Source code for zfit.core.integration

This module contains functions for the numeric as well as the analytic (partial) integration.

#  Copyright (c) 2020 zfit

import collections
from typing import Callable, Optional, Union, Type, Tuple, List

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp

import zfit
from zfit import z
from zfit.core.dimension import BaseDimensional
from zfit.core.interfaces import ZfitData, ZfitSpace, ZfitModel
from zfit.util.container import convert_to_container
from zfit.util.temporary import TemporarilySet
from .limits import convert_to_space, Space, supports
from ..settings import ztypes
from ..util import ztyping
from ..util.exception import WorkInProgressError

[docs]@supports() def auto_integrate(func, limits, n_axes, x=None, method="AUTO", dtype=ztypes.float, mc_sampler=tfp.mcmc.sample_halton_sequence, mc_options=None): if method == "AUTO": # TODO unfinished, other methods? method = "mc" # TODO method if method.lower() == "mc": mc_options = mc_options or {} draws_per_dim = mc_options['draws_per_dim'] integral = mc_integrate(x=x, func=func, limits=limits, n_axes=n_axes, method=method, dtype=dtype, mc_sampler=mc_sampler, draws_per_dim=draws_per_dim, importance_sampling=None) return integral
# TODO implement numerical integration method
[docs]def numeric_integrate(): """Integrate `func` using numerical methods.""" integral = None return integral
# @z.function
[docs]def mc_integrate(func: Callable, limits: ztyping.LimitsType, axes: Optional[ztyping.AxesTypeInput] = None, x: Optional[ztyping.XType] = None, n_axes: Optional[int] = None, draws_per_dim: int = 20000, method: str = None, dtype: Type = ztypes.float, mc_sampler: Callable = tfp.mcmc.sample_halton_sequence, importance_sampling: Optional[Callable] = None) -> tf.Tensor: """Monte Carlo integration of `func` over `limits`. Args: func (callable): The function to be integrated over limits (:py:class:`~zfit.Space`): The limits of the integral axes (tuple(int)): The row to integrate over. None means integration over all value x (numeric): If a partial integration is performed, this are the value where x will be evaluated. n_axes (int): the number of total dimensions (old?) draws_per_dim (int): How many random points to draw per dimensions method (str): Which integration method to use dtype (dtype): |dtype_arg_descr| mc_sampler (callable): A function that takes one argument (`n_draws` or similar) and returns random value between 0 and 1. importance_sampling (): Returns: numerical: the integral """ if axes is not None and n_axes is not None: raise ValueError("Either specify axes or n_axes") limits = convert_to_space(limits) axes = limits.axes partial = (axes is not None) and (x is not None) # axes, value can be tensors if axes is not None and n_axes is None: n_axes = len(axes) if n_axes is not None and axes is None: axes = tuple(range(n_axes)) lower, upper = limits.limits if np.infty in upper[0] or -np.infty in lower[0]: raise ValueError("MC integration does (currently) not support unbound limits (np.infty) as given here:" "\nlower: {}, upper: {}".format(lower, upper)) lower = z.convert_to_tensor(lower, dtype=dtype) upper = z.convert_to_tensor(upper, dtype=dtype) n_samples = draws_per_dim chunked_normalization = < n_samples # chunked_normalization = True if chunked_normalization and partial: print("NOT SUPPORTED! partial and chunked not working, auto switch back to not-chunked.") if chunked_normalization and not partial: n_chunks = int(np.ceil(n_samples / chunksize = int(np.ceil(n_samples / n_chunks)) # print("starting normalization with {} chunks and a chunksize of {}".format(n_chunks, chunksize)) avg = normalization_chunked(func=func, n_axes=n_axes, dtype=dtype, x=x, num_batches=n_chunks, batch_size=chunksize, space=limits) else: # TODO: deal with n_obs properly? samples_normed = mc_sampler(dim=n_axes, num_results=n_samples / 2, # to decrease integration size dtype=dtype) # samples_normed = tf.reshape(samples_normed, shape=(n_vals, int(n_samples / n_vals), n_axes)) # samples_normed = tf.expand_dims(samples_normed, axis=0) samples = samples_normed * (upper - lower) + lower # samples is [0, 1], stretch it # samples = tf.transpose(samples, perm=[2, 0, 1]) if partial: # TODO(Mayou36): shape of partial integral? data_obs = x.obs new_obs = [] x = x.value() value_list = [] index_samples = 0 index_values = 0 if len(x.shape) == 1: x = tf.expand_dims(x, axis=1) for i in range(n_axes + x.shape[-1]): if i in axes: new_obs.append(limits.obs[index_samples]) value_list.append(samples[:, index_samples]) index_samples += 1 else: