Source code for zfit.minimizers.fitresult

#  Copyright (c) 2020 zfit

import itertools
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Dict, Union, Callable, Optional, Tuple

import colored
import numpy as np
from colorama import Style
from ordered_set import OrderedSet
from tabulate import tabulate

from .errors import compute_errors
from .interface import ZfitMinimizer, ZfitResult
from ..core.interfaces import ZfitLoss, ZfitParameter
from ..settings import run
from ..util.container import convert_to_container
from ..util.exception import WeightsNotImplementedError
from ..util.warnings import ExperimentalFeatureWarning
from ..util.ztyping import ParamsTypeOpt

def _minos_minuit(result, params, sigma=1.0):
    fitresult = result
    minimizer = fitresult.minimizer
    from zfit.minimizers.minimizer_minuit import Minuit

    if not isinstance(minimizer, Minuit):
        raise TypeError("Cannot perform error calculation 'minos_minuit' with a different minimizer than"

    result = [minimizer._minuit_minimizer.minos(, sigma=sigma)
              for p in params][-1]  # returns every var
    result = OrderedDict((p, result[]) for p in params)
    new_result = None
    return result, new_result

def _covariance_minuit(result, params):
    # check if no weights in data
    if any([data.weights is not None for data in]):
        raise WeightsNotImplementedError("Weights are not supported with minuit hesse.")

    fitresult = result
    minimizer = fitresult.minimizer

    from zfit.minimizers.minimizer_minuit import Minuit

    if not isinstance(minimizer, Minuit):
        raise TypeError("Cannot compute the covariance matrix with 'covariance_minuit' with a different"
                        " minimizer than `Minuit`.")

    covariance = result.minimizer._minuit_minimizer.covariance

    covariance_dict = {}
    for p1 in params:
        for p2 in params:
            key = (p1, p2)
            covariance_dict[key] = covariance[tuple( for k in key)]

    return covariance_dict

def _covariance_np(result, params):
    # check if no weights in data
    if any([data.weights is not None for data in]):
        raise WeightsNotImplementedError("Weights are not supported with hesse numpy.")

    # TODO: maybe activate again? currently fails due to numerical problems
    # numgrad_was_none = settings.options.numerical_grad is None
    # if numgrad_was_none:
    #     settings.options.numerical_grad = True
    covariance = np.linalg.inv(result.loss.value_gradients_hessian(params)[2])
    # if numgrad_was_none:
    #     settings.options.numerical_grad = None

    return matrix_to_dict(params, covariance)

