Source code for

#  Copyright (c) 2019 zfit

from collections import OrderedDict
from contextlib import ExitStack
from typing import List, Tuple, Union, Dict, Mapping
import warnings

import tensorflow as tf

from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
import uproot
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# from ..settings import types as ztypes
import zfit
from zfit import ztf
from zfit.core.interfaces import ZfitSpace
from ..util.cache import Cachable, invalidates_cache
from ..util.execution import SessionHolderMixin
from .baseobject import BaseObject
from .dimension import BaseDimensional
from .interfaces import ZfitData
from .limits import Space, convert_to_space, convert_to_obs_str
from ..settings import ztypes
from ..util import ztyping
from ..util.container import convert_to_container
from ..util.exception import LogicalUndefinedOperationError, NoSessionSpecifiedError, ShapeIncompatibleError, \
from ..util.temporary import TemporarilySet

[docs]class Data(SessionHolderMixin, Cachable, ZfitData, BaseDimensional, BaseObject): def __init__(self, dataset: Union[, "LightDataset"], obs: ztyping.ObsTypeInput = None, name: str = None, weights=None, iterator_feed_dict: Dict = None, dtype: tf.DType = None): """Create a data holder from a `dataset` used to feed into `models`. Args: dataset (): A dataset storing the actual values obs (): Observables where the data is defined in name (): Name of the `Data` iterator_feed_dict (): dtype (): """ if name is None: name = "Data" if dtype is None: dtype = ztypes.float super().__init__(name=name) if iterator_feed_dict is None: iterator_feed_dict = {} self._permutation_indices_data = None self._next_batch = None self._dtype = dtype self._nevents = None self._weights = None self._data_range = None self._set_space(obs) self._original_obs = self._data_range = # TODO proper data cuts: currently set so that the cuts in all dims are applied self.dataset = dataset self._name = name self.iterator_feed_dict = iterator_feed_dict self.iterator = None self.set_weights(weights=weights) @property def nevents(self): nevents = self._nevents if nevents is None: nevents = self._get_nevents() return nevents @property def dtype(self): return self._dtype def _set_space(self, obs: Space): obs = convert_to_space(obs) self._check_n_obs(space=obs) obs = obs.with_autofill_axes(overwrite=True) self._space = obs @property def data_range(self): data_range = self._data_range if data_range is None: data_range = return data_range
[docs] @invalidates_cache def set_data_range(self, data_range): # warnings.warn("Setting the data_range may currently has an unexpected behavior and does not affect the range." # "If you set it once in the beginning, it's ok. Otherwise, it's currently unsafe.") data_range = self._check_input_data_range(data_range=data_range) def setter(value): self._data_range = value def getter(): return self._data_range return TemporarilySet(value=data_range, setter=setter, getter=getter)
@property def weights(self): return self._weights
[docs] @invalidates_cache def set_weights(self, weights: ztyping.WeightsInputType): """Set (temporarily) the weights of the dataset. Args: weights (`tf.Tensor`, np.ndarray, None): """ if weights is not None: weights = ztf.convert_to_tensor(weights) weights = ztf.to_real(weights) if weights.shape.ndims != 1: raise ShapeIncompatibleError("Weights have to be 1-Dim objects.") def setter(value): self._weights = value def getter(): return self.weights return TemporarilySet(value=weights, getter=getter, setter=setter)
@property def space(self) -> "ZfitSpace": space = self._space # if space.limits is None: # if self._data_range is not None: # space = self._data_range return space @property def iterator(self): if self._iterator is None: self.initialize() return self._iterator @iterator.setter def iterator(self, value): self._iterator = value # constructors
