Source code for zfit.core.loss

#  Copyright (c) 2024 zfit

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import typing
from contextlib import suppress
from functools import partial
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal, Optional, Union

import pydantic.v1 as pydantic
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
from pydantic.v1 import Field
from tensorflow.python.util.deprecation import deprecated

from ..exception import AutogradNotSupported, OutsideLimitsError, SpecificFunctionNotImplementedError
from ..serialization.serializer import BaseRepr, Serializer
from .data import convert_to_data
from .serialmixin import SerializableMixin

    import zfit

import abc
import warnings
from import Callable, Iterable, Mapping

import tensorflow as tf
from ordered_set import OrderedSet

import zfit.z.numpy as znp

from .. import settings, z
from ..util import ztyping
from ..util.checks import NONE
from ..util.container import convert_to_container, is_container
from ..util.deprecation import deprecated_args
from ..util.exception import (
from ..util.warnings import warn_advanced_feature
from ..z.math import (
from .baseobject import BaseNumeric, extract_filter_params
from .constraint import BaseConstraint
from .interfaces import ZfitBinnedData, ZfitData, ZfitIndependentParameter, ZfitLoss, ZfitParameter, ZfitPDF, ZfitSpace
from .parameter import convert_to_parameters, set_values


def _unbinned_nll_tf(
    model: ztyping.PDFInputType,
    data: ztyping.DataInputType,
    fit_range: ZfitSpace,
    """Return the unbinned negative log likelihood for a PDF.

        model: |@doc:loss.init.model| PDFs that return the normalized probability for
               *data* under the given parameters.
               If multiple model and data are given, they will be used
               in the same order to do a simultaneous fit. |@docend:loss.init.model|
        data: || Dataset that will be given to the *model*.
               If multiple model and data are given, they will be used
               in the same order to do a simultaneous fit.
               If the data is not a ``ZfitData`` object, i.e. it doesn't have ha space
               it has to be withing the limits of the model, otherwise, an
               :py:class:`~zfit.exception.IntentionAmbiguousError` will be raised. ||

        The unbinned nll value as a scalar

    if is_container(model):
        nlls = [
            _unbinned_nll_tf(model=p, data=d, fit_range=r, log_offset=log_offset, kahan=kahan)
            for p, d, r in zip(model, data, fit_range)
        nlls, nlls_corr = [nll[0] for nll in nlls], [nll[1] for nll in nlls]
        nll_corrs = znp.sum(nlls_corr, axis=0)
        nlls_summed = znp.sum(nlls, axis=0)

        nll_finished = nlls_summed, nll_corrs
        if fit_range is not None:
            data = data.with_obs(fit_range)
            probs = model.pdf(data, norm=fit_range)
            probs = model.pdf(data)
        log_probs = znp.log(probs + znp.asarray(1e-307, dtype=znp.float64))  # minor offset to avoid NaNs from log(0)
        if log_offset is None:
            log_offset = False
        nll = _nll_calc_unbinned_tf(
            weights=data.weights if data.weights is not None else None,
        nll_finished = nll
    return nll_finished

@z.function(wraps="tensor", keepalive=True)
def _nll_calc_unbinned_tf(log_probs, weights, log_offset, kahan=False):
    """Calculate the negative log likelihood from the log probabilities."""

    if weights is not None:
        log_probs *= weights  # because it's prob ** weights
    if log_offset is not False:
        log_probs -= log_offset
    if kahan:
        nll, corr = tfp.math.reduce_kahan_sum(input_tensor=log_probs, axis=0)
        nll, corr = (znp.sum(log_probs, axis=0), tf.constant(0.0, dtype=log_probs.dtype))
    return -nll, -corr

def _constraint_check_convert(constraints):
    checked_constraints = []
    for constr in constraints:
        if isinstance(constr, BaseConstraint):
            msg = (
                "Constraints have to be of type `Constraint`, a simple"
                " constraint from a function can be constructed with"
                " `SimpleConstraint`."
            raise BreakingAPIChangeError(msg)
    return checked_constraints

class BaseLossRepr(BaseRepr):
    _implementation = None
    _owndict = pydantic.PrivateAttr(default_factory=dict)
    hs3_type: Literal["BaseLoss"] = Field("BaseLoss", alias="type")
    model: Union[
    data: Union[
    constraints: Optional[list[Serializer.types.ConstraintTypeDiscriminated]] = Field(default_factory=list)
    options: Optional[Mapping] = Field(default_factory=dict)

    @pydantic.validator("model", "data", "constraints", pre=True)
    def _check_container(cls, v):
        if cls.orm_mode(v):
            v = convert_to_container(v, list)
        return v

class GradientNotImplementedError(SpecificFunctionNotImplementedError):

class ValueGradientNotImplementedError(SpecificFunctionNotImplementedError):

class ValueGradientHessianNotImplementedError(SpecificFunctionNotImplementedError):

class HessianNotImplementedError(SpecificFunctionNotImplementedError):

