Source code for zfit.core.coordinates

#  Copyright (c) 2021 zfit
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from zfit import z

from ..util import ztyping
from ..util.container import convert_to_container
from ..util.exception import (AxesIncompatibleError,
                              IntentionAmbiguousError, ObsIncompatibleError,
                              OverdefinedError, WorkInProgressError)
from .interfaces import (ZfitData, ZfitDimensional, ZfitOrderableDimensional,

[docs]class Coordinates(ZfitOrderableDimensional): def __init__(self, obs=None, axes=None): obs, axes, n_obs = self._check_convert_obs_axes(obs, axes) self._obs = obs self._axes = axes self._n_obs = n_obs @staticmethod def _check_convert_obs_axes(obs, axes): if isinstance(obs, ZfitOrderableDimensional): if axes is not None: raise OverdefinedError(f"Cannot use {obs}, a" " ZfitOrderableDimensional as obs with axes not None" " (currently, please open an issue if desired)") coord = obs return coord.obs, coord.axes, coord.n_obs obs = convert_to_obs_str(obs, container=tuple) axes = convert_to_axes(axes, container=tuple) if obs is None: if axes is None: raise CoordinatesUnderdefinedError("Neither obs nor axes specified") else: if any(not isinstance(ax, int) for ax in axes): raise ValueError(f"Axes have to be int. Currently: {axes}") n_obs = len(axes) else: if any(not isinstance(ob, str) for ob in obs): raise ValueError(f"Observables have to be strings. Currently: {obs}") n_obs = len(obs) if axes is not None: if not len(obs) == len(axes): raise CoordinatesIncompatibleError("obs and axes do not have the same length.") if not (obs or axes): raise CoordinatesUnderdefinedError(f"Neither obs {obs} nor axes {axes} are defined.") return obs, axes, n_obs @property def obs(self) -> ztyping.ObsTypeReturn: """Return the observables, string identifier for the coordinate system.""" return self._obs @property def axes(self) -> ztyping.AxesTypeReturn: """Return the axes, integer based identifier(indices) for the coordinate system.""" return self._axes @property def n_obs(self) -> int: """Return the number of observables, the dimensionality. Corresponds to the last dimension. """ return self._n_obs
[docs] def with_obs(self, obs: Optional[ztyping.ObsTypeInput], allow_superset: bool = True, allow_subset: bool = True) -> "Coordinates": """Create a new instance that has `obs`; sorted by or set or dropped. The behavior is as follows: * obs are already set: * input obs are None: the observables will be dropped. If no axes are set, an error will be raised, as no coordinates will be assigned to this instance anymore. * input obs are not None: the instance will be sorted by the incoming obs. If axes or other objects have an associated order (e.g. data, limits,...), they will be reordered as well. If a strict subset is given (and allow_subset is True), only a subset will be returned. This can be used to take a subspace of limits, data etc. If a strict superset is given (and allow_superset is True), the obs will be sorted accordingly as if the obs not contained in the instances obs were not in the input obs. * obs are not set: * if the input obs are None, the same object is returned. * if the input obs are not None, they will be set as-is and now correspond to the already existing axes in the object. Args: obs: Observables to sort/associate this instance with allow_superset: if False and a strict superset of the own observables is given, an error is raised. allow_subset:if False and a strict subset of the own observables is given, an error is raised. Returns: A copy of the object with the new ordering/observables Raises: CoordinatesUnderdefinedError: if obs is None and the instance does not have axes ObsIncompatibleError: if `obs` is a superset and allow_superset is False or a subset and allow_allow_subset is False """ obs = convert_to_obs_str(obs) if obs is None: # drop obs, check if there are axes if self.axes is None: raise AxesIncompatibleError("cannot remove obs (using None) for a Space without axes") new_coords = type(self)(obs=obs, axes=self.axes) else: obs = _convert_obs_to_str(obs) if self.obs is None: new_coords = type(self)(obs=obs, axes=self.axes) else: if not set(obs).intersection(self.obs): raise ObsIncompatibleError(f"The requested obs {obs} are not compatible with the current obs " f"{self.obs}") if not frozenset(obs) == frozenset(self.obs): if not allow_superset and frozenset(obs) - frozenset(self.obs): raise ObsIncompatibleError( f"Obs {obs} are a superset of {self.obs}, not allowed according to flag.") if not allow_subset and set(self.obs) - set(obs): raise ObsIncompatibleError( f"Obs {obs} are a subset of {self.obs}, not allowed according to flag.") new_indices = self.get_reorder_indices(obs=obs) new_obs = self._reorder_obs(indices=new_indices) new_axes = self._reorder_axes(indices=new_indices) new_coords = type(self)(obs=new_obs, axes=new_axes) return new_coords