[docs] @classmethod def from_root_iter(cls, path, treepath, branches=None, entrysteps=None, name=None, **kwargs): # branches = convert_to_container(branches) warnings.warn( "Using the iterator is hardcore and will most probably fail! Don't use it (yet) if you don't fully " "understand what happens.") def uproot_generator(): for data in uproot.iterate(path=path, treepath=treepath, branches=branches, entrysteps=entrysteps, **kwargs): data = np.array([data[branch] for branch in branches]) yield data dataset =, output_types=ztypes.float) dataset.prefetch(2) return Data(dataset=dataset, name=name)
# @classmethod # def from_root(cls, path, treepath, branches=None, branches_alias=None, name=None, root_dir_options=None): # if branches_alias is None: # branches_alias = {} # # branches = convert_to_container(branches) # if root_dir_options is None: # root_dir_options = {} # # def uproot_generator(): # root_tree =, **root_dir_options)[treepath] # data = root_tree.arrays(branches) # data = np.array([data[branch] for branch in branches]) # yield data # # dataset =, output_types=ztypes.float) # # dataset = dataset.repeat() # obs = [branches_alias.get(branch, branch) for branch in branches] # return Data(dataset=dataset, obs=obs, name=name)
[docs] @classmethod def from_root(cls, path: str, treepath: str, branches: List[str] = None, branches_alias: Dict = None, weights: ztyping.WeightsStrInputType = None, name: str = None, dtype: tf.DType = None, root_dir_options=None) -> "Data": """Create a `Data` from a ROOT file. Arguments are passed to `uproot`. Args: path (str): treepath (str): branches (List[str]]): branches_alias (dict): A mapping from the `branches` (as keys) to the actual `observables` (as values). This allows to have different `observable` names, independent of the branch name in the file. weights (tf.Tensor, None, np.ndarray, str]): Weights of the data. Has to be 1-D and match the shape of the data (nevents). Can be a column of the ROOT file by using a string corresponding to a column. name (str): root_dir_options (): Returns: `zfit.Data`: """ if branches_alias is None and branches is None: raise ValueError("Either branches or branches_alias has to be specified.") if branches_alias is None: branches_alias = {} if branches is None: branches = list(branches_alias.values()) weights_are_branch = isinstance(weights, str) branches = convert_to_container(branches) if root_dir_options is None: root_dir_options = {} def uproot_loader(): root_tree =, **root_dir_options)[treepath] if weights_are_branch: branches_with_weights = branches + [weights] else: branches_with_weights = branches data = root_tree.arrays(branches_with_weights, namedecode="utf-8") data_np = np.array([data[branch] for branch in branches]) if weights_are_branch: weights_np = data[weights] else: weights_np = None return data_np.transpose(), weights_np data, weights_np = uproot_loader() if not weights_are_branch: weights_np = weights shape = data.shape dataset = LightDataset.from_tensor(data) # dataset = dataset.repeat() obs = [branches_alias.get(branch, branch) for branch in branches] return Data(dataset=dataset, obs=obs, weights=weights_np, name=name, dtype=dtype)
[docs] @classmethod def from_pandas(cls, df: pd.DataFrame, obs: ztyping.ObsTypeInput = None, weights: ztyping.WeightsInputType = None, name: str = None, dtype: tf.DType = None): """Create a `Data` from a pandas DataFrame. If `obs` is `None`, columns are used as obs. Args: df (`pandas.DataFrame`): weights (tf.Tensor, None, np.ndarray, str]): Weights of the data. Has to be 1-D and match the shape of the data (nevents). obs (`zfit.Space`): name (str): """ if obs is None: obs = list(df.columns) array = df.values return cls.from_numpy(obs=obs, array=array, weights=weights, name=name, dtype=dtype)
[docs] @classmethod def from_numpy(cls, obs: ztyping.ObsTypeInput, array: np.ndarray, weights: ztyping.WeightsInputType = None, name: str = None, dtype: tf.DType = None): """Create `Data` from a `np.array`. Args: obs (): array (numpy.ndarray): name (str): Returns: zfit.Data: """ if not isinstance(array, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("`array` has to be a `np.ndarray`. Is currently {}".format(type(array))) if dtype is None: dtype = ztypes.float tensor = tf.cast(array, dtype=dtype) return cls.from_tensor(obs=obs, tensor=tensor, weights=weights, name=name, dtype=dtype)