[docs] class BaseLoss(ZfitLoss, BaseNumeric): def __init__( self, model: ztyping.ModelsInputType, data: ztyping.DataInputType, fit_range: ztyping.LimitsTypeInput = None, constraints: ztyping.ConstraintsTypeInput = None, options: Mapping | None = None, ): # first doc line left blank on purpose, subclass adds class docstring (Sphinx autodoc adds the two) """A "simultaneous fit" can be performed by giving one or more ``model``, ``data``, ``fit_range`` to the loss. The length of each has to match the length of the others. Args: model: The model or models to evaluate the data on data: Data to use fit_range: The fitting range. It's the norm for the models (if they have a norm) and the data_range for the data. constraints: A Tensor representing a loss constraint. Using ``zfit.constraint.*`` allows for easy use of predefined constraints. options: Different options for the loss calculation. """ super().__init__(name=type(self).__name__, params={}) if fit_range is not None and all(fr is not None for fr in fit_range): warnings.warn( "The fit_range argument is depreceated and will maybe removed in future releases. " "It is preferred to define the range in the space" " when creating the data and the model or directly cut the data correctly.", stacklevel=2, ) model, data, fit_range = self._input_check(pdf=model, data=data, fit_range=fit_range) self._model = model self._data = data self._fit_range = fit_range options = self._check_init_options(options, data) self._options = options self._subtractions = {} if constraints is None: constraints = [] self._constraints = _constraint_check_convert(convert_to_container(constraints, list)) self.is_precompiled = False self._precompiled_hashes = [] # not ideal, should be in parametrized. But we don't have too many base classes, so this should work self._assert_params_unique() @property def is_precompiled(self): for data, h in zip(, self._precompiled_hashes): if data.hashint != h: self.is_precompiled = False break return self._is_precompiled @is_precompiled.setter def is_precompiled(self, value): self._is_precompiled = value if value: self._precompiled_hashes = [data.hashint for data in] def _check_init_options(self, options, data): try: nevents = sum(d.nevents for d in data) except RuntimeError: # can happen if not yet sampled. What to do? Approx_nevents? nevents = 150_000 # sensible default options = {} if options is None else copy.copy(options) optionsclean = copy.copy(options) if options.pop("numhess", None) is None: optionsclean["numhess"] = True if options.pop("numgrad", None) is None: optionsclean["numgrad"] = settings.options["numerical_grad"] if options.pop("subtr_const", None) is None: # TODO: balance better? # else: # subtr_const = 'elewise' subtr_const = True optionsclean["subtr_const"] = subtr_const if options.pop("sumtype", None) is None: # max, implement elewise? sumtype = "kahan" if nevents > 200_000 else None # upper limit for new technique? optionsclean["sumtype"] = sumtype # TODO: check if options are leftover # if options: # raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized options: {options}") return optionsclean def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) cls._name = "UnnamedSubBaseLoss" def _get_params( self, floating: bool | None, is_yield: bool | None, extract_independent: bool | None, *, autograd: bool | None = None, ) -> set[ZfitParameter]: params = OrderedSet() params = params.union( *( model.get_params( floating=floating, is_yield=is_yield, extract_independent=extract_independent, autograd=autograd ) for model in self.model ) ) return params.union( *( constraint.get_params( floating=floating, is_yield=False, extract_independent=extract_independent, autograd=autograd ) for constraint in self.constraints ) ) def _check_set_input_params(self, params, guarantee_checked=None): if isinstance(params, Iterable) and not isinstance(params, Mapping): all_params = self.get_params(floating=None, extract_independent=True, is_yield=None) if len(params) != len(all_params): msg = "Length of params does not match the length of all parameters or provide a Mapping." raise ValueError(msg) params = dict(zip(all_params, params)) return super()._check_set_input_params(params, guarantee_checked) def _input_check(self, pdf, data, fit_range): if isinstance(pdf, tuple): msg = "`pdf` has to be a pdf or a list of pdfs, not a tuple." raise TypeError(msg) if isinstance(data, tuple): msg = "`data` has to be a data or a list of data, not a tuple." raise TypeError(msg) # pdf, data = (convert_to_container(obj, non_containers=[tuple]) for obj in (pdf, data)) pdf, data = self._check_convert_model_data(pdf, data, fit_range) # TODO: data, range consistency? if fit_range is None: fit_range = [] non_consistent = {"data": [], "model": [], "range": []} for p, d in zip(pdf, data): if p.norm != d.data_range: non_consistent["data"].append(d) non_consistent["model"].append(p) non_consistent["range"].append((, d.data_range)) fit_range.append(None) if non_consistent["range"]: # TODO: test warn_advanced_feature( f"PDFs {non_consistent['model']} as " f"well as `data` {non_consistent['data']}" f" have different ranges {non_consistent['range']} they" f" are defined in. The data range will cut the data while the" f" norm range defines the normalization.", identifier="inconsistent_fitrange", ) else: fit_range = convert_to_container(fit_range, non_containers=[tuple]) if not len(pdf) == len(data) == len(fit_range): msg = ( "pdf, data and fit_range don't have the same number of components:" f"\npdf: {pdf}" f"\ndata: {data}" f"\nfit_range: {fit_range}" ) raise ValueError(msg) # sanitize fit_range fit_range = [ p._convert_sort_space(limits=range_) if range_ is not None else None for p, range_ in zip(pdf, fit_range) ] # TODO: sanitize pdf, data? self.add_cache_deps(cache_deps=pdf) self.add_cache_deps(cache_deps=data) return pdf, data, fit_range def check_precompile(self, *, params=None, force=False): from zfit import run if (not run.executing_eagerly()) or (self.is_precompiled and not force): return params, False with self._check_set_input_params(params, guarantee_checked=False) as checked_params: if do_subtr := self._options.get("subtr_const", False): if do_subtr is not True: self._options["subtr_const_value"] = do_subtr log_offset = self._options.get("subtr_const_value") if log_offset is None: run.assert_executing_eagerly() # first time subtr nevents_tot = znp.sum([d._approx_nevents for d in]) log_offset_sum = ( self._call_value(, model=self.model, fit_range=self.fit_range, constraints=self.constraints, # presumably were not at the minimum, # so the loss will decrease log_offset=z.convert_to_tensor(0.0), ) - 10000.0 ) log_offset = tf.stop_gradient(-znp.divide(log_offset_sum, nevents_tot)) self._options["subtr_const_value"] = log_offset self.is_precompiled = True return checked_params, True def _check_convert_model_data(self, model, data, fit_range): model, data = tuple(convert_to_container(obj) for obj in (model, data)) model_checked = [] data_checked = [] for mod, dat in zip(model, data): if not isinstance(dat, (ZfitData, ZfitBinnedData)): if fit_range is not None: