Source code for zfit.core.constraint

#  Copyright (c) 2020 zfit

import abc
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Dict, Union, Callable, Optional

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
from ordered_set import OrderedSet

from zfit import z
from .baseobject import BaseNumeric
from .dependents import _extract_dependencies
from .interfaces import ZfitConstraint
from .interfaces import ZfitParameter
from .parameter import convert_to_parameter
from ..settings import ztypes
from ..util import ztyping
from ..util.container import convert_to_container
from ..util.exception import ShapeIncompatibleError

tfd = tfp.distributions

[docs]class BaseConstraint(ZfitConstraint, BaseNumeric): def __init__(self, params: Union[Dict[str, ZfitParameter]] = None, name: str = "BaseConstraint", dtype=ztypes.float, **kwargs): """Base class for constraints. Args: dtype (DType): the dtype of the constraint name (str): the name of the constraint params (Dict(str, :py:class:`~zfit.Parameter`)): A dictionary with the internal name of the parameter and the parameters itself the constrains depends on """ super().__init__(name=name, dtype=dtype, params=params, **kwargs)
[docs] def value(self): return self._value()
@abc.abstractmethod def _value(self): raise NotImplementedError def _get_dependencies(self) -> ztyping.DependentsType: return _extract_dependencies(self.get_params(floating=None))
[docs]class SimpleConstraint(BaseConstraint): def __init__(self, func: Callable, params: Optional[ztyping.ParametersType]): """Constraint from a (function returning a) Tensor. The parameters are named "param_{i}" with i starting from 0 and corresponding to the index of params. Args: func: Callable that constructs the constraint and returns a tensor. params: The dependents (independent `zfit.Parameter`) of the loss. If not given, the dependents are figured out automatically. """ self._simple_func = func self._simple_func_dependents = convert_to_container(params, container=OrderedSet) params = convert_to_container(params, container=list) params = OrderedDict((f"param_{i}", p) for i, p in enumerate(params)) super().__init__(name="SimpleConstraint", params=params) def _value(self): return self._simple_func()
[docs]class ProbabilityConstraint(BaseConstraint): def __init__(self, observation: Union[ztyping.NumericalScalarType, ZfitParameter], params: Union[Dict[str, ZfitParameter]] = None, name: str = "ProbabilityConstraint", dtype=ztypes.float, **kwargs): """Base class for constraints using a probability density function. Args: dtype (DType): the dtype of the constraint name (str): the name of the constraint params (list(zfit.Parameter)): The parameters to constraint observation (list(numerical) or list(zfit.Parameter)): Observed values of the parameter to constraint obtained from auxiliary measurements. """ params_dict = {f"param_{i}": p for i, p in enumerate(params)} super().__init__(name=name, dtype=dtype, params=params_dict, **kwargs) observation = convert_to_container(observation, tuple) if len(observation) != len(params): raise ShapeIncompatibleError("observation and params have to be the same length. Currently" f"observation: {len(observation)}, params: {len(params)}") self._observation = [] for obs, p in zip(observation, params): obs = convert_to_parameter(obs, f"{}_obs", prefer_constant=False) obs.floating = False self._observation.append(obs) self._ordered_params = params @property def observation(self): """ Return the observed values of the parameters constrained. """ return self._observation
[docs] def value(self): return self._value()
@abc.abstractmethod def _value(self): raise NotImplementedError def _get_dependencies(self) -> ztyping.DependentsType: return _extract_dependencies(self.get_params())
[docs] def sample(self, n): """Sample `n` points from the probability density function for the observed value of the parameters. Args: n (int, tf.Tensor): The number of samples to be generated. Returns: Dict(Parameter: n_samples) """ sample = self._sample(n=n) return {p: sample[:, i] for i, p in enumerate(self.observation)}
@abc.abstractmethod def _sample(self, n): raise NotImplementedError @property def _params_array(self): return z.convert_to_tensor(self._ordered_params)
[docs]class TFProbabilityConstraint(ProbabilityConstraint): def __init__(self, observation: Union[ztyping.NumericalScalarType, ZfitParameter], params: Dict[str, ZfitParameter], distribution: tfd.Distribution, dist_params, dist_kwargs=None, name: str = "DistributionConstraint", dtype=ztypes.float, **kwargs): """ Base class for constraints using a probability density function from `tensorflow_probability`. Args: distribution (`tensorflow_probability.distributions.Distribution`): The probability density function used to constraint the parameters """ super().__init__(observation=observation, params=params, name=name, dtype=dtype, **kwargs) self._distribution = distribution self.dist_params = dist_params self.dist_kwargs = dist_kwargs if dist_kwargs is not None else {} @property def distribution(self): params = self.dist_params if callable(params): params = params(self.observation) kwargs = self.dist_kwargs if callable(kwargs): kwargs = kwargs() return self._distribution(**params, **kwargs, + "_tfp") def _value(self): value = -self.distribution.log_prob(self._params_array) return value def _sample(self, n): # TODO cache: add proper caching return self.distribution.sample(n)
[docs]class GaussianConstraint(TFProbabilityConstraint): def __init__(self, params: ztyping.ParamTypeInput, observation: ztyping.NumericalScalarType, uncertainty: ztyping.NumericalScalarType): """Gaussian constraints on a list of parameters to some observed values with uncertainties. A Gaussian constraint is defined as the likelihood of `params` given the `observations` and `uncertainty` from a different measurement. .. math:: constraint = Gauss(observation; params, uncertainty) Args: params (list(zfit.Parameter)): The parameters to constraint; corresponds to mu in the Gaussian distribution. observation (numerical, list(numerical)): observed values of the parameter; corresponds to the x argument in the Gaussian distribution. uncertainty (numerical, list(numerical) or array/tensor): Uncertainties or covariance/error matrix of the observed values. Can either be a single value, a list of values, an array or a tensor. Corresponds to the sigma of the Gaussian distribution. Raises: ShapeIncompatibleError: if params, mu and sigma don't have incompatible shapes """ observation = convert_to_container(observation, tuple) params = convert_to_container(params, tuple) def create_covariance(mu, sigma): mu = z.convert_to_tensor(mu) sigma = z.convert_to_tensor(sigma) # TODO (Mayou36): fix as above? params_tensor = z.convert_to_tensor(params) if sigma.shape.ndims > 1: covariance = sigma elif sigma.shape.ndims == 1: covariance = tf.linalg.tensor_diag(z.pow(sigma, 2.)) else: sigma = tf.reshape(sigma, [1]) covariance = tf.linalg.tensor_diag(z.pow(sigma, 2.)) if not params_tensor.shape[0] == mu.shape[0] == covariance.shape[0] == covariance.shape[1]: raise ShapeIncompatibleError(f"params_tensor, observation and uncertainty have to have the" " same length. Currently" f"param: {params_tensor.shape[0]}, mu: {mu.shape[0]}, " f"covariance (from uncertainty): {covariance.shape[0:2]}") return covariance distribution = tfd.MultivariateNormalFullCovariance dist_params = lambda observation: dict(loc=observation, covariance_matrix=create_covariance(observation, uncertainty)) dist_kwargs = dict(validate_args=True) super().__init__(name="GaussianConstraint", observation=observation, params=params, distribution=distribution, dist_params=dist_params, dist_kwargs=dist_kwargs) self._covariance = lambda: create_covariance(self.observation, uncertainty) @property def covariance(self): """ Return the covariance matrix of the observed values of the parameters constrained. """ return self._covariance()