new_obs.append(data_obs[index_values]) value_list.append(tf.expand_dims(x[:, index_values], axis=1)) index_values += 1 value_list = [tf.cast(val, dtype=dtype) for val in value_list] x = PartialIntegralSampleData(sample=value_list, space=Space(obs=new_obs)) else: x = samples # convert rnd samples with value to feedable vector reduce_axis = 1 if partial else None avg = tf.reduce_mean(input_tensor=func(x), axis=reduce_axis) # avg = tfp.monte_carlo.expectation(f=func, samples=x, axis=reduce_axis) # TODO: importance sampling? # avg = tfb.monte_carlo.expectation_importance_sampler(f=func, samples=value,axis=reduce_axis) integral = avg * tf.cast(z.convert_to_tensor(limits.area()), dtype=avg.dtype) return integral
# return z.to_real(integral, dtype=dtype) # TODO(Mayou36): Make more flexible for sampling # @z.function
[docs]def normalization_nograd(func, n_axes, batch_size, num_batches, dtype, space, x=None, shape_after=()): upper, lower = space.limits lower = z.convert_to_tensor(lower, dtype=dtype) upper = z.convert_to_tensor(upper, dtype=dtype) def body(batch_num, mean): start_idx = batch_num * batch_size end_idx = start_idx + batch_size indices = tf.range(start_idx, end_idx, dtype=tf.int32) samples_normed = tfp.mcmc.sample_halton_sequence(n_axes, # num_results=batch_size, sequence_indices=indices, dtype=dtype, randomized=False) # halton_sample = tf.random_uniform(shape=(n_axes, batch_size), dtype=dtype) samples_normed.set_shape((batch_size, n_axes)) samples_normed = tf.expand_dims(samples_normed, axis=0) samples = samples_normed * (upper - lower) + lower func_vals = func(samples) if shape_after == (): reduce_axis = None else: reduce_axis = 1 if len(func_vals.shape) == 1: func_vals = tf.expand_dims(func_vals, -1) batch_mean = tf.reduce_mean(input_tensor=func_vals, axis=reduce_axis) # if there are gradients # batch_mean = tf.reduce_mean(sample) # batch_mean = tf.guarantee_const(batch_mean) # with tf.control_dependencies([batch_mean]): err_weight = 1 / tf.cast(batch_num + 1, dtype=tf.float64) # err_weight /= err_weight + 1 # print_op = tf.print(batch_mean) do_print = False if do_print: deps = [tf.print(batch_num + 1)] else: deps = [] with tf.control_dependencies(deps): return batch_num + 1, mean + err_weight * (batch_mean - mean) cond = lambda batch_num, _: batch_num < num_batches initial_mean = tf.constant(0, shape=shape_after, dtype=dtype) initial_body_args = (0, initial_mean) _, final_mean = tf.while_loop(cond=cond, body=body, loop_vars=initial_body_args, parallel_iterations=1, swap_memory=False, back_prop=True) # def normalization_grad(x): return final_mean
# @z.function
[docs]def normalization_chunked(func, n_axes, batch_size, num_batches, dtype, space, x=None, shape_after=()): x_is_none = x is None @tf.custom_gradient def normalization_func(x): if x_is_none: x = None value = normalization_nograd(func=func, n_axes=n_axes, batch_size=batch_size, num_batches=num_batches, dtype=dtype, space=space, x=x, shape_after=shape_after) def grad_fn(dy, variables=None): if variables is None: return dy, None normed_grad = normalization_nograd(func=lambda x: tf.stack(tf.gradients(ys=func(x), xs=variables)), n_axes=n_axes, batch_size=batch_size, num_batches=num_batches, dtype=dtype, space=space, x=x, shape_after=(len(variables),)) return dy, tf.unstack(normed_grad) return value, grad_fn fake_x = 1 if x_is_none else x return normalization_func(fake_x)
def chunked_average(func, x, num_batches, batch_size, space, mc_sampler): avg = normalization_nograd() # @z.function
[docs]def chunked_average(func, x, num_batches, batch_size, space, mc_sampler): lower, upper = space.limits fake_resource_var = tf.Variable("fake_hack_ResVar_for_custom_gradient", initializer=z.constant(4242.)) fake_x = z.constant(42.) * fake_resource_var @tf.custom_gradient def dummy_func(fake_x): # to make working with custom_gradient if x is not None: raise WorkInProgressError("partial not yet implemented") def body(batch_num, mean): if mc_sampler == tfp.mcmc.sample_halton_sequence: start_idx = batch_num * batch_size end_idx = start_idx + batch_size indices = tf.range(start_idx, end_idx, dtype=tf.int32) sample = mc_sampler(space.n_obs, sequence_indices=indices, dtype=ztypes.float, randomized=False) else: sample = mc_sampler(shape=(batch_size, space.n_obs), dtype=ztypes.float) sample = tf.guarantee_const(sample) sample = (np.array(upper[0]) - np.array(lower[0])) * sample + lower[0] sample = tf.transpose(a=sample) sample = func(sample) sample = tf.guarantee_const(sample) batch_mean = tf.reduce_mean(input_tensor=sample) batch_mean = tf.guarantee_const(batch_mean) # with