[docs] def with_axes(self, axes: Optional[ztyping.AxesTypeInput], allow_superset: bool = True, allow_subset: bool = True) -> "Coordinates": """Create a new instance that has `axes`; sorted by or set or dropped. The behavior is as follows: * axes are already set: * input axes are None: the axes will be dropped. If no observables are set, an error will be raised, as no coordinates will be assigned to this instance anymore. * input axes are not None: the instance will be sorted by the incoming axes. If obs or other objects have an associated order (e.g. data, limits,...), they will be reordered as well. If a strict subset is given (and allow_subset is True), only a subset will be returned. This can be used to retrieve a subspace of limits, data etc. If a strict superset is given (and allow_superset is True), the axes will be sorted accordingly as if the axes not contained in the instances axes were not present in the input axes. * axes are not set: * if the input axes are None, the same object is returned. * if the input axes are not None, they will be set as-is and now correspond to the already existing obs in the object. Args: axes: Axes to sort/associate this instance with allow_superset: if False and a strict superset of the own axeservables is given, an error is raised. allow_subset:if False and a strict subset of the own axeservables is given, an error is raised. Returns: A copy of the object with the new ordering/axes Raises: CoordinatesUnderdefinedError: if obs is None and the instance does not have axes AxesIncompatibleError: if `axes` is a superset and allow_superset is False or a subset and allow_allow_subset is False """ axes = convert_to_axes(axes) if axes is None: # drop axes if self.obs is None: raise CoordinatesUnderdefinedError("Cannot remove axes (using None) for a Space without obs") new_coords = type(self)(obs=self.obs, axes=axes) else: axes = _convert_axes_to_int(axes) if not self.axes and not len(axes) == len(self.obs): raise AxesIncompatibleError(f"Trying to set axes {axes} to object with obs {self.obs}") if self.axes is None: new_coords = type(self)(obs=self.obs, axes=axes) else: if not set(axes).intersection(self.axes): raise AxesIncompatibleError(f"The requested axes {axes} are not compatible with the current axes " f"{self.axes}") if not frozenset(axes) == frozenset(self.axes): if not allow_superset and set(axes) - set(self.axes): raise AxesIncompatibleError( f"Axes {axes} are a superset of {self.axes}, not allowed according to flag.") if not allow_subset and set(self.axes) - set(axes): raise AxesIncompatibleError( f"Axes {axes} are a subset of {self.axes}, not allowed according to flag.") new_indices = self.get_reorder_indices(axes=axes) new_obs = self._reorder_obs(indices=new_indices) new_axes = self._reorder_axes(indices=new_indices) new_coords = type(self)(obs=new_obs, axes=new_axes) return new_coords
[docs] def with_autofill_axes(self, overwrite: bool = False) -> "ZfitOrderableDimensional": """Overwrite the axes of the current object with axes corresponding to range(len(n_obs)). This effectively fills with (0, 1, 2,...) and can be used mostly when an object enters a PDF or similar. `overwrite` allows to remove the axis first in case there are already some set. .. code-block:: object.obs -> ('x', 'z', 'y') object.axes -> None object.with_autofill_axes() object.obs -> ('x', 'z', 'y') object.axes -> (0, 1, 2) Args: overwrite: If axes are already set, replace the axes with the autofilled ones. If axes is already set and `overwrite` is False, raise an error. Returns: The object with the new axes Raises: AxesIncompatibleError: if the axes are already set and `overwrite` is False. """ if self.axes and not overwrite: raise AxesIncompatibleError("overwrite is not allowed but axes are already set.") new_coords = type(self)(obs=self.obs, axes=range(self.n_obs)) return new_coords
def _reorder_obs(self, indices: Tuple[int]) -> ztyping.ObsTypeReturn: obs = self.obs if obs is not None: obs = tuple(obs[i] for i in indices) return obs def _reorder_axes(self, indices: Tuple[int]) -> ztyping.AxesTypeReturn: axes = self.axes if axes is not None: axes = tuple(axes[i] for i in indices) return axes
[docs] def get_reorder_indices(self, obs: ztyping.ObsTypeInput = None, axes: ztyping.AxesTypeInput = None ) -> Tuple[int]: """Indices that would order the instances obs as `obs` respectively the instances axes as `axes`. Args: obs: Observables that the instances obs should be ordered to. Does not reorder, but just return the indices that could be used to reorder. axes: Axes that the instances obs should be ordered to. Does not reorder, but just return the indices that could be used to reorder. Returns: New indices that would reorder the instances obs to be obs respectively axes. Raises: CoordinatesUnderdefinedError: If neither `obs` nor `axes` is given """ obs_none = obs is None axes_none = axes is None obs_is_defined = self.obs is not None and not obs_none axes_is_defined = self.axes is not None and not axes_none if not (obs_is_defined or axes_is_defined): raise CoordinatesUnderdefinedError( "Neither the `obs` (argument and on instance) nor `axes` (argument and on instance) are defined.") if obs_is_defined: old, new = self.obs, [o for o in obs if o in self.obs] else: old, new = self.axes, [a for a in axes if a in self.axes] new_indices = _reorder_indices(old=old, new=new) return new_indices
