
Minimizing Python functions

zfit minimizers can also be used to minimize normal Python functions as shown here.

"""This example illustrates how to minimize an arbitrary Python function using the zfit minimizer.

This may has some overhead in the beginning and won't be instantly fast compared to other libraries if run once.

Copyright (c) 2021 zfit

#  Copyright (c) 2021 zfit

import numpy as np

import zfit

# set everything to numpy mode

# create our favorite minimizer
minimizer = zfit.minimize.IpyoptV1()

# minimizer = zfit.minimize.Minuit()
# minimizer = zfit.minimize.ScipyTrustKrylovV1()
# minimizer = zfit.minimize.NLoptLBFGSV1()

def func(x):
    x = np.array(x)  # make sure it's an array
    return np.sum((x - 0.1) ** 2 + x[1] ** 4)

# we can also use a more complicated function instead
# from scipy.optimize import rosen as func

# we need to set the errordef, the definition of "1 sigma"
func.errordef = 0.5

# initial parameters
params = [1, -3, 2, 1.4, 11]
# or for a more fine-grained control
# params = {
#     'value': [1, -3, 2, 1.4, 11],  # mandatory
#     'lower': [-2, -5, -5, -10, -15],  # lower bound, can be omitted
#     'upper': [2, 4, 5, 10, 15],  # upper bound, can be omitted
#     'step_size': [0.1] * 5,  # initial step size, can be omitted
# }

# minimize
result = minimizer.minimize(func, params)

# estimate errors

Composing PDFs

#  Copyright (c) 2020 zfit

import zfit

# create space
obs = zfit.Space("x", limits=(-10, 10))

# parameters
mu = zfit.Parameter("mu", 1., -4, 6)
sigma = zfit.Parameter("sigma", 1., 0.1, 10)
lambd = zfit.Parameter("lambda", -1., -5., 0)
frac = zfit.Parameter("fraction", 0.5, 0., 1.)

# pdf creation
gauss = zfit.pdf.Gauss(mu=mu, sigma=sigma, obs=obs)
exponential = zfit.pdf.Exponential(lambd, obs=obs)

sum_pdf = zfit.pdf.SumPDF([gauss, exponential], fracs=frac)

Custom 3D Functor

#  Copyright (c) 2021 zfit

# Functors are PDfs and Functions that depend on other PDFs or Functions. They can be used to define
# in a custom way combinations of PDFs or wrapping a single PDF.
# An example would be to create the sum of two PDFs. Of course this is already implemented in zfit
# as the functor SumPDF([pdf1, pdf2], fracs=...). For advanced uses, you
# can define your own functor as demonstrated below.

import numpy as np

import zfit

class CombinePolynomials(zfit.pdf.BaseFunctor):
    """Example of a functor pdf that adds three polynomials.


    def __init__(self, angle1, angle2, angle3, name="3dPolynomial"):
        pdfs = [angle1, angle2, angle3]
        super().__init__(pdfs=pdfs, name=name)

    _N_OBS = 3

    def _unnormalized_pdf(self, x):
        cosangle1_data, cosangle2_data, angle3_data = x.unstack_x()
        cosangle1, cosangle2, angle3 = self.pdfs

        pdf = cosangle1.pdf(cosangle1_data) + cosangle2.pdf(cosangle2_data) + angle3.pdf(angle3_data)
        return pdf

def create_angular():
    # create parameters
    # c00 = zfit.Parameter(...)
    # ... and so on

    cosangle1_space = zfit.Space('cos angle 1', limits=(-1, 1))
    cosangle2_space = zfit.Space('cos angle 2', limits=(-1, 1))
    angle3_space = zfit.Space('angle 3', limits=(-np.pi, np.pi))

    # this part could also be moved inside the __init__, but then the init would need to take all
    # the coefficients and the spaces as arguments
    cosangle1_pdf = zfit.pdf.Chebyshev(obs=cosangle1_space, coeffs=[c00, c01, c02])
    cosangle2_pdf = zfit.pdf.Chebyshev(obs=cosangle2_space, coeffs=[c10, c11, c12])
    angle3_pdf = zfit.pdf.Chebyshev(obs=angle3_space, coeffs=[c20, c21, c22])

    return CombinePolynomials(angle1=cosangle1_pdf, angle2=cosangle2_pdf, angle3=angle3_pdf)