msg = "Fit range should not be used if data is not ZfitData." raise TypeError(msg) try: dat = convert_to_data(data=dat,, check_limits=True) except OutsideLimitsError as error: msg = ( f"Data {dat} is not a zfit Data (and therefore has no Space that defines possible limits) " f"and is not fully within the limits {} of the model {mod}." f"If the data should be what it is, please convert to zfit Data (`zfit.Data(data, obs=obs)`) " f"or remove events outside the space" ) raise IntentionAmbiguousError(msg) from error model_checked.append(mod) data_checked.append(dat) return model_checked, data_checked def _input_check_params(self, params, only_independent=False): params_container = tuple(self.get_params()) if params is None else convert_to_container(params) if only_independent and (not_indep := {p for p in params_container if not p.independent}): msg = f"Parameters {not_indep} are not independent and `only_independent` is set to True." raise ValueError(msg) if not_in_model := set(params_container) - set( self.get_params(floating=None, extract_independent=None, is_yield=None) ): msg = f"Parameters {not_in_model} are not in the model." raise ValueError(msg) return params_container
[docs] @deprecated(None, "Use `create_new` instead and fill the constraints there.") def add_constraints(self, constraints): constraints = convert_to_container(constraints) return self._add_constraints(constraints)
def _add_constraints(self, constraints): constraints = _constraint_check_convert(convert_to_container(constraints, container=list)) self._constraints.extend(constraints) return constraints @property def name(self): return self._name @property def model(self): return self._model @property def data(self): return self._data @property def fit_range(self): return self._fit_range @property def constraints(self): return self._constraints @abc.abstractmethod def _loss_func(self, model, data, fit_range, constraints, log_offset): raise NotImplementedError @property def errordef(self) -> float | int: return self._errordef
[docs] def __call__( self, _x: ztyping.DataInputType = None, # *, full: bool = None, # Not added, breaks iminuit. ) -> znp.array: """Calculate the loss value with the given input for the free parameters. Args: *positional*: Array-like argument to set the parameters. The order of the values correspond to the position of the parameters in :py:meth:`~BaseLoss.get_params()` (called without any arguments). For more detailed control, it is always possible to wrap :py:meth:`~BaseLoss.value()` and set the desired parameters manually. full: |@doc:loss.value.full| If True, return the full loss value, otherwise allow for the removal of constants and only return the part that depends on the parameters. Constants don't matter for the task of optimization, but they can greatly help with the numerical stability of the loss function. |@docend:loss.value.full| Returns: Calculated loss value as a scalar. """ if _x is None: msg = ( "Currently, calling a loss requires to give the arguments explicitly." " If you think this behavior should be changed, please open an issue" "" ) raise BehaviorUnderDiscussion(msg) if isinstance(_x, dict): msg = "Dicts are not supported when calling a loss, only array-like values." raise TypeError(msg) if _x is None: return self.value(full=True) # has to be full, otherwise iminuit breaks else: params = self.get_params() with set_values(params, _x): return self.value(full=True)
[docs] def value(self, *, params: ztyping.ParamTypeInput = None, full: bool | None = None) -> znp.ndarray: """Calculate the loss value with the current values of the free parameters. Args: params: |@doc:loss.args.params| Mapping of the parameter names to the actual values. The parameter names refer to the names of the parameters, typically :py:class:`~zfit.Parameter`, that is returned by `get_params()`. If no params are given, the current default values of the parameters are used. |@docend:loss.args.params| full: |@doc:loss.value.full| If True, return the full loss value, otherwise allow for the removal of constants and only return the part that depends on the parameters. Constants don't matter for the task of optimization, but they can greatly help with the numerical stability of the loss function. |@docend:loss.value.full| Returns: Calculated loss value as a scalar. """ params, checked = self.check_precompile(params=params) if full is None: full = DEFAULT_FULL_ARG log_offset = False if full else self._options.get("subtr_const_value", False) if log_offset is not False: log_offset = z.convert_to_tensor(log_offset) # log_offset = z.convert_to_tensor(log_offset) with self._check_set_input_params(params, guarantee_checked=checked): return self._call_value(self.model,, self.fit_range, self.constraints, log_offset)
@z.function(wraps="loss") def _call_value(self, model, data, fit_range, constraints, log_offset): return self._value( model=model, data=data, fit_range=fit_range, constraints=constraints, log_offset=log_offset, ) # if self._subtractions.get('kahan') is None: # self._subtractions['kahan'] = value # value_subtracted = (value[0] - self._subtractions['kahan'][0]) - ( # value[1] - self._subtractions['kahan'][1]) # return value_subtracted # value = value_substracted[0] - value_substracted[1] def _value(self, model, data, fit_range, constraints, log_offset): return self._loss_func( model=model, data=data, fit_range=fit_range, constraints=constraints, log_offset=log_offset, ) def __add__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, BaseLoss): msg = "Has to be a subclass of `BaseLoss` or overwrite `__add__`." raise TypeError(msg) if type(other) is not type(self): msg = "cannot safely add two different kind of loss." raise ValueError(msg) model = self.model + other.model data = + fit_range = self.fit_range + other.fit_range constraints = self.constraints + other.constraints kwargs = {"model": model, "data": data, "constraints": constraints} if any(fitrng is not None for fitrng in fit_range): kwargs["fit_range"] = fit_range return type(self)(**kwargs)
[docs] def gradient( self, params: ztyping.ParamTypeInput = None, *, numgrad=None, paramvals: ztyping.ParamTypeInput = None ) -> tf.Tensor: """Calculate the gradient of the loss with respect to the given parameters. Args: params: The parameters with respect to which the gradient is calculated. If `None`, all parameters are used. numgrad: |@doc:loss.args.numgrad| If ``True``, calculate the numerical gradient/Hessian instead of using the automatic one. This is usually slower if called repeatedly but can be used if the automatic gradient fails (e.g. if the model is not differentiable, written not in znp.* etc). Default will fall back to what the loss is set to. |@docend:loss.args.numgrad| paramvals: |@doc:loss.args.params| Mapping of the parameter names to the actual values. The parameter names refer to the names of the parameters, typically :py:class:`~zfit.Parameter`, that is returned by `get_params()`. If no params are given, the current default values of the parameters are used. |@docend:loss.args.params| Returns: The gradient of the loss with respect to the given parameters. """ params = self._input_check_params(params, only_independent=True) numgrad = self._options["numgrad"] if numgrad is None else numgrad paramvals, checked = self.check_precompile(params=paramvals) with self._check_set_input_params(paramvals, guarantee_checked=checked): return self._call_gradient(params, numgrad)