tf.control_dependencies([batch_mean]): err_weight = 1 / tf.cast(batch_num + 1, dtype=tf.float64) # err_weight /= err_weight + 1 # print_op = tf.print(batch_mean) do_print = False if do_print: deps = [tf.print(batch_num + 1, mean, err_weight * (batch_mean - mean))] else: deps = [] with tf.control_dependencies(deps): return batch_num + 1, mean + err_weight * (batch_mean - mean) # return batch_num + 1, tf.guarantee_const(mean + err_weight * (batch_mean - mean)) cond = lambda batch_num, _: batch_num < num_batches initial_mean = tf.convert_to_tensor(value=0, dtype=ztypes.float) _, final_mean = tf.while_loop(cond=cond, body=body, loop_vars=(0, initial_mean), parallel_iterations=1, swap_memory=False, back_prop=False, maximum_iterations=num_batches) def dummy_grad_with_var(dy, variables=None): raise WorkInProgressError("Who called me? Mayou36") if variables is None: raise WorkInProgressError("Is this needed? Why? It's not a NN. Please make an issue.") def dummy_grad_func(x): values = func(x) if variables: gradients = tf.gradients(ys=values, xs=variables, grad_ys=dy) else: gradients = None return gradients return chunked_average(func=dummy_grad_func, x=x, num_batches=num_batches, batch_size=batch_size, space=space, mc_sampler=mc_sampler) def dummy_grad_without_var(dy): return dummy_grad_with_var(dy=dy, variables=None) do_print = False if do_print: deps = [tf.print(final_mean)] else: deps = [] with tf.control_dependencies(deps): return tf.guarantee_const(final_mean), dummy_grad_with_var try: return dummy_func(fake_x) except TypeError: return dummy_func(fake_x)
[docs]class PartialIntegralSampleData(BaseDimensional, ZfitData): def __init__(self, sample: List[tf.Tensor], space: ZfitSpace): """Takes a list of tensors and "fakes" a dataset. Useful for tensors with non-matching shapes. Args: sample (List[tf.Tensor]): space (): """ if not isinstance(sample, list): raise TypeError("Sample has to be a list of tf.Tensors") super().__init__() self._space = space self._sample = sample self._reorder_indices_list = list(range(len(sample))) @property def weights(self): raise NotImplementedError("Weights for PartialIntegralsampleData are not implemented. Are they needed?") @property def space(self) -> "zfit.Space": return self._space
[docs] def sort_by_axes(self, axes, allow_superset: bool = False): axes = convert_to_container(axes) new_reorder_list = [self._reorder_indices_list[] for ax in axes] value =, new_reorder_list getter = lambda: (, self._reorder_indices_list) def setter(value): self._space, self._reorder_indices_list = value return TemporarilySet(value=value, getter=getter, setter=setter)
[docs] def sort_by_obs(self, obs, allow_superset: bool = False): obs = convert_to_container(obs) new_reorder_list = [self._reorder_indices_list[] for ob in obs] value =, new_reorder_list getter = lambda: (, self._reorder_indices_list) def setter(value): self._space, self._reorder_indices_list = value return TemporarilySet(value=value, getter=getter, setter=setter)
[docs] def value(self, obs: List[str] = None): return self
[docs] def unstack_x(self, always_list=False): unstacked_x = [self._sample[i] for i in self._reorder_indices_list] if len(unstacked_x) == 1 and not always_list: unstacked_x = unstacked_x[0] return unstacked_x
[docs]class AnalyticIntegral: def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Hold analytic integrals and manage their dimensions, limits etc.""" super(AnalyticIntegral, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._integrals = collections.defaultdict(dict)
[docs] def get_max_axes(self, limits: ztyping.LimitsType, axes: ztyping.AxesTypeInput = None) -> Tuple[int]: """Return the maximal available axes to integrate over analytically for given limits Args: limits (:py:class:`~zfit.Space`): The integral function will be able to integrate over this limits axes (tuple): The axes over which (or over a subset) it will integrate Returns: Tuple[int]: """ if not isinstance(limits, Space): raise TypeError("`limits` have to be a `Space`") # limits = convert_to_space(limits=limits) return self._get_max_axes_limits(limits, out_of_axes=limits.axes)[0] # only axes
def _get_max_axes_limits(self, limits, out_of_axes): # TODO: automatic caching? but most probably not relevant if out_of_axes: out_of_axes = frozenset(out_of_axes) implemented_axes = frozenset(d for d in self._integrals.keys() if d <= out_of_axes) else: implemented_axes = set(self._integrals.keys()) implemented_axes = sorted(implemented_axes, key=len, reverse=True) # iter through biggest first for axes in implemented_axes: limits_matched = [] for lim, integ in self._integrals[axes].items(): if integ.limits >= limits: limits_matched.append(lim) if limits_matched: # one or more integrals available return tuple(sorted(axes)), limits_matched return (), () # no integral available for this axes