# np_placeholder = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(dtype=array.dtype, shape=array.shape) # iterator_feed_dict = {np_placeholder: array} # dataset = # # dataset = dataset.batch(len(array)) # dataset = dataset.repeat() # return Data(dataset=dataset, obs=obs, name=name, weights=weights, dtype=dtype, # iterator_feed_dict=iterator_feed_dict)
[docs] @classmethod def from_tensor(cls, obs: ztyping.ObsTypeInput, tensor: tf.Tensor, weights: ztyping.WeightsInputType = None, name: str = None, dtype: tf.DType = None) -> "Data": """Create a `Data` from a `tf.Tensor`. `Value` simply returns the tensor (in the right order). Args: obs (Union[str, List[str]): tensor (`tf.Tensor`): name (str): Returns: zfit.core.Data: """ dataset = LightDataset.from_tensor(tensor=tensor) return Data(dataset=dataset, obs=obs, name=name, weights=weights, dtype=dtype)
[docs] def to_pandas(self, obs: ztyping.ObsTypeInput = None): """Create a `pd.DataFrame` from `obs` as columns and return it. Args: obs (): The observables to use as columns. If `None`, all observables are used. Returns: """ values = self.value(obs=obs) if obs is None: obs = self.obs obs_str = convert_to_obs_str(obs) values = df = pd.DataFrame(data=values, columns=obs_str) return df
[docs] def initialize(self): iterator =, self.iterator_feed_dict) self.iterator = iterator
[docs] def get_iteration(self): if isinstance(self.dataset, LightDataset): return self.dataset.value() if self._next_batch is None: self._next_batch = self.iterator.get_next() return self._next_batch
[docs] def unstack_x(self, obs: ztyping.ObsTypeInput = None, always_list: bool = False): """Return the unstacked data: a list of tensors or a single Tensor. Args: obs (): which observables to return always_list (bool): If True, always return a list (also if length 1) Returns: List(tf.Tensor) """ return ztf.unstack_x(self._value_internal(obs=obs))
[docs] def value(self, obs: ztyping.ObsTypeInput = None): return self._value_internal(obs=obs)
def _cut_data(self, value, obs=None): if self.data_range.limits is not None: data_range = self.data_range.with_obs(obs=obs) inside_limits = [] # value = tf.transpose(value) for lower, upper in data_range.iter_limits(): above_lower = tf.reduce_all(input_tensor=tf.less_equal(value, upper), axis=1) below_upper = tf.reduce_all(input_tensor=tf.greater_equal(value, lower), axis=1) inside_limits.append(tf.logical_and(above_lower, below_upper)) inside_any_limit = tf.reduce_any(input_tensor=inside_limits, axis=0) # has to be inside one limit value = tf.boolean_mask(tensor=value, mask=inside_any_limit) # value = tf.transpose(value) return value def _value_internal(self, obs: ztyping.ObsTypeInput = None): if obs is not None: obs = convert_to_obs_str(obs) raw_value = self._value() value = self._cut_data(raw_value, obs=self._original_obs) value_sorted = self._sort_value(value=value, obs=obs) return value_sorted def _value(self): values = self.get_iteration() # TODO(Mayou36): add conversion to right dimension? (n_events, n_obs)? # check if 1-D? if len(values.shape.as_list()) == 0: values = tf.expand_dims(values, -1) if len(values.shape.as_list()) == 1: values = tf.expand_dims(values, -1) # cast data to right type if not values.dtype == self.dtype: values = tf.cast(values, dtype=self.dtype) return values def _sort_value(self, value, obs: Tuple[str]): obs = convert_to_container(value=obs, container=tuple) perm_indices = if != tuple(range(value.shape[-1])) else False # permutate = perm_indices is not None if obs: if not frozenset(obs) <= frozenset(self.obs): raise ValueError("The observable(s) {} are not contained in the dataset. " "Only the following are: {}".format(frozenset(obs) - frozenset(self.obs), self.obs)) perm_indices = # values = list(values[self.obs.index(o)] for o in obs if o in self.obs) if perm_indices: value = ztf.unstack_x(value) value = list(value[i] for i in perm_indices) value = ztf.stack_x(value) return value # TODO(Mayou36): use Space to permute data? # TODO(Mayou36): raise error is not obs <= self.obs?