@z.function(wraps="loss") def _call_gradient(self, params, numgrad): with suppress(GradientNotImplementedError): return self._gradient(params=params, numgrad=numgrad) with suppress(ValueGradientNotImplementedError): return self._value_gradient(params=params, numgrad=numgrad, full=False)[1] return self._fallback_gradient(params=params, numgrad=numgrad) def gradients(self, *_, **__): msg = "`gradients` is deprecated, use `gradient` instead." raise BreakingAPIChangeError(msg) def _gradient(self, params, numgrad): # noqa: ARG002 raise GradientNotImplementedError def _fallback_gradient(self, params, numgrad): self_value = partial(self.value, full=False) if numgrad: gradient = numerical_gradient(self_value, params=params) else: self._check_assert_autograd(params) gradient = autodiff_gradient(self_value, params=params) return gradient
[docs] def value_gradient( self, params: ztyping.ParamTypeInput = None, *, full: bool | None = None, numgrad: bool | None = None, paramvals: ztyping.ParamTypeInput = None, ) -> tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: """Calculate the loss value and the gradient with the current values of the free parameters. Args: params: The parameters to calculate the gradient for. If not given, all free parameters are used. full: |@doc:loss.value.full| If True, return the full loss value, otherwise allow for the removal of constants and only return the part that depends on the parameters. Constants don't matter for the task of optimization, but they can greatly help with the numerical stability of the loss function. |@docend:loss.value.full| numgrad: |@doc:loss.args.numgrad| If ``True``, calculate the numerical gradient/Hessian instead of using the automatic one. This is usually slower if called repeatedly but can be used if the automatic gradient fails (e.g. if the model is not differentiable, written not in znp.* etc). Default will fall back to what the loss is set to. |@docend:loss.args.numgrad| paramvals: |@doc:loss.args.params| Mapping of the parameter names to the actual values. The parameter names refer to the names of the parameters, typically :py:class:`~zfit.Parameter`, that is returned by `get_params()`. If no params are given, the current default values of the parameters are used. |@docend:loss.args.params| Returns: Calculated loss value as a scalar and the gradient as a tensor. """ params = self._input_check_params(params) numgrad = self._options["numgrad"] if full is None: full = DEFAULT_FULL_ARG paramvals, checked = self.check_precompile(params=paramvals) with self._check_set_input_params(paramvals, guarantee_checked=checked): value, gradient = self._call_value_gradient(params, numgrad, full) return value, gradient
@z.function(wraps="loss") def _call_value_gradient(self, params, numgrad, full): with suppress(ValueGradientNotImplementedError): return self._value_gradient(params=params, numgrad=numgrad, full=full) with suppress(GradientNotImplementedError): gradient = self._gradient(params=params, numgrad=numgrad) return self.value(full=full), gradient return self._fallback_value_gradient(params=params, numgrad=numgrad, full=full) def value_gradients(self, *_, **__): msg = "`value_gradients` is deprecated, use `value_gradient` instead." raise BreakingAPIChangeError(msg) def _value_gradient(self, params, numgrad, full): # noqa: ARG002 raise ValueGradientNotImplementedError def _fallback_value_gradient(self, params, numgrad=False, *, full: bool | None = None): if full is None: full = DEFAULT_FULL_ARG self_value = partial(self.value, full=full) if numgrad: value, gradient = numerical_value_gradient(self_value, params=params) else: self._check_assert_autograd(params) value, gradient = autodiff_value_gradient(self_value, params=params) return value, gradient
[docs] def hessian( self, params: ztyping.ParamTypeInput = None, hessian=None, *, numgrad: bool | None = None, paramvals: ztyping.ParamTypeInput = None, ) -> tf.Tensor: """Calculate the hessian of the loss with respect to the given parameters. Args: params: The parameters with respect to which the hessian is calculated. If `None`, all parameters are used. hessian: Can be 'full' or 'diag'. numgrad: |@doc:loss.args.numgrad| If ``True``, calculate the numerical gradient/Hessian instead of using the automatic one. This is usually slower if called repeatedly but can be used if the automatic gradient fails (e.g. if the model is not differentiable, written not in znp.* etc). Default will fall back to what the loss is set to. |@docend:loss.args.numgrad| """ params = self._input_check_params(params) numgrad = self._options["numgrad"] if numgrad is None else numgrad paramvals, checked = self.check_precompile(params=paramvals) with self._check_set_input_params(paramvals, guarantee_checked=checked): return self._call_hessian(params, numgrad, hessian)
@z.function(wraps="loss") def _call_hessian(self, params, numgrad, hessian): with suppress(HessianNotImplementedError): return self._hessian(params=params, hessian=hessian, numgrad=numgrad) with suppress(ValueGradientHessianNotImplementedError): return self._value_gradient_hessian(params=params, hessian=hessian, numerical=numgrad, full=False)[2] return self._fallback_hessian(params=params, hessian=hessian, numgrad=numgrad) def _hessian(self, params, hessian, numgrad): # noqa: ARG002 raise HessianNotImplementedError def _fallback_hessian(self, params, hessian, numgrad): self_value = partial(self.value, full=False) if numgrad: hessian = numerical_hessian(self_value, params=params, hessian=hessian) else: self._check_assert_autograd(params) hessian = autodiff_hessian(self_value, params=params, hessian=hessian) return hessian
[docs] def value_gradient_hessian( self, params: ztyping.ParamTypeInput = None, *, hessian=None, full: bool | None = None, numgrad=None, paramvals: ztyping.ParamTypeInput = None, ) -> tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: """Calculate the loss value, the gradient and the hessian with the current values of the free parameters. Args: params: The parameters to calculate the gradient for. If not given, all free parameters are used. hessian: Can be 'full' or 'diag'. full: |@doc:loss.value.full| If True, return the full loss value, otherwise allow for the removal of constants and only return the part that depends on the parameters. Constants don't matter for the task of optimization, but they can greatly help with the numerical stability of the loss function. |@docend:loss.value.full| numgrad: |@doc:loss.args.numgrad| If ``True``, calculate the numerical gradient/Hessian instead of using the automatic one. This is usually slower if called repeatedly but can be used if the automatic gradient fails (e.g. if the model is not differentiable, written not in znp.* etc). Default will fall back to what the loss is set to. |@docend:loss.args.numgrad| paramvals: |@doc:loss.args.params| Mapping of the parameter names to the actual values. The parameter names refer to the names of the parameters, typically :py:class:`~zfit.Parameter`, that is returned by `get_params()`. If no params are given, the current default values of the parameters are used. |@docend:loss.args.params| Returns: Calculated loss value as a scalar, the gradient as a tensor and the hessian as a tensor. """ params = self._input_check_params(params) numgrad = self._options["numhess"] if numgrad is None else numgrad if full is None: full = DEFAULT_FULL_ARG paramvals, checked = self.check_precompile(params=paramvals) with self._check_set_input_params(paramvals, guarantee_checked=checked): return self._call_value_gradient_hessian(params, numgrad, full, hessian)