Custom PDF simple

#  Copyright (c) 2020 zfit

import zfit
from zfit import z

class CustomPDF(zfit.pdf.ZPDF):
    """1-dimensional PDF implementing the exp(alpha * x) shape."""
    _PARAMS = ['alpha']  # specify which parameters to take

    def _unnormalized_pdf(self, x):  # implement function
        data = z.unstack_x(x)
        alpha = self.params['alpha']

        return z.exp(alpha * data)

obs = zfit.Space("obs1", limits=(-4, 4))

custom_pdf = CustomPDF(obs=obs, alpha=0.2)

integral = custom_pdf.integrate(limits=(-1, 2))
sample = custom_pdf.sample(n=1000)
prob = custom_pdf.pdf(sample)

Custom PDF advanced

#  Copyright (c) 2021 zfit

import tensorflow as tf

import zfit
from zfit import z

class CustomPDF2D(zfit.pdf.BasePDF):
    """My custom, 2 dimensional pdf where the axes are: Energy, Momentum."""

    def __init__(self, param1, param2, param3, obs, name="CustomPDF", ):
        # we can now do complicated stuff here if needed
        # only thing: we have to specify explicitly here what is which parameter
        params = {'super_param': param1,  # we can change/compose etc parameters
                  'param2': param2, 'param3': param3}
        super().__init__(obs, params, name=name)

    def _unnormalized_pdf(self, x):
        energy, momentum = x.unstack_x()
        param1 = self.params['super_param']
        param2 = self.params['param2']
        param3 = self.params['param3']

        # just a fantasy function
        probs = param1 * tf.cos(energy ** 2) + tf.math.log(param2 * momentum ** 2) + param3
        return probs

# add an analytic integral

# define the integral function
def integral_full(limits, norm_range, params, model):
    lower, upper = limits.rect_limits    # for a more detailed guide, see the space.py example
    param1 = params['super_param']
    param2 = params['param2']
    param3 = params['param3']

    lower = z.convert_to_tensor(lower)
    upper = z.convert_to_tensor(upper)

    # calculate the integral here, dummy integral, wrong!
    integral = param1 * param2 * param3 + z.reduce_sum([lower, upper])
    return integral

# define the space over which it is defined. Here, we use the axes
lower_full = (-10, zfit.Space.ANY_LOWER)
upper_full = (10, zfit.Space.ANY_UPPER)
integral_full_limits = zfit.Space(axes=(0, 1),
                                  limits=(lower_full, upper_full))


# define the partial integral function
def integral_axis1(x, limits, norm_range, params, model):
    data_0 = x.unstack_x()  # data from axis 0

    param1 = params['super_param']
    param2 = params['param2']
    param3 = params['param3']

    lower, upper = limits.limit1d  # for a more detailed guide, see the space.py example
    lower = z.convert_to_tensor(lower)  # the limits are now 1-D, for axis 1
    upper = z.convert_to_tensor(upper)

    # calculate the integral here, dummy integral
    integral = data_0 ** 2 * param1 * param2 * param3 + z.reduce_sum([lower, upper])
    # notice that the returned shape will be in the same as data_0, e.g. the number of events given in x
    return integral

# define the space over which it is defined. Here, we use the axes
lower_axis1 = ((zfit.Space.ANY_LOWER,),)
upper_axis1 = ((zfit.Space.ANY_UPPER,),)
integral_axis1_limits = zfit.Space(axes=(1,),  # axes one corresponds to the second obs, here obs2
                                   limits=(lower_axis1, upper_axis1))


if __name__ == '__main__':
    import numpy as np

    obs = zfit.Space('obs1', (-10, 10)) * zfit.Space('obs2', (-3, 5))
    pdf = CustomPDF2D(1, 2, 3, obs=obs)
    sample = pdf.sample(n=1000)
    pdf.pdf([[2., 2.5], [5.4, 3.2]])
    x_part = zfit.Data.from_numpy(array=np.array([2.1, 2.2, 3.2]), obs='obs1')

    # integrate over obs2 with limits 1, 2 for the `x_part`. This will use the analytic integral above
    pdf.partial_integrate(x=x_part, limits=zfit.Space('obs2', (1, 2)))
    # we can explicitly call the analytic integral. Without registering it (e.g. comment the line with the `register`
    # and run again), it will raise an error
    pdf.partial_analytic_integrate(x=x_part, limits=zfit.Space('obs2', (1, 2)))

Custom 3D PDF

#  Copyright (c) 2021 zfit

import tensorflow as tf

import zfit
from zfit import z

# IMPORTANT! The communication of which axis corresponds to which data point happens here. So the user knows now that
# he should create this pdf with a space in the obs (x, y, z).

