Source code for zfit.util.execution

#  Copyright (c) 2020 zfit

import contextlib
import multiprocessing
import os
import sys
import warnings
from typing import List, Union

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from .container import DotDict, is_container

[docs]class RunManager: def __init__(self, n_cpu='auto'): """Handle the resources and runtime specific options. The `run` method is equivalent to ``""" self.MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = sys.maxsize self.chunking = DotDict() self._cpu = [] self._n_cpu = None self._inter_cpus = None self._intra_cpus = None self._strict = False self.numeric_checks = True self.set_n_cpu(n_cpu=n_cpu) # HACK self._enable_parameter_autoconversion = True # HACK END # set default values = False # not yet implemented the chunking... self.chunking.max_n_points = 1000000 @property def chunksize(self): if return self.chunking.max_n_points else: return self.MAX_CHUNK_SIZE @property def n_cpu(self): return len(self._cpu)
[docs] def set_n_cpu(self, n_cpu: Union[str, int] = 'auto', strict: bool = False) -> None: """Set the number of cpus to be used by zfit. For more control, use `set_cpus_explicit`. Args: n_cpu: Number of cpus, will be the number for inter-op parallelism strict: If strict, sets intra parallelism to 1 """ if n_cpu == 'auto': try: cpu = sorted(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) except AttributeError: cpu = range(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) warnings.warn("Not running on Linux. Determining available cpus for thread can fail" "and be overestimated. Workaround (only if too many cpus are used):" "``") elif isinstance(n_cpu, int): cpu = range(n_cpu) self._cpu = ['dummy_cpu{}'.format(i) for i in cpu] n_cpu = len(cpu) if strict ^ self._strict: intra = 1 if strict else 2 inter = n_cpu self.set_cpus_explicit(intra=intra, inter=inter)
[docs] def set_cpus_explicit(self, intra: int, inter: int) -> None: """Set the number of threads (cpus) used for inter-op and intra-op parallelism Args: intra: Number of threads used to perform an operation. For larger operations, e.g. large Tensors, this is usually beneficial to have >= 2. inter: Parallelization on the level of ops. This is beneficial, if many operations can be computed independently in parallel. """ try: tf.config.threading.set_intra_op_parallelism_threads(intra) tf.config.threading.set_inter_op_parallelism_threads(inter) self._n_cpu = inter + intra except RuntimeError as err: raise RuntimeError("Cannot set the number of cpus after initialization, has to be at the beginning." f" Original message: {err}")
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def aquire_cpu(self, max_cpu: int = -1) -> List[str]: if isinstance(max_cpu, int): if max_cpu < 0: max_cpu = max((self.n_cpu + 1 + max_cpu, 0)) # -1 means all if max_cpu == 0: cpu = [] else: n_cpu = min((max_cpu, self.n_cpu)) cpu = self._cpu[-n_cpu:] self._cpu = self._cpu[:-n_cpu] yield cpu self._cpu.extend(cpu)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): flattened_args = tf.nest.flatten(args) evaluated_args = [arg.numpy() for arg in flattened_args] values = tf.nest.pack_sequence_as(args, flat_sequence=evaluated_args) # tf.nest.map_structure(lambda *args: [arg.numpy() for arg in args], *args) if kwargs: raise RuntimeError("Why kwargs provided? Still under conversion from TF 1.x to 2.x") was_container = is_container(args[0]) and not isinstance(args[0], np.ndarray, ) # to_convert = convert_to_container(args[0]) # values = [arg.numpy() for arg in to_convert if isinstance(arg, (tf.Tensor, tf.Variable))] if not was_container and values: values = values[0] return values