@z.function(wraps="loss") def _call_value_gradient_hessian(self, params, numgrad, full, hessian): with suppress(ValueGradientHessianNotImplementedError): return self._value_gradient_hessian(params=params, hessian=hessian, numerical=numgrad, full=full) with suppress(HessianNotImplementedError): hessian = self._hessian(params=params, hessian=hessian, numgrad=numgrad) return *self.value_gradient(params=params, numgrad=numgrad, full=full), hessian return self._fallback_value_gradient_hessian(params=params, hessian=hessian, numgrad=numgrad, full=full) def value_gradients_hessian(self, *_, **__): msg = "`value_gradients_hessian` is deprecated, use `value_gradient_hessian` instead." raise BreakingAPIChangeError(msg) def _value_gradient_hessian(self, params, hessian, numerical=False, full: bool | None = None): # noqa: ARG002 raise ValueGradientHessianNotImplementedError def _fallback_value_gradient_hessian(self, params, hessian, numgrad=False, *, full: bool | None = None): self_value = partial(self.value, full=full) if numgrad: return numerical_value_gradients_hessian( func=self_value, gradient=self.gradient, params=params, hessian=hessian ) else: self._check_assert_autograd(params) return automatic_value_gradient_hessian(self_value, params=params, hessian=hessian) def __repr__(self) -> str: class_name = repr(self.__class__)[:-2].split(".")[-1] return ( f"<{class_name} " f"model={one_two_many([ for model in self.model])} " f"data={one_two_many([ for data in])} " f'constraints={one_two_many(self.constraints, many="True")} ' f">" ) def __str__(self) -> str: class_name = repr(self.__class__)[:-2].split(".")[-1] return ( f"<{class_name}" f" model={one_two_many(list(self.model))}" f" data={one_two_many(list(}" f' constraints={one_two_many(self.constraints, many="True")}' f">" ) def _check_assert_autograd(self, params): params = convert_to_container(params, set) if noautograd := params - self.get_params( autograd=True, is_yield=None, floating=None, extract_independent=True ): msg = ( f"Parameters {noautograd} are not supported to use automatic gradients (that is because a PDF" f" claims they are not differentiable). Use a minimizer with its own gradient by setting `gradient=True`" " (if available), or set either numgrad=True for this loss by using" " `Loss(..., options={'numgrad': True, 'numhess': True})` or set it globaly (temorary with a with)" " using ``." ) raise AutogradNotSupported(msg)
def one_two_many(values, n=3, many="multiple"): values = convert_to_container(values) if len(values) > n: values = many return values class BaseUnbinnedNLL(BaseLoss, SerializableMixin): def create_new( self, model: ZfitPDF | Iterable[ZfitPDF] | None = NONE, data: ZfitData | Iterable[ZfitData] | None = NONE, fit_range=NONE, constraints=NONE, options=NONE, ): r"""Create a new loss from the current loss and replacing what is given as the arguments. This creates a "copy" of the current loss but replaces any argument that is explicitly given. Equivalent to creating a new instance but with some arguments taken. A loss has more than a model and data (and constraints), it can have internal optimizations and more that may do alter the behavior of a naive re-instantiation in unpredictable ways. Args: model: If not given, the current one will be used. |@doc:loss.init.model| PDFs that return the normalized probability for *data* under the given parameters. If multiple model and data are given, they will be used in the same order to do a simultaneous fit. |@docend:loss.init.model| data: If not given, the current one will be used. || Dataset that will be given to the *model*. If multiple model and data are given, they will be used in the same order to do a simultaneous fit. If the data is not a ``ZfitData`` object, i.e. it doesn't have ha space it has to be withing the limits of the model, otherwise, an :py:class:`~zfit.exception.IntentionAmbiguousError` will be raised. || fit_range: constraints: If not given, the current one will be used. |@doc:loss.init.constraints| Auxiliary measurements ("constraints") that add a likelihood term to the loss. .. math:: \mathcal{L}(\theta) = \mathcal{L}_{unconstrained} \prod_{i} f_{constr_i}(\theta) Usually, an auxiliary measurement -- by its very nature -S should only be added once to the loss. zfit does not automatically deduplicate constraints if they are given multiple times, leaving the freedom for arbitrary constructs. Constraints can also be used to restrict the loss by adding any kinds of penalties. |@docend:loss.init.constraints| options: If not given, the current one will be used. |@doc:loss.init.options| Additional options (as a dict) for the loss. Current possibilities include: - 'subtr_const' (default True): subtract from each points log probability density a constant that is approximately equal to the average log probability density in the very first evaluation before the summation. This brings the initial loss value closer to 0 and increases, especially for large datasets, the numerical stability. The value will be stored ith 'subtr_const_value' and can also be given directly. The subtraction should not affect the minimum as the absolute value of the NLL is meaningless. However, with this switch on, one cannot directly compare different likelihoods absolute value as the constant may differ! Use ``create_new`` in order to have a comparable likelihood between different losses or use the ``full`` argument in the value function to calculate the full loss with all constants. These settings may extend over time. In order to make sure that a loss is the same under the same data, make sure to use ``create_new`` instead of instantiating a new loss as the former will automatically overtake any relevant constants and behavior. |@docend:loss.init.options| """ if model is NONE: model = self.model if data is NONE: data = if fit_range is NONE: fit_range = self.fit_range if constraints is NONE: constraints = self.constraints if constraints is not None: constraints = constraints.copy() if options is NONE: options = self._options if isinstance(options, dict): options = options.copy() return type(self)( model=model, data=data, fit_range=fit_range, constraints=constraints, options=options, )
