floating) param = cls( name=name, func=lambda _real, _imag: znp.asarray(tf.complex(_real, _imag), dtype=dtype), params=[real, imag], label=label, ) param._real = real param._imag = imag return param
[docs] @classmethod def from_polar( cls, name: str, mod: ztyping.NumericalScalarType, arg: ztyping.NumericalScalarType, floating=True, *, dtype=ztypes.complex, label: str | None = None, **__, ) -> ComplexParameter: """Create a complex parameter from polar coordinates. Args: name: Name of the parameter. mod: Modulus (r) the complex number. arg: Argument (phi) of the complex number. dtype: Data type of the complex parameter. floating: If True, the parameter is floating. If False, the parameter is constant. label: |@doc:param.init.label||@docend:param.init.label| """ mod = convert_to_parameter(mod, name=name + "_mod", prefer_constant=not floating) arg = convert_to_parameter(arg, name=name + "_arg", prefer_constant=not floating) param = cls( name=name, func=lambda _mod, _arg: znp.asarray(tf.complex(_mod * znp.cos(_arg), _mod * znp.sin(_arg)), dtype=dtype), params=[mod, arg], label=label, ) param._mod = mod param._arg = arg return param
@property def conj(self): """Returns a complex conjugated copy of the complex parameter.""" if self._conj is None: name = f"{}_conj" if (label := self._label) is not None: label = f"Conjugate of {self.label}" self._conj = ComplexParameter( name=name, func=lambda: znp.conj(self), params=self.get_cache_deps(), dtype=self.dtype, label=label, ) return self._conj @property def real(self) -> tf.Tensor: """Real part of the complex parameter.""" return znp.real(self) @property def imag(self) -> tf.Tensor: """Imaginary part of the complex parameter.""" return znp.imag(self) @property def mod(self) -> tf.Tensor: """Modulus (r) of the complex parameter.""" return znp.abs(self) @property def arg(self) -> tf.Tensor: """Argument (phi) of the complex parameter.""" return znp.angle(self)
# register_tensor_conversion(ConstantParameter, "ConstantParameter", True) register_tensor_conversion(ComposedParameter, "ComposedParameter", True) _auto_number = 0 def get_auto_number(): global _auto_number auto_number = _auto_number _auto_number += 1 return auto_number def _reset_auto_number(): global _auto_number _auto_number = 0 def convert_to_parameters( value, name: str | list[str] | None = None, prefer_constant: bool | None = None, lower=None, upper=None, step_size=None, ): if prefer_constant is None: prefer_constant = True if isinstance(value, return convert_to_parameters(**value, prefer_constant=False) value = convert_to_container(value) is_param_already = [isinstance(val, ZfitIndependentParameter) for val in value] if all(is_param_already): return value elif any(is_param_already): msg = f"value has to be either ZfitParameters or values, not mixed (currently)." f" Is {value}." raise ValueError(msg) params_dict = { "value": value, "name": name, "lower": lower, "upper": upper, "step_size": step_size, } params_dict = { key: convert_to_container(val, ignore=np.ndarray) for key, val in params_dict.items() if val is not None } lengths = {len(v) for v in params_dict.values()} if len(lengths) != 1: msg = f"Inconsistent length in values when converting the parameters: {params_dict}" raise ValueError(msg) params = [] for i in range(len(params_dict["value"])): pdict = {k: params_dict[k][i] for k in params_dict} params.append(convert_to_parameter(**pdict, prefer_constant=prefer_constant)) return params
[docs] @deprecated_args(None, "Use `params` instead.", "dependents") def convert_to_parameter( value: ztyping.NumericalScalarType | ZfitParameter | Callable, name: str | None = None, prefer_constant: bool = True, params: ZfitParameter | Iterable[ZfitParameter] | None = None, lower: ztyping.NumericalScalarType | None = None, upper: ztyping.NumericalScalarType | None = None, step_size: ztyping.NumericalScalarType | None = None, *, label: str | None = None, # legacy dependents=None, ) -> ZfitParameter: """Convert a *numerical* to a constant/floating parameter or return if already a parameter. Args: value: Value of the parameter. If a `ZfitParameter` is passed, it will be returned as is. name: Name of the parameter. If None, a unique name will be