Source code for zfit.z.math

#  Copyright (c) 2020 zfit

import itertools
from typing import Iterable, Callable

import numdifftools
import tensorflow as tf

from ..settings import ztypes
from ..util.container import convert_to_container

[docs]def poly_complex(*args, real_x=False): """Complex polynomial with the last arg being x. Args: *args (tf.Tensor or equ.): Coefficients of the polynomial real_x (bool): If True, x is assumed to be real. Returns: tf.Tensor: """ from .. import z args = list(args) x = args.pop() if real_x is not None: pow_func = tf.pow else: pow_func = z.nth_pow return tf.add_n([coef * z.to_complex(pow_func(x, p)) for p, coef in enumerate(args)])
[docs]def interpolate(t, c): """Multilinear interpolation on a rectangular grid of arbitrary number of dimensions. Args: t (tf.Tensor): Grid (of rank N) c (tf.Tensor): Tensor of coordinates for which the interpolation is performed Returns: tf.Tensor: 1D tensor of interpolated value """ rank = len(t.get_shape()) ind = tf.cast(tf.floor(c), tf.int32) t2 = tf.pad(tensor=t, paddings=rank * [[1, 1]], mode='SYMMETRIC') wts = [] for vertex in itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=rank): ind2 = ind + tf.constant(vertex, dtype=tf.int32) weight = tf.reduce_prod(input_tensor=1. - tf.abs(c - tf.cast(ind2, dtype=ztypes.float)), axis=1) wt = tf.gather_nd(t2, ind2 + 1) wts += [weight * wt] interp = tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=tf.stack(wts), axis=0) return interp
[docs]def numerical_gradient(func: Callable, params: Iterable["zfit.Parameter"]) -> tf.Tensor: """Calculate numerically the gradients of func() with respect to `params`. Args: func (Callable): Function without arguments that depends on `params` params (ZfitParameter): Parameters that `func` implicitly depends on and with respect to which the derivatives will be taken. Returns: `tf.Tensor`: gradients """ params = convert_to_container(params) def wrapped_func(param_values): for param, value in zip(params, param_values): param.assign(value) return func().numpy() param_vals = tf.stack(params) original_vals = [param.read_value() for param in params] grad_func = numdifftools.Gradient(wrapped_func) gradients = tf.py_function(grad_func, inp=[param_vals], Tout=tf.float64) if gradients.shape == (): gradients = tf.reshape(gradients, shape=(1,)) gradients.set_shape((len(param_vals),)) for param, val in zip(params, original_vals): param.set_value(val) return gradients
[docs]def numerical_value_gradients(func: Callable, params: Iterable["zfit.Parameter"]) -> [tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: """Calculate numerically the gradients of `func()` with respect to `params`, also returns the value of `func()`. Args: func (Callable): Function without arguments that depends on `params` params (ZfitParameter): Parameters that `func` implicitly depends on and with respect to which the derivatives will be taken. Returns: tuple(`tf.Tensor`, `tf.Tensor`): value, gradient """ return func(), numerical_gradient(func, params)
[docs]def numerical_hessian(func: Callable, params: Iterable["zfit.Parameter"], hessian=None) -> tf.Tensor: """Calculate numerically the hessian matrix of func with respect to `params`. Args: func (Callable): Function without arguments that depends on `params` params (ZfitParameter): Parameters that `func` implicitly depends on and with respect to which the derivatives will be taken. Returns: `tf.Tensor`: hessian matrix """ params = convert_to_container(params) def wrapped_func(param_values): for param, value in zip(params, param_values): param.assign(value) return func().numpy() param_vals = tf.stack(params) original_vals = [param.read_value() for param in params] if hessian == 'diag': hesse_func = numdifftools.Hessdiag(wrapped_func) else: hesse_func = numdifftools.Hessian(wrapped_func) computed_hessian = tf.py_function(hesse_func, inp=[param_vals], Tout=tf.float64) if hessian == 'diag': computed_hessian.set_shape((len(param_vals),)) else: computed_hessian.set_shape((len(param_vals), len(param_vals))) for param, val in zip(params, original_vals): param.set_value(val) return computed_hessian