[docs] class UnbinnedNLL(BaseUnbinnedNLL): _name = "UnbinnedNLL" def __init__( self, model: ZfitPDF | Iterable[ZfitPDF], data: ZfitData | Iterable[ZfitData], fit_range=None, constraints: ztyping.ConstraintsInputType = None, options: Mapping[str, object] | None = None, ): r"""Unbinned Negative Log Likelihood. |@doc:loss.init.explain.unbinnednll| The unbinned log likelihood can be written as .. math:: \mathcal{L}_{non-extended}(x | \theta) = \prod_{i} f_{\theta} (x_i) where :math:`x_i` is a single event from the dataset *data* and f is the *model*. |@docend:loss.init.explain.unbinnednll| |@doc:loss.init.explain.simultaneous| A simultaneous fit can be performed by giving one or more ``model``, ``data``, to the loss. The length of each has to match the length of the others .. math:: \mathcal{L}_{simultaneous}(\theta | {data_0, data_1, ..., data_n}) = \prod_{i} \mathcal{L}(\theta_i, data_i) where :math:`\theta_i` is a set of parameters and a subset of :math:`\theta` |@docend:loss.init.explain.simultaneous| |@doc:loss.init.explain.negativelog| For optimization purposes, it is often easier to minimize a function and to use a log transformation. The actual loss is given by .. math:: \mathcal{L} = - \sum_{i}^{n} ln(f(\theta|x_i)) and therefore being called "negative log ..." |@docend:loss.init.explain.negativelog| |@doc:loss.init.explain.weightednll| If the dataset has weights, a weighted likelihood will be constructed instead .. math:: \mathcal{L} = - \sum_{i}^{n} w_i \cdot ln(f(\theta|x_i)) Note that this is not a real likelihood anymore! Calculating uncertainties can be done with hesse (as it has a correction) but will yield wrong results with profiling methods. The minimum is however fully valid. |@docend:loss.init.explain.weightednll| Args: model: |@doc:loss.init.model| PDFs that return the normalized probability for *data* under the given parameters. If multiple model and data are given, they will be used in the same order to do a simultaneous fit. |@docend:loss.init.model| data: || Dataset that will be given to the *model*. If multiple model and data are given, they will be used in the same order to do a simultaneous fit. If the data is not a ``ZfitData`` object, i.e. it doesn't have ha space it has to be withing the limits of the model, otherwise, an :py:class:`~zfit.exception.IntentionAmbiguousError` will be raised. || constraints: |@doc:loss.init.constraints| Auxiliary measurements ("constraints") that add a likelihood term to the loss. .. math:: \mathcal{L}(\theta) = \mathcal{L}_{unconstrained} \prod_{i} f_{constr_i}(\theta) Usually, an auxiliary measurement -- by its very nature -S should only be added once to the loss. zfit does not automatically deduplicate constraints if they are given multiple times, leaving the freedom for arbitrary constructs. Constraints can also be used to restrict the loss by adding any kinds of penalties. |@docend:loss.init.constraints| options: If not given, the current one will be used. |@doc:loss.init.options| Additional options (as a dict) for the loss. Current possibilities include: - 'subtr_const' (default True): subtract from each points log probability density a constant that is approximately equal to the average log probability density in the very first evaluation before the summation. This brings the initial loss value closer to 0 and increases, especially for large datasets, the numerical stability. The value will be stored ith 'subtr_const_value' and can also be given directly. The subtraction should not affect the minimum as the absolute value of the NLL is meaningless. However, with this switch on, one cannot directly compare different likelihoods absolute value as the constant may differ! Use ``create_new`` in order to have a comparable likelihood between different losses or use the ``full`` argument in the value function to calculate the full loss with all constants. These settings may extend over time. In order to make sure that a loss is the same under the same data, make sure to use ``create_new`` instead of instantiating a new loss as the former will automatically overtake any relevant constants and behavior. |@docend:loss.init.options| """ super().__init__( model=model, data=data, fit_range=fit_range, constraints=constraints, options=options, ) self._errordef = 0.5 extended_pdfs = [pdf for pdf in self.model if pdf.is_extended] if extended_pdfs and type(self) is not UnbinnedNLL: warn_advanced_feature( f"Extended PDFs ({extended_pdfs}) are given to a normal UnbinnedNLL. " f" This won't take the yield " "into account and simply treat the PDFs as non-extended PDFs. To create an " "extended NLL, use the `ExtendedUnbinnedNLL`.", identifier="extended_in_UnbinnedNLL", ) @z.function(wraps="loss") def _loss_func(self, model, data, fit_range, constraints, log_offset): return self._loss_func_watched( data=data, model=model, fit_range=fit_range, constraints=constraints, log_offset=log_offset, sumtype=self._options.get("sumtype"), ) @property def is_extended(self): return False @z.function(wraps="loss") def _loss_func_watched(self, data, model, fit_range, constraints, log_offset, sumtype=None): kahan = sumtype == "kahan" nll, nll_corr = _unbinned_nll_tf( model=model, data=data, fit_range=fit_range, log_offset=log_offset, kahan=kahan ) if constraints: constraints = z.reduce_sum([c.value() for c in constraints]) nll += constraints return nll - nll_corr def _get_params( self, floating: bool | None, is_yield: bool | None, extract_independent: bool | None, *, autograd: bool | None = None, ) -> set[ZfitParameter]: if not self.is_extended: is_yield = False # the loss does not depend on the yields return super()._get_params(floating, is_yield, extract_independent, autograd=autograd)
class UnbinnedNLLRepr(BaseLossRepr): _implementation = UnbinnedNLL hs3_type: Literal["UnbinnedNLL"] = pydantic.Field("UnbinnedNLL", alias="type")
[docs] class ExtendedUnbinnedNLL(BaseUnbinnedNLL): def __init__( self, model: ZfitPDF | Iterable[ZfitPDF], data: ZfitData | Iterable[ZfitData], fit_range=None, constraints: ztyping.ConstraintsInputType = None, options: Mapping[str, object] | None = None, ): r"""An Unbinned Negative Log Likelihood with an additional poisson term for the number of events in the dataset. |@doc:loss.init.explain.unbinnednll| The unbinned log likelihood can be written as .. math:: \mathcal{L}_{non-extended}(x | \theta) = \prod_{i} f_{\theta} (x_i) where :math:`x_i` is a single event from the dataset *data* and f is the *model*. |@docend:loss.init.explain.unbinnednll| |@doc:loss.init.explain.extendedterm| The extended likelihood has an additional term .. math:: \mathcal{L}_{extended term} = poiss(N_{tot}, N_{data}) = N_{data}^{N_{tot}} \frac{e^{- N_{data}}}{N_{tot}!