Source code for zfit.core.constraint

#  Copyright (c) 2019 zfit

import abc
from collections import OrderedDict

from typing import Dict, Union, Callable, Optional

from .baseobject import BaseNumeric
from .interfaces import ZfitParameter
from ..util import ztyping
from ..util.graph import get_dependents_auto
from ..util.container import convert_to_container
from ..util.exception import ShapeIncompatibleError, LogicalUndefinedOperationError
from ..settings import ztypes
from zfit import ztf
import zfit

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import tensorflow_probability as tfp

tfd = tfp.distributions

[docs]class BaseConstraint(BaseNumeric): def __init__(self, params: Union[Dict[str, ZfitParameter]] = None, name: str = "BaseConstraint", dtype=ztypes.float, **kwargs): """Base class for constraints. Args: dtype (DType): the dtype of the constraint name (str): the name of the constraint params (Dict(str, :py:class:`~zfit.Parameter`)): A dictionary with the internal name of the parameter and the parameters itself the constrains depends on """ super().__init__(name=name, dtype=dtype, params=params, **kwargs)
[docs] def value(self): return self._value()
@abc.abstractmethod def _value(self): raise NotImplementedError def _get_dependents(self) -> ztyping.DependentsType: return self._extract_dependents(self.get_params())
[docs] def sample(self, n): """Sample `n` points from the probability density function for the constrained parameters. Args: n (int, tf.Tensor): The number of samples to be generated. Returns: Dict(Parameter: n_samples) """ sample = self._sample(n=n) return {p: sample[:, i] for i, p in enumerate(self.get_params())}
@abc.abstractmethod def _sample(self, n): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class SimpleConstraint(BaseConstraint): def __init__(self, func: Callable, params: Optional[ztyping.ParametersType] = None, sampler: Callable = None): """Constraint from a (function returning a) Tensor. The parameters are named "param_{i}" with i starting from 0 and corresponding to the index of params. Args: func: Callable that constructs the constraint and returns a tensor. dependents: The dependents (independent `zfit.Parameter`) of the loss. If not given, the dependents are figured out automatically. """ self._simple_func = func self._sampler = sampler self._simple_func_dependents = convert_to_container(params, container=set) if params is None: params = self.get_dependents() params = convert_to_container(params, container=list) params = OrderedDict((f"param_{i}", p) for i, p in enumerate(params)) super().__init__(name="SimpleConstraint", params=params) def _get_dependents(self): dependents = self._simple_func_dependents if dependents is None: independent_params = tf.get_collection("zfit_independent") dependents = get_dependents_auto(tensor=self.value(), candidates=independent_params) self._simple_func_dependents = dependents return dependents def _value(self): return self._simple_func() def _sample(self, n): sampler = self._sampler if sampler is None: raise LogicalUndefinedOperationError( "Cannot sample from a SimpleLoss if no sampler was given on instanciation.") return sampler(n)
[docs]class DistributionConstraint(BaseConstraint): def __init__(self, params: Dict[str, ZfitParameter], distribution: tfd.Distribution, dist_params, dist_kwargs=None, name: str = "DistributionConstraint", dtype=ztypes.float, **kwargs): """ Base class for constraints using a probability density function. Args: distribution (`tensorflow_probability.distributions.Distribution`): The probability density function used to constraint the parameters """ super().__init__(params=params, name=name, dtype=dtype, **kwargs) self._distribution = distribution self.dist_params = dist_params self.dist_kwargs = dist_kwargs if dist_kwargs is not None else {} self._tparams = ztf.convert_to_tensor(self.get_params()) @property def distribution(self): params = self.dist_params if callable(params): params = params() kwargs = self.dist_kwargs if callable(kwargs): kwargs = kwargs() return self._distribution(**params, **kwargs, + "_tfp") def _value(self): value = -self.distribution.log_prob(self._tparams) return value def _sample(self, n): # TODO cache: add proper caching return
[docs]class GaussianConstraint(DistributionConstraint): def __init__(self, params: ztyping.ParamTypeInput, mu: ztyping.NumericalScalarType, sigma: ztyping.NumericalScalarType): """Gaussian constraints on a list of parameters. Args: params (list(1zfit.Parameter1)): The parameters to constraint mu (numerical, list(numerical)): The central value of the constraint sigma (numerical, list(numerical) or array/tensor): The standard deviations or covariance matrix of the constraint. Can either be a single value, a list of values, an array or a tensor Raises: ShapeIncompatibleError: if params, mu and sigma don't have the same size """ mu = convert_to_container(mu, tuple, non_containers=[np.ndarray]) params = convert_to_container(params, tuple) params_dict = { p for p in params} mu = ztf.convert_to_tensor(mu) sigma = ztf.convert_to_tensor(sigma) params = ztf.convert_to_tensor(params) if sigma.shape.ndims > 1: covariance = sigma elif sigma.shape.ndims == 1: covariance = tf.diag(ztf.pow(sigma, 2.)) else: sigma = tf.reshape(sigma, [1]) covariance = tf.diag(ztf.pow(sigma, 2.)) if not params.shape[0] == mu.shape[0] == covariance.shape[0] == covariance.shape[1]: raise ShapeIncompatibleError(f"params, mu and sigma have to have the same length. Currently" f"param: {params.shape[0]}, mu: {mu.shape[0]}, " f"covariance (from sigma): {covariance.shape[0:2]}") self._covariance = covariance self._mu = mu distribution = tfd.MultivariateNormalFullCovariance dist_params = dict(loc=mu, covariance_matrix=covariance) dist_kwargs = dict(validate_args=True) super().__init__(name="GaussianConstraint", params=params_dict, distribution=distribution, dist_params=dist_params, dist_kwargs=dist_kwargs)