class CustomPDF(zfit.pdf.ZPDF):
    """3-dimensional PDF calculating doing something fancy, takes x, y, z as data."""
    _PARAMS = ['alpha', 'beta']  # specify which parameters to take
    _N_OBS = 3

    def _unnormalized_pdf(self, x):  # implement function
        x, y, z = x.unstack_x()
        alpha = self.params['alpha']
        beta = self.params['beta']
        x_new = tf.math.cos(alpha) * x
        y_new = tf.math.sinh(beta) * y
        z_new = z + 4.2
        return x_new ** 2 + y_new ** 2 + z_new ** 2

xobs = zfit.Space('xobs', (-4, 4))
yobs = zfit.Space('yobs', (-3, 3))
zobs = zfit.Space('z', (-2, 2))
obs = xobs * yobs * zobs

alpha = zfit.Parameter("alpha", 0.2)  # floating
beta = zfit.Parameter("beta", 0.4, floating=False)  # non-floating
custom_pdf = CustomPDF(obs=obs, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)

integral = custom_pdf.integrate(limits=obs)  # = 1 since normalized
sample = custom_pdf.sample(n=1000)  # DO NOT USE THIS FOR TOYS!
prob = custom_pdf.pdf(sample)  # DO NOT USE THIS FOR TOYS!

integral_np, sample_np, prob_np = [integral.numpy(), sample.numpy(), prob.numpy()]

Multidimensional preprocess fit

#  Copyright (c) 2020 zfit

import numpy as np

import zfit

# create space
xobs = zfit.Space('xobs', (-4, 4))
yobs = zfit.Space('yobs', (-3, 5))
zobs = zfit.Space('z', (-2, 4))
obs = xobs * yobs * zobs

# parameters
mu1 = zfit.Parameter("mu1", 1., -4, 6)
mu23 = zfit.Parameter("mu_shared", 1., -4, 6)
sigma12 = zfit.Parameter("sigma_shared", 1., 0.1, 10)
sigma3 = zfit.Parameter("sigma3", 1., 0.1, 10)

# model building, pdf creation
gauss_x = zfit.pdf.Gauss(mu=mu1, sigma=sigma12, obs=xobs)
gauss_y = zfit.pdf.Gauss(mu=mu23, sigma=sigma12, obs=yobs)
gauss_z = zfit.pdf.Gauss(mu=mu23, sigma=sigma3, obs=zobs)

product_gauss = zfit.pdf.ProductPDF([gauss_x, gauss_y, gauss_z])

# OR create directly from your 3 dimensional pdf as
# model = MyPDF(obs=obs, param1=..., param2,...)

# data
normal_np = np.random.normal(loc=[2., 2.5, 2.5], scale=[3., 3, 1.5], size=(10000, 3))
data_raw = zfit.Data.from_numpy(obs=obs, array=normal_np)  # or from anywhere else, e.g. root

df = data_raw.to_pandas()
# preprocessing here, rename things. Match column names with the observable names "xobs", "yobs", "z" (they have to be
# contained, more columns in the df is not a problem)
data = zfit.Data.from_pandas(df, obs=obs)

# create NLL
nll = zfit.loss.UnbinnedNLL(model=product_gauss, data=data)

# create a minimizer
minimizer = zfit.minimize.Minuit()
result = minimizer.minimize(nll)

# do the error calculations, here with minos
param_errors, _ = result.errors()

Plot signal background

#  Copyright (c) 2020 zfit

import mplhep
import numpy as np

import zfit

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.rcParams["font.serif"] = "cmr10"

# create space
obs = zfit.Space("x", limits=(-10, 10))

# parameters
mu = zfit.Parameter("mu", 1., -4, 6)
sigma = zfit.Parameter("sigma", 1., 0.1, 10)
lambd = zfit.Parameter("lambda", -0.06, -1, -0.01)
frac = zfit.Parameter("fraction", 0.3, 0, 1)

# model building, pdf creation
gauss = zfit.pdf.Gauss(mu=mu, sigma=sigma, obs=obs)
exponential = zfit.pdf.Exponential(lambd, obs=obs)
model = zfit.pdf.SumPDF([gauss, exponential], fracs=frac)

# data
n_sample = 10000

exp_data = exponential.sample(n=n_sample * (1 - frac)).numpy()

gauss_data = gauss.sample(n=n_sample * frac).numpy()

data = model.create_sampler(n_sample, limits=obs)