[docs] @invalidates_cache def sort_by_axes(self, axes: ztyping.AxesTypeInput, allow_superset: bool = False): if not allow_superset: if not frozenset(axes) <= frozenset(self.axes): raise ValueError("The observable(s) {} are not contained in the dataset. " "Only the following are: {}".format(frozenset(axes) - frozenset(self.axes), self.axes)) space = def setter(value): self._space = value def getter(): return return TemporarilySet(value=space, setter=setter, getter=getter)
[docs] @invalidates_cache def sort_by_obs(self, obs: ztyping.ObsTypeInput, allow_superset: bool = False): if not allow_superset: if not frozenset(obs) <= frozenset(self.obs): raise ValueError("The observable(s) {} are not contained in the dataset. " "Only the following are: {}".format(frozenset(obs) - frozenset(self.obs), self.obs)) space = def setter(value): self._space = value def getter(): return return TemporarilySet(value=space, setter=setter, getter=getter)
def _dense_var_to_tensor(self, dtype=None, name=None, as_ref=False): del name if dtype is not None: if dtype != self.dtype: # return ValueError("From Mayou36", self.dtype) return NotImplemented if as_ref: # return "NEVER READ THIS" raise LogicalUndefinedOperationError("There is no ref for the `Data`") else: return self.value() def _AsTensor(self): return self.value() @staticmethod def _OverloadAllOperators(): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Register overloads for all operators.""" for operator in tf.Tensor.OVERLOADABLE_OPERATORS: Data._OverloadOperator(operator) # For slicing, bind getitem differently than a tensor (use SliceHelperVar # instead) # pylint: disable=protected-access setattr(Data, "__getitem__", array_ops._SliceHelperVar) @staticmethod def _OverloadOperator(operator): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Defer an operator overload to `ops.Tensor`. We pull the operator out of ops.Tensor dynamically to avoid ordering issues. Args: operator: string. The operator name. """ tensor_oper = getattr(tf.Tensor, operator) def _run_op(a, *args): # pylint: disable=protected-access value = a._AsTensor() return tensor_oper(value, *args) # Propagate __doc__ to wrapper try: _run_op.__doc__ = tensor_oper.__doc__ except AttributeError: pass setattr(Data, operator, _run_op) def _check_input_data_range(self, data_range): data_range = self.convert_sort_space(limits=data_range) if not frozenset(self.data_range.obs) == frozenset(data_range.obs): raise ObsIncompatibleError(f"Data range has to cover the full observable space {self.data_range.obs}, not " f"only {data_range.obs}") return data_range # TODO(Mayou36): refactor with pdf or other range things?
[docs] def convert_sort_space(self, obs: ztyping.ObsTypeInput = None, axes: ztyping.AxesTypeInput = None, limits: ztyping.LimitsTypeInput = None) -> Union[Space, None]: """Convert the inputs (using eventually `obs`, `axes`) to :py:class:`~zfit.Space` and sort them according to own `obs`. Args: obs (): axes (): limits (): Returns: """ if obs is None: # for simple limits to convert them obs = self.obs space = convert_to_space(obs=obs, axes=axes, limits=limits) self_space = self._space if self_space is not None: space = space.with_obs_axes(self_space.get_obs_axes(), ordered=True, allow_subset=True) return space
def _get_nevents(self): nevents = tf.shape(input=self.value())[0] return nevents
[docs]class SampleData(Data): _cache_counting = 0 def __init__(self, dataset: Union[, "LightDataset"], sample_holder: tf.Tensor, obs: ztyping.ObsTypeInput = None, weights=None, name: str = None, dtype: tf.DType = ztypes.float): super().__init__(dataset, obs, name=name, weights=weights, iterator_feed_dict=None, dtype=dtype)
[docs] @classmethod def get_cache_counting(cls): counting = cls._cache_counting cls._cache_counting += 1 return counting
[docs] @classmethod def from_sample(cls, sample: tf.Tensor, obs: ztyping.ObsTypeInput, name: str = None, weights=None): dataset = LightDataset.from_tensor(sample) return SampleData(dataset=dataset, sample_holder=sample, obs=obs, name=name, weights=weights)
[docs]class Sampler(Data): _cache_counting = 0 def __init__(self, dataset: Union[, "LightDataset"], sample_holder: tf.Variable, n_holder: tf.Variable, weights=None, fixed_params: Dict["zfit.Parameter", ztyping.NumericalScalarType] = None, obs: ztyping.ObsTypeInput = None, name: str = None, dtype: tf.DType = ztypes.float): super().__init__(dataset, obs, name=name, weights=weights, iterator_feed_dict=None, dtype=dtype) if fixed_params is None: fixed_params = OrderedDict() if isinstance(fixed_params, (list, tuple)): fixed_params = OrderedDict((param, for param in fixed_params) self._initial_resampled = False # self.fixed_params = fixed_params self.sample_holder = sample_holder self.n = None self._n_holder = n_holder @property def n_samples(self): return self._n_holder def _value_internal(self, obs: ztyping.ObsTypeInput = None): if not self._initial_resampled: raise RuntimeError( "No data generated yet. Use `resample()` to generate samples or directly use `model.sample()`" "for single-time sampling.") return super()._value_internal(obs)
