Source code for zfit.core.dimension

#  Copyright (c) 2020 zfit

from typing import Iterable, List, Union, Dict, Set

import numpy as np

import zfit
from zfit.util.exception import (SpaceIncompatibleError, )
from .interfaces import ZfitDimensional
from ..util import ztyping
from ..util.container import convert_to_container

[docs]class BaseDimensional(ZfitDimensional): def _check_n_obs(self, space): if self._N_OBS is not None: if len(space.obs) != self._N_OBS: raise SpaceIncompatibleError("Exactly {} obs are allowed, {} are given.".format(self._N_OBS, space.obs)) @classmethod def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) if not hasattr(cls, "_N_OBS"): cls._N_OBS = None @property def obs(self) -> ztyping.ObsTypeReturn: return @property def axes(self) -> ztyping.AxesTypeReturn: return @property def n_obs(self) -> int: return
[docs]def get_same_obs(obs): deps = [set() for _ in range(len(obs))] for i, ob in enumerate(obs): for j, other_ob in enumerate(obs[i + 1:]): if not set(ob).isdisjoint(other_ob): deps[i].add(i) deps[i].add(j + i + 1) deps[j + i + 1].add(i) deps = tuple(tuple(dep) for dep in deps) return deps
[docs]def limits_overlap(spaces: ztyping.SpaceOrSpacesTypeInput, allow_exact_match: bool = False) -> bool: """Check if _any_ of the limits of `spaces` overlaps with _any_ other of `spaces`. This also checks multiple limits within one space. If `allow_exact_match` is set to true, then an *exact* overlap of limits is allowed. Args: spaces (Iterable[zfit.Space]): allow_exact_match (bool): An exact overlap of two limits is counted as "not overlapping". Example: limits from -1 to 3 and 4 to 5 to *NOT* overlap with the limits 4 to 5 *iff* `allow_exact_match` is True. Returns: bool: if there are overlapping limits. """ # TODO(Mayou36): add approx comparison global in zfit eps = 1e-8 # epsilon for float comparisons spaces = convert_to_container(spaces, container=tuple) all_obs = common_obs(spaces=spaces) for obs in all_obs: lowers = [] uppers = [] for space in spaces: if not space.has_limits or obs not in space.obs: continue else: index = space.obs.index(obs) for spa in space: lower, upper = spa.rect_limits # TODO: new space low = lower[:, index] up = upper[:, index] for other_lower, other_upper in zip(lowers, uppers): if allow_exact_match and np.allclose(other_lower, low) and np.allclose(other_upper, up): continue # TODO(Mayou36): tolerance? add global flags? low_overlaps = np.all(other_lower - eps < low) and np.all(low < other_upper - eps) up_overlaps = np.all(other_lower + eps < up) and np.all(up < other_upper + eps) overlap = low_overlaps or up_overlaps if overlap: return True lowers.append(low) uppers.append(up) return False
[docs]def common_obs(spaces: ztyping.SpaceOrSpacesTypeInput) -> Union[List[str], bool]: """Extract the union of `obs` from `spaces` in the order of `spaces`. For example: | space1.obs: ['obs1', 'obs3'] | space2.obs: ['obs2', 'obs3', 'obs1'] | space3.obs: ['obs2'] returns ['obs1', 'obs3', 'obs2'] Args: spaces (): :py:class:`~zfit.Space`s to extract the obs from Returns: List[str]: The observables as `str` or False if not every space has observables """ spaces = convert_to_container(spaces, container=tuple) all_obs = [] for space in spaces: if space.obs is None: return False for ob in space.obs: if ob not in all_obs: all_obs.append(ob) return all_obs
[docs]def common_axes(spaces: ztyping.SpaceOrSpacesTypeInput) -> Union[List[str], bool]: """Extract the union of `axes` from `spaces` in the order of `spaces`. For example: | space1.axes: [1, 3] | space2.axes: [2, 3, 1] | space3.axes: [2] returns [1, 3, 2] Args: spaces (): :py:class:`~zfit.Space`s to extract the axes from Returns: List[int] or False: The axes as int or False if not every space has axes """ spaces = convert_to_container(spaces, container=tuple) all_axes = [] for space in spaces: if space.axes is None: return False for ax in space.axes: if ax not in all_axes: all_axes.append(ax) return all_axes
[docs]def obs_subsets(dimensionals: Iterable[ZfitDimensional]) -> Dict[Set[str], ZfitDimensional]: """Split `dimensionals` into the smallest subgroup of obs and return a dict. Args: dimensionals: An Iterable containing two or more ZfitDimensional that should be split into the smallest subset. Returns: dict: dict with the keys being sets of observables and the values, an iterable, containing the ZfitDimensional """ obs_dims = {} for dim in dimensionals: for obs in obs_dims: if obs.intersection(dim.obs): union = obs.union(dim.obs) obs_dims[union] = obs_dims.pop(obs) obs_dims[union].append(dim) break # we had a match, go to the next dim else: obs_dims[frozenset(dim.obs)] = [dim] return obs_dims