# plot the data
data_np = data[:, 0].numpy()
color = 'black'
n_bins = 50

linewidth = 2.5
plot_scaling = n_sample / n_bins * obs.area()

x = np.linspace(-10, 10, 1000)

# plot the pdf BEFORE fitting
plt.title("Before fitting")
# plot the data
plt.hist(data_np, color=color, bins=n_bins, histtype="stepfilled", alpha=0.1)
plt.hist(data_np, color=color, bins=n_bins, histtype="step")
# plot the pdfs
y = model.pdf(x).numpy()
y_gauss = (gauss.pdf(x) * frac).numpy()  # notice the frac!
y_exp = (exponential.pdf(x) * (1 - frac)).numpy()  # notice the frac!

plt.plot(x, y * plot_scaling, label="Sum - Model", linewidth=linewidth * 2)
plt.plot(x, y_gauss * plot_scaling, '--', label="Gauss - Signal", linewidth=linewidth)
plt.plot(x, y_exp * plot_scaling, '--', label="Exponential - Background", linewidth=linewidth)
plt.xlabel("Physical observable")

# create NLL
nll = zfit.loss.UnbinnedNLL(model=model, data=data)

# create a minimizer
minimizer = zfit.minimize.Minuit()
result = minimizer.minimize(nll)

# do the error calculations, here with minos
param_errors, _ = result.errors()

plt.title("After fitting")
# plot the data
# plt.hist(data_np, color=color, bins=n_bins, histtype="stepfilled", alpha=0.1)
# plt.hist(data_np, color=color, bins=n_bins, histtype="step")

y = model.pdf(x).numpy()  # rerun now after the fitting
y_gauss = (gauss.pdf(x) * frac).numpy()
y_exp = (exponential.pdf(x) * (1 - frac)).numpy()

plt.plot(x, y * plot_scaling, label="Sum - Model")
plt.plot(x, y_gauss * plot_scaling, label="Gauss - Signal")
plt.plot(x, y_exp * plot_scaling, label="Exp - Background")
mplhep.histplot(np.histogram(data_np, bins=n_bins), yerr=True, color='black', histtype='errorbar',
                markersize=17, capsize=2.5,
                markeredgewidth=1.5, zorder=1,
plt.xlabel("Physical observable")


Simple fit

#  Copyright (c) 2021 zfit

import numpy as np

import zfit

# create space
obs = zfit.Space("x", limits=(-2, 3))

# parameters
mu = zfit.Parameter("mu", 1.2, -4, 6)
sigma = zfit.Parameter("sigma", 1.3, 0.5, 10)

# model building, pdf creation
gauss = zfit.pdf.Gauss(mu=mu, sigma=sigma, obs=obs)

# data
normal_np = np.random.normal(loc=2., scale=3., size=10000)
data = zfit.Data.from_numpy(obs=obs, array=normal_np)

# create NLL
nll = zfit.loss.UnbinnedNLL(model=gauss, data=data)

# # create a minimizer
minimizer = zfit.minimize.Minuit()
result = minimizer.minimize(nll)

# do the error calculations with a hessian approximation
param_errors = result.hesse()

# or here with minos
param_errors_asymetric, _ = result.errors()

Signal-background-mass fit

#  Copyright (c) 2020 zfit

import zfit

# create space
obs = zfit.Space("x", limits=(-10, 10))

# parameters
mu = zfit.Parameter("mu", 1., -4, 6)
sigma = zfit.Parameter("sigma", 1., 0.1, 10)
lambd = zfit.Parameter("lambda", -0.06, -1, -0.01)
frac = zfit.Parameter("fraction", 0.3, 0, 1)

# model building, pdf creation
gauss = zfit.pdf.Gauss(mu=mu, sigma=sigma, obs=obs)
exponential = zfit.pdf.Exponential(lambd, obs=obs)
model = zfit.pdf.SumPDF([gauss, exponential], fracs=frac)

# data
n_sample = 10000

data = model.create_sampler(n_sample, limits=obs)

# set the values to a start value for the fit

# create NLL
nll = zfit.loss.UnbinnedNLL(model=model, data=data)

# create a minimizer
minimizer = zfit.minimize.Minuit()
result = minimizer.minimize(nll)

# do the error calculations, here with minos
param_hesse = result.hesse()
param_errors, new_result = result.errors()

Signal-background-mass fit extended

#  Copyright (c) 2021 zfit

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import zfit

n_bins = 50

# create space
obs = zfit.Space("x", limits=(-10, 10))

# parameters
mu = zfit.Parameter("mu", 1., -4, 6)
sigma = zfit.Parameter("sigma", 1., 0.1, 10)
lambd = zfit.Parameter("lambda", -0.06, -1, -0.01)