} and the extended likelihood is the product of both. |@docend:loss.init.explain.extendedterm| |@doc:loss.init.explain.simultaneous| A simultaneous fit can be performed by giving one or more ``model``, ``data``, to the loss. The length of each has to match the length of the others .. math:: \mathcal{L}_{simultaneous}(\theta | {data_0, data_1, ..., data_n}) = \prod_{i} \mathcal{L}(\theta_i, data_i) where :math:`\theta_i` is a set of parameters and a subset of :math:`\theta` |@docend:loss.init.explain.simultaneous| |@doc:loss.init.explain.negativelog| For optimization purposes, it is often easier to minimize a function and to use a log transformation. The actual loss is given by .. math:: \mathcal{L} = - \sum_{i}^{n} ln(f(\theta|x_i)) and therefore being called "negative log ..." |@docend:loss.init.explain.negativelog| |@doc:loss.init.explain.weightednll| If the dataset has weights, a weighted likelihood will be constructed instead .. math:: \mathcal{L} = - \sum_{i}^{n} w_i \cdot ln(f(\theta|x_i)) Note that this is not a real likelihood anymore! Calculating uncertainties can be done with hesse (as it has a correction) but will yield wrong results with profiling methods. The minimum is however fully valid. |@docend:loss.init.explain.weightednll| Args: model: |@doc:loss.init.model| PDFs that return the normalized probability for *data* under the given parameters. If multiple model and data are given, they will be used in the same order to do a simultaneous fit. |@docend:loss.init.model| data: || Dataset that will be given to the *model*. If multiple model and data are given, they will be used in the same order to do a simultaneous fit. If the data is not a ``ZfitData`` object, i.e. it doesn't have ha space it has to be withing the limits of the model, otherwise, an :py:class:`~zfit.exception.IntentionAmbiguousError` will be raised. || constraints: |@doc:loss.init.constraints| Auxiliary measurements ("constraints") that add a likelihood term to the loss. .. math:: \mathcal{L}(\theta) = \mathcal{L}_{unconstrained} \prod_{i} f_{constr_i}(\theta) Usually, an auxiliary measurement -- by its very nature -S should only be added once to the loss. zfit does not automatically deduplicate constraints if they are given multiple times, leaving the freedom for arbitrary constructs. Constraints can also be used to restrict the loss by adding any kinds of penalties. |@docend:loss.init.constraints| options: If not given, the current one will be used. |@doc:loss.init.options| Additional options (as a dict) for the loss. Current possibilities include: - 'subtr_const' (default True): subtract from each points log probability density a constant that is approximately equal to the average log probability density in the very first evaluation before the summation. This brings the initial loss value closer to 0 and increases, especially for large datasets, the numerical stability. The value will be stored ith 'subtr_const_value' and can also be given directly. The subtraction should not affect the minimum as the absolute value of the NLL is meaningless. However, with this switch on, one cannot directly compare different likelihoods absolute value as the constant may differ! Use """ super().__init__( model=model, data=data, constraints=constraints, options=options, fit_range=fit_range, ) self._errordef = 0.5 @z.function(wraps="loss") def _loss_func(self, model, data, fit_range, constraints, log_offset, *, sumtype=None): kahan = sumtype == "kahan" nll, nll_corr = _unbinned_nll_tf( model=model, data=data, fit_range=fit_range, log_offset=log_offset, kahan=kahan ) if constraints: constraints = z.reduce_sum([c.value() for c in constraints]) nll += constraints yields = [] nevents_collected = [] for mod, dat in zip(model, data): if not mod.is_extended: msg = f"The pdf {mod} is not extended but has to be (for an extended fit)" raise NotExtendedPDFError(msg) nevents = dat.n_events if dat.weights is None else z.reduce_sum(dat.weights) nevents = znp.asarray(nevents, tf.float64) nevents_collected.append(nevents) yields.append(znp.atleast_1d(mod.get_yield())) yields = znp.concatenate(yields, axis=0) nevents_collected = znp.stack(nevents_collected, axis=0) term_new = tf.nn.log_poisson_loss(nevents_collected, znp.log(yields), compute_full_loss=log_offset is False) if log_offset is not False: log_offset = znp.asarray(log_offset, dtype=znp.float64) term_new += log_offset nll += znp.sum(term_new, axis=0) return nll - nll_corr @property def is_extended(self): return True def _get_params( self, floating: bool | None, is_yield: bool | None, extract_independent: bool | None, *, autograd: bool | None = None, ) -> set[ZfitParameter]: return super()._get_params(floating, is_yield, extract_independent, autograd=autograd)
class ExtendedUnbinnedNLLRepr(BaseLossRepr): _implementation = ExtendedUnbinnedNLL hs3_type: Literal["ExtendedUnbinnedNLL"] = pydantic.Field("ExtendedUnbinnedNLL", alias="type")
[docs] class SimpleLoss(BaseLoss): _name = "SimpleLoss" _convertable_funcs: typing.ClassVar = [] @deprecated_args(None, "Use params instead.", ("deps", "dependents")) def __init__( self, func: Callable, params: Iterable[zfit.Parameter] | None = None, errordef: float | None = None, *, gradient: Callable | str | None = None, hessian: Callable | str | None = None, jit: Optional[bool] = None, # legacy deps: Iterable[zfit.Parameter] = NONE, dependents: Iterable[zfit.Parameter] = NONE, ): r"""Loss from a (function returning a) Tensor. This allows for a very generic loss function as the functions only restriction is that is should depend on ``zfit.Parameter``. Args: func: Callable that evaluates the loss and takes the parameter values as a single, array-like argument params: The parameters (independent ``zfit.Parameter``) of the loss. Essentially the (free) parameters that the ``func`` depends on. errordef: Definition of which change in the loss corresponds to a change of 1 sigma. For example, 1 for Chi squared, 0.5 for negative log-likelihood. gradient: Function that calculates the gradient of the loss with respect to the parameters. If not given, the gradient will be calculated automatically. Can be a string to determine the method, either 'num' (default) to calculate the gradient numerically, or 'zfit' to use automatic differentiation. The latter requires that the whole function is written using ``znp`` or ``tf`` operations hessian: Function that calculates the hessian of the loss with respect to the parameters. If not given, the hessian will be calculated automatically.C an be a string to determine the method, either 'num' (default) to calculate the hessian numerically, or 'zfit' to use automatic differentiation. The latter requires that the whole function is written using ``znp`` or ``tf`` operations jit: If true, jit compiles the different functions. Only use if function is fully built using ``znp`` or ``tf`` operations and no Python conditionals that depend on the *concrete value* of inputs. Defaults to ``False``. Usage: .. code-block:: python import zfit import zfit.z.numpy as znp import tensorflow as tf param1 = zfit.Parameter('param1', 5, 1, 10) # we can build a model here if we want, but in principle, it's not necessary x = znp.random.uniform(size=(100,)) y = x * tf.random.normal(mean=4, stddev=0.1, shape=x.shape, dtype=znp.float64) def squared_loss(params): param1 = params[0] y_pred = x*param1 # this is very simple, but we can of course use any # zfit PDF or Func inside squared = (y_pred - y)**2 mse = znp.mean(squared) return mse loss = zfit.loss.SimpleLoss(squared_loss, param1, errordef=1) which can then be used in combination with any zfit minimizer such as Minuit .. code:: python minimizer = zfit.minimize.Minuit() result = minimizer.minimize(loss) """ gradient = "num" if gradient is None else gradient hessian = "num" if hessian is None else hessian numgrad = True numhess = True if isinstance(gradient, str): if gradient == "num": numgrad = True elif gradient == "zfit": numgrad = False else: msg = f"Gradient argument has to be either a callable or 'num' or 'zfit', is {gradient}" raise ValueError(msg) gradient = None if isinstance(hessian, str): if hessian == "num": numhess = True elif hessian == "zfit": numhess = False else: msg = f"Hessian argument has to be either a callable or 'num' or 'zfit', is {hessian}" raise ValueError(msg) hessian = None jit = False if jit is None else jit super().