[docs]class FitResult(ZfitResult): _default_hesse = "hesse_np" _hesse_methods = {"minuit_hesse": _covariance_minuit, "hesse_np": _covariance_np} _default_error = "zfit_error" _error_methods = {"minuit_minos": _minos_minuit, "zfit_error": compute_errors} def __init__(self, params: Dict[ZfitParameter, float], edm: float, fmin: float, status: int, converged: bool, info: dict, loss: ZfitLoss, minimizer: "ZfitMinimizer"): """Create a `FitResult` from a minimization. Store parameter values, minimization infos and calculate errors. Any errors calculated are saved under `self.params` dictionary with {parameter: {error_name1: {'low': value 'high': value or similar}} Args: params (OrderedDict[:py:class:`~zfit.Parameter`, float]): Result of the fit where each :py:class:`~zfit.Parameter` key has the value from the minimum found by the minimizer. edm (Union[int, float]): The estimated distance to minimum, estimated by the minimizer (if available) fmin (Union[numpy.float64, float]): The minimum of the function found by the minimizer status (int): A status code (if available) converged (bool): Whether the fit has successfully converged or not. info (Dict): Additional information (if available) like *number of function calls* and the original minimizer return message. loss (Union[ZfitLoss]): The loss function that was minimized. Contains also the pdf, data etc. minimizer (ZfitMinimizer): Minimizer that was used to obtain this `FitResult` and will be used to calculate certain errors. If the minimizer is state-based (like "iminuit"), then this is a copy and the state of other `FitResults` or of the *actual* minimizer that performed the minimization won't be altered. """ super().__init__() self._status = status self._converged = converged self._params = self._input_convert_params(params) self._edm = edm self._fmin = fmin self._info = info self._loss = loss self._minimizer = minimizer self._valid = True # self.param_error = OrderedDict((p, {}) for p in params) # self.param_hesse = OrderedDict((p, {}) for p in params) def _input_convert_params(self, params): params = ParamHolder((p, {"value": v}) for p, v in params.items()) return params def _get_uncached_params(self, params, method_name): params_uncached = [p for p in params if self.params[p].get(method_name) is None] return params_uncached @property def params(self): return self._params @property def edm(self): """The estimated distance to the minimum. Returns: numeric """ edm = self._edm return edm @property def minimizer(self): return self._minimizer @property def loss(self) -> ZfitLoss: # TODO(Mayou36): this is currently a reference, should be a copy of the loss? return self._loss @property def fmin(self): """Function value at the minimum. Returns: numeric """ fmin = self._fmin return fmin @property def status(self): status = self._status return status @property def info(self): return self._info @property def converged(self): return self._converged @property def valid(self): return self._valid def _input_check_params(self, params): if params is not None: params = convert_to_container(params) else: params = list(self.params.keys()) return params
[docs] def hesse(self, params: ParamsTypeOpt = None, method: Union[str, Callable] = None, error_name: Optional[str] = None) -> OrderedDict: """Calculate for `params` the symmetric error using the Hessian/covariance matrix. Args: params (list(:py:class:`~zfit.Parameter`)): The parameters to calculate the Hessian symmetric error. If None, use all parameters. method (str): the method to calculate the covariance matrix. Can be {'minuit_hesse', 'hesse_np'} or a callable. error_name (str): The name for the error in the dictionary. Returns: OrderedDict: Result of the hessian (symmetric) error as dict with each parameter holding the error dict {'error': sym_error}. So given param_a (from zfit.Parameter(.)) `error_a = result.hesse(params=param_a)[param_a]['error']` error_a is the hessian error. """ if method is None: # LEGACY START method = self._default_hesse from zfit.minimizers.minimizer_minuit import Minuit if isinstance(self.minimizer, Minuit): method = "minuit_hesse" # LEGACY END if error_name is None: if not isinstance(method, str): raise ValueError("Need to specify `error_name` or use a string as `method`") error_name = method all_params = list(self.params.keys()) uncached_params = self._get_uncached_params(params=all_params, method_name=error_name) if uncached_params: error_dict = self._hesse(params=uncached_params, method=method) self._cache_errors(error_name=error_name, errors=error_dict) params = self._input_check_params(params) all_errors = OrderedDict((p, self.params[p][error_name]) for p in params) return all_errors
def _cache_errors(self, error_name, errors): for param, errors in errors.items(): self.params[param][error_name] = errors def _hesse(self, params, method): covariance_dict = self.covariance(params, method, as_dict=True) return OrderedDict((p, {"error": covariance_dict[(p, p)] ** 0.5}) for p in params)
[docs] def error(self, params: ParamsTypeOpt = None, method: Union[str, Callable] = None, error_name: str = None, sigma: float = 1.0) -> OrderedDict: r"""DEPRECATED! Use 'errors' instead Args: params (list(:py:class:`~zfit.Parameter` or str)): The parameters or their names to calculate the errors. If `params` is `None`, use all *floating* parameters. method (str or Callable): The method to use to calculate the errors. Valid choices are {'minuit_minos'} or a Callable. sigma (float): Errors are calculated with respect to `sigma` std deviations. The definition of 1 sigma depends on the loss function and is defined there. For example, the negative log-likelihood (without the factor of 2) has a correspondents of :math:`\Delta` NLL of 1 corresponds to 1 std deviation. error_name (str): The name for the error in the dictionary. Returns: `OrderedDict`: A `OrderedDict` containing as keys the parameter names and as value a `dict` which contains (next to probably more things) two keys 'lower' and 'upper', holding the calculated errors. Example: result['par1']['upper'] -> the asymmetric upper error of 'par1' """ warnings.warn("`error` is depreceated, use `errors` instead. This will return not only the errors but also " "(a possible) new FitResult if a minimum was found. So change" "errors = result.error()" "to" "errors, new_res = result.errors()", DeprecationWarning) return self.errors(params=params, method=method, error_name=error_name, sigma=sigma)[0]
