
Module for caching.

The basic concept of caching in Zfit builds on a “cacher”, that caches a certain value and that is dependent of “cache_dependents”. By implementing ZfitCachable, an object will be able to play both roles. And most importantly, it has a _cache dict, that contains all the cache.

Basic principle

A “cacher” adds any dependents that it may comes across with add_cache_dependents. For example, for a loss this would be all pdfs and data. Since Space is immutable, there is no need to add this as a dependent. This leads to the “cache_dependent” to register the “cacher” and to remember it.

In case, any “cache_dependent” changes in a way the cache of itself (and any “cacher”) is invalid, which is done in the simplest case by decorating a method with @invalidates_cache, the “cache_dependent”:

  • clears it’s own cache with reset_cache_self and
  • “clears” any “cacher”s cache with reset_cache(reseter=self), telling the “cacher” that it should reset the cache. This is also where more fine-grained control (depending on which “cache_dependent” calls reset_cache) can be brought into play.

Example with a pdf that caches the normalization:

class Parameter(Cachable):
    def load(new_value):  # does not require to build a new graph
        # do something

    def change_limits(new_limits):  # requires to build a new graph (as an example)
        # do something

# create param1, param2 from `Parameter`

class MyPDF(Cachable):
    def __init__(self, param1, param2):
        self.add_cache_dependents([param1, param2])

    def cached_func(...):
        if self._cache.get('my_name') is None:
            result = ...  # calculations here
            result = self._cache['my_name']
        return result
class zfit.util.cache.Cachable(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: zfit.util.cache.ZfitCachable

add_cache_dependents(cache_dependents: Union[zfit.core.interfaces.ZfitCachable, Iterable[zfit.core.interfaces.ZfitCachable]], allow_non_cachable: bool = True)[source]

Add dependents that render the cache invalid if they change.

  • cache_dependents (ZfitCachable) –
  • allow_non_cachable (bool) – If True, allow cache_dependents to be non-cachables. If False, any cache_dependents that is not a ZfitCachable will raise an error.

TypeError – if one of the cache_dependents is not a ZfitCachable _and_ allow_non_cachable if False.

register_cacher(cacher: Union[zfit.core.interfaces.ZfitCachable, Iterable[zfit.core.interfaces.ZfitCachable]])[source]

Register a cacher that caches values produces by this instance; a dependent.

Parameters:() (cacher) –
reset_cache(reseter: zfit.util.cache.ZfitCachable)[source]

Clear the cache of self and all dependent cachers.

class zfit.util.cache.ZfitCachable[source]

Bases: object

add_cache_dependents(cache_dependents, allow_non_cachable)[source]

Add dependents that render the cache invalid if they change.

  • cache_dependents (ZfitCachable) –
  • allow_non_cachable (bool) – If True, allow cache_dependents to be non-cachables. If False, any cache_dependents that is not a ZfitCachable will raise an error.

TypeError – if one of the cache_dependents is not a ZfitCachable _and_ allow_non_cachable if False.

register_cacher(cacher: zfit.util.cache.ZfitCachable)[source]

Clear the cache of self and all dependent cachers.