created. prefer_constant: If True, create a ConstantParameter instead of a Parameter, if possible. params: If the value is a callable, the parameters that are passed to the callable. lower: Lower limit of the parameter. upper: Upper limit of the parameter. step_size: Step size of the parameter. label: |@doc:param.init.label||@docend:param.init.label| """ # legacy start if dependents is not None: params = dependents # legacy end if name is not None: name = str(name) if callable(value): if params is None: msg = "If the value is a callable, the params have to be specified as an empty list/tuple" raise ValueError(msg) return ComposedParameter(f"Composed_autoparam_{get_auto_number()}", func=value, params=params, label=label) if isinstance(value, ZfitParameter): # TODO(Mayou36): autoconvert variable. TF 2.0? return value elif isinstance(value, tf.Variable): msg = f"Currently, cannot autoconvert tf.Variable ({value}) to zfit.Parameter." raise TypeError(msg) # convert to Tensor if not isinstance(value, tf.Tensor): value = z.to_complex(value) if isinstance(value, complex) else z.to_real(value) if not run._enable_parameter_autoconversion: return value if value.dtype.is_complex: if name is None: name = "FIXED_complex_autoparam_" + str(get_auto_number()) if prefer_constant: complex_params = ( ConstantParameter(name + "_REALPART", value=znp.real(value)), ConstantParameter(name + "_IMAGPART", value=znp.imag(value)), ) else: complex_params = ( Parameter(name + "_REALPART", value=znp.real(value)), Parameter(name + "_IMAGPART", value=znp.imag(value)), ) value = ComplexParameter.from_cartesian(name, real=complex_params[0], imag=complex_params[1], label=label) elif prefer_constant: if name is None: name = "FIXED_autoparam_" + str(get_auto_number()) if name is None else name value = ConstantParameter(name, value=value, label=label) else: name = "autoparam_" + str(get_auto_number()) if name is None else name value = Parameter(name=name, value=value, lower=lower, upper=upper, step_size=step_size, label=label) return value
@z.function(wraps="params", keepalive=True) def assign_values_jit( params: Parameter | Iterable[Parameter], values: ztyping.NumericalScalarType | Iterable[ztyping.NumericalScalarType], use_locking=False, ): """Assign values to parameters jitted. This method can be significantly faster than `set_values`, however it expects the correct data-type and cannot, for example, take a `FitResult` as input or function as a context manager. Only use when performance is critical (such as inside a minimizer). Args: params: The parameters to assign the values to. values: Values to assign to the parameters. use_locking: """ for i, param in enumerate(params): value = values[i] if value.dtype != param.dtype: value = znp.cast(value, param.dtype) param.assign(value, read_value=False, use_locking=use_locking) def assign_values( params: Parameter | Iterable[Parameter], values: ztyping.NumericalScalarType | Iterable[ztyping.NumericalScalarType], use_locking=False, allow_partial: bool | None = None, ): """Set the values of multiple parameters in a fast way. In general, :meth:`set_values` is to be preferred. `assign_values` will ignore out-of-bounds errors, does not offer a context-manager but is in general (an order of magnitude) faster. Args: params: Parameters to set the values. values: List-like object that supports indexing. use_locking: if true, lock the parameter to avoid race conditions. allow_partial: Allow to set only parts of the parameters in case values is a `ZfitResult` and not all are present in the *values*. If False, *params* not in *values* will raise an error. Note that setting this to true will also go with an empty values container. Raises: ValueError: If not all *params* are in *values* if *values* is a `FitResult` and `allow_partial` is `False`. """ if allow_partial is None: allow_partial = False params, values, _ = check_convert_param_values_assign(params, values, allow_partial=allow_partial) assign_values_jit(params=params, values=values, use_locking=use_locking)