# model building, pdf creation
gauss = zfit.pdf.Gauss(mu=mu, sigma=sigma, obs=obs)
exponential = zfit.pdf.Exponential(lambd, obs=obs)

n_bkg = zfit.Parameter('n_bkg', 20000)
n_sig = zfit.Parameter('n_sig', 1000)
gauss_extended = gauss.create_extended(n_sig)
exp_extended = exponential.create_extended(n_bkg)
model = zfit.pdf.SumPDF([gauss_extended, exp_extended])

# data
# n_sample = 10000

data = model.create_sampler(n=21200)

# set the values to a start value for the fit

# create NLL
nll = zfit.loss.ExtendedUnbinnedNLL(model=model, data=data)

# create a minimizer
minimizer = zfit.minimize.Minuit(verbosity=7)
result = minimizer.minimize(nll)
# do the error calculations, here with hesse, than with minos
param_hesse = result.hesse()
param_errors, _ = result.errors()  # this returns a new FitResult if a new minimum was found
print(result.valid)  # check if the result is still valid

Simultanous fit

#  Copyright (c) 2021 zfit

# create space
import numpy as np

import zfit

obs = zfit.Space("x", limits=(-10, 10))

# parameters
mu_shared = zfit.Parameter("mu_shared", 1., -4, 6)  # mu is a shared parameter
sigma1 = zfit.Parameter("sigma_one", 1., 0.1, 10)
sigma2 = zfit.Parameter("sigma_two", 1., 0.1, 10)

# model building, pdf creation
gauss1 = zfit.pdf.Gauss(mu=mu_shared, sigma=sigma1, obs=obs)
gauss2 = zfit.pdf.Gauss(mu=mu_shared, sigma=sigma2, obs=obs)

# data
normal_np = np.random.normal(loc=2., scale=3., size=10000)
data1 = zfit.Data.from_numpy(obs=obs, array=normal_np)

# data
normal_np = np.random.normal(loc=2., scale=4., size=10000)
data2 = zfit.Data.from_numpy(obs=obs, array=normal_np)

# create simultaenous loss, two possibilities
nll_simultaneous = zfit.loss.UnbinnedNLL(model=[gauss1, gauss2],
                                         data=[data1, data2])
# OR, equivalently
nll1 = zfit.loss.UnbinnedNLL(model=gauss1, data=data1)
nll2 = zfit.loss.UnbinnedNLL(model=gauss2, data=data2)
nll_simultaneous2 = nll1 + nll2

minimizer = zfit.minimize.Minuit()


#  Copyright (c) 2021 zfit

import zfit

# Addition of limit with the same observables
simple_limit1 = zfit.Space(obs='obs1', limits=(-5, 1))
simple_limit2 = zfit.Space(obs='obs1', limits=(3, 7.5))

added_limits = simple_limit1 + simple_limit2
# OR equivalently
added_limits = simple_limit1.add(simple_limit2)

# multiplication of limits with different observables
first_limit_lower = (-5, 6)
first_limit_upper = (5, 10)

second_limit_lower = (7, 12)
second_limit_upper = (9, 15)

space1 = zfit.Space(obs=['obs1', 'obs2'], limits=(first_limit_lower, first_limit_upper))
space2 = zfit.Space(obs=['obs3', 'obs4'], limits=(second_limit_lower, second_limit_upper))

space4 = space1 * space2

assert space4.obs == ('obs1', 'obs2', 'obs3', 'obs4')
assert space4.n_obs == 4

# retreiving the limits
# for a one dimensional space, we can use `limit1d` as a shortcut
lower, upper = simple_limit1.limit1d

# However, for a higher dimensional space, this won't work. We can use `space.limits`, which is equivalent to
# (space.lower, space.upper).
lower2d, upper2d = space1.limits

# these have shape (nevents, nobs), whereas nevents is usually just 1
assert lower2d.shape == (1, space1.n_obs)

# order to retrieve now the same limits as from the first space, we can use array notation [:, i]
lower1_from2d = lower2d[:, 0]
upper1_from2d = upper2d[:, 0]

assert lower1_from2d == first_limit_lower[0]
assert upper1_from2d == first_limit_upper[0]