[docs] @classmethod def get_cache_counting(cls): counting = cls._cache_counting cls._cache_counting += 1 return counting
[docs] @classmethod def from_sample(cls, sample: tf.Tensor, n_holder: tf.Variable, obs: ztyping.ObsTypeInput, fixed_params=None, name: str = None, weights=None): if fixed_params is None: fixed_params = [] from tensorflow.python.ops.variables import VariableV1 sample_holder = VariableV1(initial_value=sample, trainable=False, name="sample_data_holder_{}".format(cls.get_cache_counting())) dataset = LightDataset.from_tensor(sample_holder) return Sampler(dataset, fixed_params=fixed_params, sample_holder=sample_holder, n_holder=n_holder, obs=obs, name=name, weights=weights)
[docs] def resample(self, param_values: Mapping = None, n: Union[int, tf.Tensor] = None): """Update the sample by newly sampling. This affects any object that used this data already. All params that are not in the attribute `fixed_params` will use their current value for the creation of the new sample. The value can also be overwritten for one sampling by providing a mapping with `param_values` from `Parameter` to the temporary `value`. Args: param_values (Dict): a mapping from :py:class:`~zfit.Parameter` to a `value`. For the current sampling, `Parameter` will use the `value`. n (int, tf.Tensor): the number of samples to produce. If the `Sampler` was created with anything else then a numerical or tf.Tensor, this can't be used. """ if n is None: n = self.n temp_param_values = self.fixed_params.copy() if param_values is not None: temp_param_values.update(param_values) with ExitStack() as stack: _ = [stack.enter_context(param.set_value(val)) for param, val in temp_param_values.items()] if not (n and self._initial_resampled): # we want to load and make sure that it's initialized # means it's handled inside the function # TODO(Mayou36): check logic; what if new_samples loaded? get's overwritten by initializer # fixed with self.n, needs cleanup if not (isinstance(self.n_samples, str) or self.n_samples is None): if n: if not isinstance(self.n_samples, tf.Variable): raise RuntimeError("Cannot set a new `n` if not a Tensor-like object was given") self.n_samples.load(value=n, session=self.sess) self._initial_resampled = True
def _dense_var_to_tensor(var, dtype=None, name=None, as_ref=False): return var._dense_var_to_tensor(dtype=dtype, name=name, as_ref=as_ref) ops.register_tensor_conversion_function(Data, _dense_var_to_tensor) fetch_function = lambda data: ([data.value()], lambda val: val[0]) feed_function = lambda data, feed_val: [(data.value(), feed_val)] feed_function_for_partial_run = lambda data: [data.value()] from tensorflow.python.client.session import register_session_run_conversion_functions # ops.register_dense_tensor_like_type() register_session_run_conversion_functions(tensor_type=Data, fetch_function=fetch_function, feed_function=feed_function, feed_function_for_partial_run=feed_function_for_partial_run) Data._OverloadAllOperators()
[docs]class LightDataset: def __init__(self, tensor): if not isinstance(tensor, tf.Tensor): tensor = ztf.convert_to_tensor(tensor) self.tensor = tensor
[docs] @classmethod def from_tensor(cls, tensor): return cls(tensor=tensor)
[docs] def value(self): return self.tensor
if __name__ == '__main__': # from skhep_testdata import data_path path_root = "/data/uni/b2k1ee/classification_new/2012/" small_root = 'small.root' # path_root += small_root # path_root = data_path("uproot-Zmumu.root") branches = ['B_PT', 'B_P'] # b needed currently -> uproot data = zfit.Data.from_root(path=path_root, treepath='DecayTree', branches=branches) import time with tf.compat.v1.Session() as sess: # data.initialize() x = data.value() for i in range(1): print(i) try: func = tf.math.log(x) * tf.sin(x) * tf.reduce_mean( input_tensor=x ** 2 - tf.cos(x) ** 2) / tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=x) start = time.time() result_grad =, xs=x)) result = end = time.time() print("time needed", (end - start)) except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: print("finished at i = ", i) break print(np.shape(result)) print(result[:, :10]) print(result_grad) # directory = open_tree[] # directory = directory['DecayTree'] # directory = directory['B_P']