[docs]def numerical_value_gradients_hessian(func: Callable, params: Iterable["zfit.Parameter"], hessian=None) -> [tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: """Calculate numerically the gradients and hessian matrix of `func()` wrt `params`; also return `func()`. Args: func (Callable): Function without arguments that depends on `params` params (ZfitParameter): Parameters that `func` implicitly depends on and with respect to which the derivatives will be taken. Returns: tuple(`tf.Tensor`, `tf.Tensor`, `tf.Tensor`): value, gradient and hessian matrix """ value, gradients = numerical_value_gradients(func, params) hessian = numerical_hessian(func, params, hessian=hessian) return value, gradients, hessian
[docs]def autodiff_gradient(func: Callable, params: Iterable["zfit.Parameter"]) -> tf.Tensor: """Calculate using autodiff the gradients of `func()` wrt `params`. Automatic differentiation (autodiff) is a way of retreiving the derivative of x wrt y. It works by consecutively applying the chain rule. All that is needed is that every operation knows its own derivative. TensorFlow implements this and anything using `tf.*` operations only can use this technique. Args: func (Callable): Function without arguments that depends on `params` params (ZfitParameter): Parameters that `func` implicitly depends on and with respect to which the derivatives will be taken. Returns: `tf.Tensor`: gradient """ return autodiff_value_gradients(func, params)[1]
[docs]def autodiff_value_gradients(func: Callable, params: Iterable["zfit.Parameter"]) -> [tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: """Calculate using autodiff the gradients of `func()` wrt `params`; also return `func()`. Automatic differentiation (autodiff) is a way of retreiving the derivative of x wrt y. It works by consecutively applying the chain rule. All that is needed is that every operation knows its own derivative. TensorFlow implements this and anything using `tf.*` operations only can use this technique. Args: func (Callable): Function without arguments that depends on `params` params (ZfitParameter): Parameters that `func` implicitly depends on and with respect to which the derivatives will be taken. Returns: tuple(`tf.Tensor`, `tf.Tensor`): value and gradient """ with tf.GradientTape(persistent=False, watch_accessed_variables=False) as tape: value = func() gradients = tape.gradient(value, sources=params) return value, gradients
[docs]def autodiff_hessian(func: Callable, params: Iterable["zfit.Parameter"], hessian=None) -> tf.Tensor: """Calculate using autodiff the hessian matrix of `func()` wrt `params`. Automatic differentiation (autodiff) is a way of retrieving the derivative of x wrt y. It works by consecutively applying the chain rule. All that is needed is that every operation knows its own derivative. TensorFlow implements this and anything using `tf.*` operations only can use this technique. Args: func (Callable): Function without arguments that depends on `params` params (ZfitParameter): Parameters that `func` implicitly depends on and with respect to which the derivatives will be taken. Returns: `tf.Tensor`: hessian matrix """ return automatic_value_gradients_hessian(func, params, hessian=hessian)[2]
[docs]def automatic_value_gradients_hessian(func: Callable, params: Iterable["zfit.Parameter"], hessian=None) -> [tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: """Calculate using autodiff the gradients and hessian matrix of `func()` wrt `params`; also return `func()`. Automatic differentiation (autodiff) is a way of retreiving the derivative of x wrt y. It works by consecutively applying the chain rule. All that is needed is that every operation knows its own derivative. TensorFlow implements this and anything using `tf.*` operations only can use this technique. Args: func (Callable): Function without arguments that depends on `params` params (ZfitParameter): Parameters that `func` implicitly depends on and with respect to which the derivatives will be taken. Returns: tuple(`tf.Tensor`, `tf.Tensor`, `tf.Tensor`): value, gradient and hessian matrix """ from .. import z with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True, watch_accessed_variables=False) as tape: loss, gradients = autodiff_value_gradients(func=func, params=params) if hessian != 'diag': gradients_tf = z.convert_to_tensor(gradients) if hessian == 'diag': computed_hessian = z.convert_to_tensor( [tape.gradient(grad, sources=param) for param, grad in zip(params, gradients)]) else: computed_hessian = z.convert_to_tensor(tape.jacobian(gradients_tf, sources=params)) return loss, gradients, computed_hessian