[docs] def set_values( params: Parameter | Iterable[Parameter], values: ( ztyping.NumericalScalarType | Iterable[ztyping.NumericalScalarType] | ZfitResult | Mapping[str | ZfitParameter, ztyping.NumericalScalarType] | None, ) = None, allow_partial: bool | None = None, ): """Set the values (using a context manager or not) of multiple parameters. Args: params: Parameters to set the values. values: List-like object that supports indexing, a `FitResult` or a `Mapping` of parameters or parameter names to values. allow_partial: Allow to set only parts of the parameters in case values is a `ZfitResult` and not all are present in the *values*. If False, *params* not in *values* will raise an error. Note that setting this to true will also go with an empty values container. Returns: An object for a context manager (but can also be used without), can be ignored. Raises: ValueError: If the value is not between the limits of the parameter. ValueError: If not all *params* are in *values* if *values* is a `FitResult` and `allow_partial` is `False`. """ if allow_partial is None: allow_partial = False params, values, _ = check_convert_param_values_assign(params, values, allow_partial) def setter(values): for i, param in enumerate(params): param.set_value(values[i]) def getter(): return [param.value() for param in params] return TemporarilySet(values, setter=setter, getter=getter)
def check_convert_param_values_assign(params, values, allow_partial=False): """Check if params are valid and convert them if necessary to be used with assign_values. Args: params: Parameters to set the values. values: List-like object that supports indexing or a `ZfitResult` or a `Mapping`. allow_partial: Allow to set only parts of the parameters in case values is a `ZfitResult` or a `Mapping`. Other parameters will not be updated. More values than parameters, if they are given in a `Mapping` or `ZfitResult`, are allowed in any case. Returns: A tuple of (params, values) """ if isinstance(params, ZfitResult) and values is None: params, values = None, params elif isinstance(params, Mapping): if values is not None: msg = "Cannot set values to parameters if params are a Mapping." raise ValueError(msg) params, values = tuple(params.keys()), tuple(params.values()) elif not isinstance(values, ZfitResult): params = convert_to_container(params) if params is None: msg = "No parameters given to set values to (values={values})." raise ValueError(msg) noparams = len(params) == 0 if noparams: return params, values, True if isinstance(values, ZfitResult): result = values new_params = [] values = [] if params is None: params = result.params.keys() for param in params: if param in result.params: values.append(result.params[param]["value"]) new_params.append(param) elif not allow_partial: msg = ( f"Cannot set {param} with {result} as it is not contained. To partially set" f" the parameters (only those in the result), use allow_partial" ) raise ValueError(msg) params = new_params elif isinstance(values, Mapping): new_params = [] new_values = [] for param in params: if param in values: new_values.append(values[param]) new_params.append(param) elif in values: new_values.append(values[]) new_params.append(param) elif not allow_partial: msg = ( f"Cannot set {param} with {values!r} as it is not contained. To partially set" f" the parameters (only those in the result), use allow_partial" ) raise ValueError(msg) values = new_values params = new_params else: if not (tf.is_tensor(values) or isinstance(values, np.ndarray)): values = convert_to_container(values) lenvalues = len(values) else: values = znp.asarray(values, dtype=znp.float64) values = znp.atleast_1d(values) shape = values.shape lenvalues = shape[0] if shape is not None else None if lenvalues is not None and lenvalues != len(params): msg = f"Incompatible length of parameters and values: {params}, {values}" raise ValueError(msg) not_param = [param for param in params if not isinstance(param, ZfitParameter)] if not_param: msg = f"The following are not parameters (but should be): {not_param}" raise TypeError(msg) non_independent_params = [param for param in params if not param.independent] if non_independent_params: msg = f"trying to set value of parameters that are not independent " f"{non_independent_params}" raise ParameterNotIndependentError(msg) values = znp.asarray(values, dtype=znp.float64) return params, values, False # if it's empty