[docs] def get_max_integral(self, limits: ztyping.LimitsType, axes: ztyping.AxesTypeInput = None) -> Union[None, "Integral"]: """Return the integral over the `limits` with `axes` (or a subset of them). Args: limits (:py:class:`~zfit.Space`): axes (Tuple[int]): Returns: Union[None, Integral]: Return a callable that integrated over the given limits. """ limits = convert_to_space(limits=limits, axes=axes) axes, limits = self._get_max_axes_limits(limits=limits, out_of_axes=axes) axes = frozenset(axes) integrals = [self._integrals[axes][lim] for lim in limits] integral_fn = max(integrals, key=lambda l: l.priority, default=None) return integral_fn
[docs] def register(self, func: Callable, limits: ztyping.LimitsType, priority: int = 50, *, supports_norm_range: bool = False, supports_multiple_limits: bool = False) -> None: """Register an analytic integral. Args: func (callable): The integral function. Takes 1 argument. axes (tuple): |dims_arg_descr| limits (:py:class:`~zfit.Space`): |limits_arg_descr| `Limits` can be None if `func` works for any possible limits priority (int): If two or more integrals can integrate over certain limits, the one with the higher priority is taken (usually around 0-100). supports_norm_range (bool): If True, norm_range will (if needed) be given to `func` as an argument. supports_multiple_limits (bool): If True, multiple limits may be given as an argument to `func`. """ # if limits is False: # raise ValueError("Limits for the analytical integral have to be specified or None (for any limits).") # if limits is None: # limits = tuple((Space.ANY_LOWER, Space.ANY_UPPER) for _ in range(len(axes))) # limits = convert_to_space(axes=axes, limits=limits) # else: # limits = convert_to_space(axes=self.axes, limits=limits) # limits = limits.get_limits() if not isinstance(limits, Space): raise TypeError("Limits for registering an integral have to be `Space`") axes = frozenset(limits.axes) # add catching everything unsupported: func = supports(norm_range=supports_norm_range, multiple_limits=supports_multiple_limits)(func) limits = limits.with_axes(axes=tuple(sorted(limits.axes))) self._integrals[axes][limits.limits] = Integral(func=func, limits=limits, priority=priority) # TODO improve with
# database-like access
[docs] def integrate(self, x: Optional[ztyping.XType], limits: ztyping.LimitsType, axes: ztyping.AxesTypeInput = None, norm_range: ztyping.LimitsType = None, model: ZfitModel = None, params: dict = None) -> ztyping.XType: """Integrate analytically over the axes if available. Args: x (numeric): If a partial integration is made, x are the value to be evaluated for the partial integrated function. If a full integration is performed, this should be `None`. limits (:py:class:`~zfit.Space`): The limits to integrate axes (Tuple[int]): The dimensions to integrate over norm_range (bool): |norm_range_arg_descr| params (dict): The parameters of the function Returns: Union[tf.Tensor, float]: Raises: NotImplementedError: If the requested integral is not available. """ if axes is None: axes = limits.axes axes = frozenset(axes) integral_holder = self._integrals.get(axes) # limits = convert_to_space(axes=self.axes, limits=limits) if integral_holder is None: raise NotImplementedError("Analytic integral is not available for axes {}".format(axes)) integral_fn = self.get_max_integral(limits=limits) if integral_fn is None: raise NotImplementedError( "Integral is available for axes {}, but not for limits {}".format(axes, limits)) if x is None: try: integral = integral_fn(x=x, limits=limits, norm_range=norm_range, params=params, model=model) except TypeError: integral = integral_fn(limits=limits, norm_range=norm_range, params=params, model=model) else: integral = integral_fn(x=x, limits=limits, norm_range=norm_range, params=params, model=model) return integral
[docs]class Integral: # TODO analytic integral def __init__(self, func: Callable, limits: "zfit.Space", priority: Union[int, float]): """A lightweight holder for the integral function.""" self.limits = limits self.integrate = func self.axes = limits.axes self.priority = priority def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.integrate(*args, **kwargs)
# to be "the" future integral class
[docs]class Integration: def __init__(self, mc_sampler, draws_per_dim): self.mc_sampler = mc_sampler self.draws_per_dim = draws_per_dim