__init__(model=[], data=[], options={"subtr_const": False, "numgrad": numgrad, "numhess": numhess}) if dependents is not NONE and params is None: params = dependents elif deps is not NONE and params is None: # depreceation params = deps elif params is None: # legacy, remove in 0.7 msg = ( "params need to be specified explicitly due to the upgrade to 0.4." "More information can be found in the upgrade guide on the website." ) raise BreakingAPIChangeError(msg) if hasattr(func, "errordef"): if errordef is not None: msg = "errordef is not allowed if func has an errordef attribute or vice versa." raise ValueError(msg) errordef = func.errordef if errordef is None: msg = ( f"{self} cannot minimize {func} as `errordef` is missing: " f"it has to be set as an attribute. Typically 1 (chi2) or 0.5 (NLL)." ) raise ValueError(msg) self._do_jit = jit self._simple_func = func self._errordef = errordef self._grad_fn = gradient self._hess_fn = hessian params = convert_to_parameters(params, prefer_constant=False) self._params = params def _check_jit_or_not(self): if not self._do_jit: from zfit import run if not run.executing_eagerly(): raise z.DoNotCompile def _get_params( self, floating: bool | None, is_yield: bool | None, extract_independent: bool | None, *, autograd: bool | None = None, ) -> set[ZfitParameter]: if autograd is not None: msg = "Cannot distinguish currently between autograd and not autograd." raise WorkInProgressError(msg) params = super()._get_params(floating, is_yield, extract_independent, autograd=autograd) own_params = extract_filter_params(self._params, floating=floating, extract_independent=extract_independent) return params.union(own_params) def _gradient(self, params, numgrad): self._check_jit_or_not() del numgrad if self._grad_fn is not None: return self._grad_fn(params) raise GradientNotImplementedError def _hessian(self, params, hessian, numgrad): self._check_jit_or_not() del hessian, numgrad if self._hess_fn is not None: return self._hess_fn(params) raise HessianNotImplementedError @classmethod def register_convertable_loss(cls, constructor, *, priority=0): convertable = {"constructor": constructor, "priority": priority} cls._convertable_funcs.append(convertable) cls._convertable_funcs = sorted(cls._convertable_funcs, key=lambda x: x["priority"], reverse=True) @classmethod def from_any(cls, func, params=None, **kwargs): for conv in cls._convertable_funcs: if (loss := conv["constructor"](func, params=params, **kwargs)) is not False: break else: msg = ( f"Cannot convert {func} to a SimpleLoss, no valid converter registered. \n" f"Current converters: {cls._convertable_funcs}." ) raise RuntimeError(msg) return loss @property def errordef(self): errordef = self._errordef if errordef is None: msg = "For this SimpleLoss, no error calculation is possible." raise RuntimeError(msg) return errordef def _loss_func(self, model, data, fit_range, constraints=None, log_offset=None): # noqa: ARG002 self._check_jit_or_not() if log_offset is not None and log_offset is not False: pass # raise ValueError(msg) try: params = self._params params = tuple(params) value = self._simple_func(params) except TypeError as error: if "takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given" in str(error): value = self._simple_func() else: raise error return znp.asarray(value) def __add__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, BaseLoss): return NotImplemented scaleouter = znp.array(1.0) if (errordef := self.errordef) == other.errordef else errordef / other.errordef def value(params, *, full=None): # TODO: needed? should be correct this way # if scaleouter is None: # scale = 1. # else: # scale = znp.asarray(scaleouter) # full = True if not isinstance(params, Mapping): if isinstance(params, Iterable): if all(isinstance(p, ZfitIndependentParameter) for p in params): params = { p for p in params} else: msg = f"The parameters have to be either a mapping or an iterable, not {params}." raise ValueError(msg) selfnames = [ for p in self.get_params(floating=None, is_yield=None, extract_independent=True)] othernames = [ for p in other.get_params(floating=None, is_yield=None, extract_independent=True)] if isinstance(params, Mapping): paramsself = {name: p for name, p in params if name in selfnames} paramsother = {name: p for name, p in params.items() if name in othernames} elif len(params) == len(selfnames) + len(othernames): paramsself = dict(zip(selfnames, params[: len(selfnames)])) paramsother = dict(zip(othernames, params[len(selfnames) :])) else: msg = "The parameters do not match the sum of the parameters of the two losses." raise ValueError(msg) return self.value(params=paramsself, full=full) + scaleouter * other.value(params=paramsother, full=full) # Not that easy to combine, overlap etc # def gradient(params, *, numgrad=None): # paramsself = [p for p in params if p in self.get_params(floating=None, is_yield=None, extract_independent=None)] # paramsother = [p for p in params if p in other.get_params(floating=None, is_yield=None, extract_independent=None)] # selfgrad = self.gradient(params=paramsself, numgrad=numgrad) if paramsself else 0. # othergrad = other.gradient(params=paramsother, numgrad=numgrad) if paramsother else 0. # return selfgrad + scale * othergrad gradient = None # def hessian(params, *, numgrad=None, hessian=None): # # return self.hessian(params=params, numgrad=numgrad, hessian=hessian) + scale * other.hessian( # params=params, numgrad=numgrad, hessian=hessian) hessian = None params = list( self.get_params(floating=None, is_yield=None, extract_independent=None) | other.get_params(floating=None, is_yield=None, extract_independent=None) ) return SimpleLoss(func=value, params=params, errordef=errordef, gradient=gradient, hessian=hessian) def create_new( self, func: Callable = NONE, params: Iterable[zfit.Parameter] = NONE, errordef: float | None = NONE, ): if func is NONE: func = self._simple_func if params is NONE: params = self._params if errordef is NONE: errordef = self.errordef return type(self)(func=func, params=params, errordef=errordef)
def _simple_loss_constructor(func, **kwargs): try: return SimpleLoss(func=func, **kwargs) except TypeError as error: if "got an unexpected keyword argument" in str(error): return False SimpleLoss.register_convertable_loss(constructor=_simple_loss_constructor, priority=-1)