[docs] def errors(self, params: ParamsTypeOpt = None, method: Union[str, Callable] = None, error_name: str = None, sigma: float = 1.0) -> Tuple[OrderedDict, Union[None, 'FitResult']]: r"""Calculate and set for `params` the asymmetric error using the set error method. Args: params (list(:py:class:`~zfit.Parameter` or str)): The parameters or their names to calculate the errors. If `params` is `None`, use all *floating* parameters. method (str or Callable): The method to use to calculate the errors. Valid choices are {'minuit_minos'} or a Callable. sigma (float): Errors are calculated with respect to `sigma` std deviations. The definition of 1 sigma depends on the loss function and is defined there. For example, the negative log-likelihood (without the factor of 2) has a correspondents of :math:`\Delta` NLL of 1 corresponds to 1 std deviation. error_name (str): The name for the error in the dictionary. Returns: `OrderedDict`: A `OrderedDict` containing as keys the parameter and as value a `dict` which contains (next to probably more things) two keys 'lower' and 'upper', holding the calculated errors. Example: result[par1]['upper'] -> the asymmetric upper error of 'par1' """ if method is None: # TODO: legacy, remove 0.6 from zfit.minimize import Minuit if isinstance(self.minimizer, Minuit): method = 'minuit_minos' warnings.warn("'minuit_minos' will be changed as the default errors method to a custom implementation" "with the same functionality. If you want to make sure that 'minuit_minos' will be used " "in the future, add it explicitly as in `errors(method='minuit_minos')`", FutureWarning) else: method = self._default_error if error_name is None: if not isinstance(method, str): raise ValueError("Need to specify `error_name` or use a string as `method`") error_name = method if method == 'zfit_error': warnings.warn("'zfit_error' is still experimental and may fails.", ExperimentalFeatureWarning) params = self._input_check_params(params) uncached_params = self._get_uncached_params(params=params, method_name=error_name) new_result = None if uncached_params: error_dict, new_result = self._error(params=uncached_params, method=method, sigma=sigma) if new_result is None: self._cache_errors(error_name=error_name, errors=error_dict) else: msg = "Invalid, a new minimum was found." self._cache_errors(error_name=error_name, errors={p: msg for p in params}) self._valid = False new_result._cache_errors(error_name=error_name, errors=error_dict) all_errors = OrderedDict((p, self.params[p][error_name]) for p in params) return all_errors, new_result
def _error(self, params, method, sigma): if not callable(method): try: method = self._error_methods[method] except KeyError: raise KeyError("The following method is not a valid, implemented method: {}".format(method)) return method(result=self, params=params, sigma=sigma)
[docs] def covariance(self, params: ParamsTypeOpt = None, method: Union[str, Callable] = None, as_dict: bool = False): """Calculate the covariance matrix for `params`. Args: params (list(:py:class:`~zfit.Parameter`)): The parameters to calculate the covariance matrix. If `params` is `None`, use all *floating* parameters. method (str or Callbel): The method to use to calculate the covariance matrix. Valid choices are {'minuit_hesse', 'hesse_np'} or a Callable. as_dict (bool): Default `False`. If `True` then returns a dictionnary. Returns: 2D `numpy.array` of shape (N, N); `dict`(param1, param2) -> covariance if `as_dict == True`. """ if method is None: # LEGACY START method = self._default_hesse from zfit.minimizers.minimizer_minuit import Minuit if isinstance(self.minimizer, Minuit): method = "minuit_hesse" # LEGACY END params = self._input_check_params(params) covariance = self._covariance(method=method) covariance = {k: covariance[k] for k in itertools.product(params, params)} if as_dict: return covariance else: return dict_to_matrix(params, covariance)
def _covariance(self, method): if not callable(method): try: method = self._hesse_methods[method] except KeyError: raise KeyError("The following method is not a valid, implemented method: {}".format(method)) params = list(self.params.keys()) return method(result=self, params=params) def __str__(self): string = Style.BRIGHT + f'FitResult' + Style.NORMAL + f' of\n{self.loss} \nwith\n{self.minimizer}\n\n' string += tabulate( [[color_on_bool(self.converged), format_value(self.edm, highprec=False), format_value(self.fmin)]], ['converged', 'edm', 'min value'], tablefmt='fancy_grid' ) string += '\n\n' + Style.BRIGHT + "Parameters\n" + Style.NORMAL string += str(self.params) return string def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): if cycle: p.text(self.__repr__()) return p.text(self.__str__())
[docs]def dict_to_matrix(params, matrix_dict): nparams = len(params) matrix = np.empty((nparams, nparams)) for i in range(nparams): pi = params[i] for j in range(i, nparams): pj = params[j] matrix[i, j] = matrix_dict[(pi, pj)] if i != j: matrix[j, i] = matrix_dict[(pi, pj)] return matrix
[docs]def matrix_to_dict(params, matrix): nparams = len(params) matrix_dict = {} for i in range(nparams): pi = params[i] for j in range(i, nparams): pj = params[j] matrix_dict[(pi, pj)] = matrix[i, j] if i != j: matrix_dict[(pj, pi)] = matrix[i, j] return matrix_dict
[docs]def format_value(value, highprec=True): try: import iminuit m_error_class = iminuit.util.MError except ImportError: m_error_class = dict if isinstance(value, (dict, m_error_class)): if 'error' in value: value = value['error'] value = f"+/- {value:> 6.2g}" if 'lower' in value and 'upper' in value: lower = value['lower'] upper = value['upper'] lower, upper = f"{lower: >+6.2g}", f"{upper: >+6.2g}" lower += " " * (9 - len(lower)) value = lower + upper if isinstance(value, float): if highprec: value = f"{value:> 6.4g}" else: value = f"{value:> 6.2g}" return value
[docs]def color_on_bool(value,, if not value and on_false: value_add = on_false elif value and on_true: value_add = on_true else: value_add = '' value = value_add + str(value) + return value
[docs]class ParamHolder(dict): # no UserDict, we only want to change the __str__ def __str__(self) -> str: order_keys = ['value', 'hesse'] keys = OrderedSet() for pdict in self.values(): keys.update(OrderedSet(pdict)) order_keys = OrderedSet([key for key in order_keys if key in keys]) order_keys.update(keys) rows = [] for param, pdict in self.items(): row = [] row.extend(format_value(pdict.get(key, ' ')) for key in order_keys) row.append(color_on_bool(run(param.at_limit),'light_red'), on_false=False)) rows.append(row) order_keys = ['name'] + list(order_keys) + ['at limit'] table = tabulate(rows, order_keys) return table