[docs] def reorder_x(self, x: Union[tf.Tensor, np.ndarray], *, x_obs: ztyping.ObsTypeInput = None, x_axes: ztyping.AxesTypeInput = None, func_obs: ztyping.ObsTypeInput = None, func_axes: ztyping.AxesTypeInput = None ) -> ztyping.XTypeReturnNoData: """Reorder x in the last dimension either according to its own obs or assuming a function ordered with func_obs. There are two obs or axes around: the one associated with this Coordinate object and the one associated with x. If x_obs or x_axes is given, then this is assumed to be the obs resp. the axes of x and x will be reordered according to `self.obs` resp. `self.axes`. If func_obs resp. func_axes is given, then x is assumed to have `self.obs` resp. `self.axes` and will be reordered to align with a function ordered with `func_obs` resp. `func_axes`. Switching `func_obs` for `x_obs` resp. `func_axes` for `x_axes` inverts the reordering of x. Args: x: Tensor to be reordered, last dimension should be n_obs resp. n_axes x_obs: Observables associated with x. If both, x_obs and x_axes are given, this has precedency over the latter. x_axes: Axes associated with x. func_obs: Observables associated with a function that x will be given to. Reorders x accordingly and assumes self.obs to be the obs of x. If both, `func_obs` and `func_axes` are given, this has precedency over the latter. func_axes: Axe associated with a function that x will be given to. Reorders x accordingly and assumes self.axes to be the axes of x. Returns: The reordered array-like object """ x_reorder = x_obs is not None or x_axes is not None func_reorder = func_obs is not None or func_axes is not None if not (x_reorder ^ func_reorder): raise ValueError("Either specify `x_obs/axes` or `func_obs/axes`, not both.") obs_defined = x_obs is not None or func_obs is not None axes_defined = x_axes is not None or func_axes is not None if obs_defined and self.obs: if x_reorder: coord_old = x_obs coord_new = self.obs elif func_reorder: coord_new = func_obs coord_old = self.obs else: assert False, 'bug, should never be reached' elif axes_defined and self.axes: if x_reorder: coord_old = x_axes coord_new = self.axes elif func_reorder: coord_new = func_axes coord_old = self.axes else: assert False, 'bug, should never be reached' else: raise ValueError("Obs and self.obs or axes and self. axes not properly defined. Can only reorder on defined" " coordinates.") if isinstance(x, ZfitData) and not (coord_old == x.obs if obs_defined else x.axes): raise IntentionAmbiguousError("`reorder_x` is supposed to assume that the obs/axes of the given `x` are" " either the one from the Space itself or the ones given. x is a ZfitData" f" object that has obs/axes themselves {x.obs if obs_defined else x.axes}" f" which do not coincied with the assumed obs/axes {coord_old}. Use" f" x.value() to get the pure tensor out or rather sort Data accordingly" f" (sort_by...).") new_indices = _reorder_indices(old=coord_old, new=coord_new) x = z.unstable.gather(x, indices=new_indices, axis=-1) return x
def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Coordinates): return NotImplemented obs_equal = False axes_equal = False if self.obs is not None and other.obs is not None: obs_equal = frozenset(self.obs) == frozenset(other.obs) if self.axes is not None and other.axes is not None: axes_equal = frozenset(self.axes) == frozenset(other.axes) equal = obs_equal or axes_equal return equal def __hash__(self): return 42 # always check with equal... maybe change in future, use dict that checks for different things. def __repr__(self): return f"<zfit Coordinates obs={self.obs}, axes={self.axes}"
def _convert_axes_to_int(axes): if isinstance(axes, ZfitSpace): axes = axes.axes else: axes = convert_to_container(axes, container=tuple) return axes def _convert_obs_to_str(obs): if isinstance(obs, ZfitSpace): obs = obs.obs else: obs = convert_to_container(obs, container=tuple) return obs def _reorder_indices(old: Union[List, Tuple], new: Union[List, Tuple]) -> Tuple[int]: new_indices = tuple(old.index(o) for o in new) return new_indices def convert_to_axes(axes, container=tuple): """Convert `obs` to the list of obs, also if it is a :py:class:`~ZfitSpace`. Return None if axes is None. Raises TypeError: if the axes are not int """ if axes is None: return axes axes = convert_to_container(value=axes, container=container) if isinstance(axes, ZfitDimensional): new_axes = axes.axes else: new_axes = [] for axis in axes: if not isinstance(axis, int): raise TypeError(f"Axes have to be int, not {axis} as in {axes}") else: new_axes.append(axis) return container(new_axes) def convert_to_obs_str(obs, container=tuple): """Convert `obs` to the list of obs, also if it is a :py:class:`~ZfitSpace`. Return None if obs is None. Raises: TypeError: if the observable is not a string """ if obs is None: return obs if isinstance(obs, ZfitDimensional): new_obs = obs.obs else: obs = convert_to_container(value=obs, container=container) new_obs = [] for ob in obs: if not isinstance(ob, str): raise TypeError(f"Observables have to be string, not {ob} as in {obs}") else: new_obs.append(ob) return container(new_obs)